Console gamers confirmed for absolute shit-tier

Console gamers confirmed for absolute shit-tier.

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>It's a PC gamers pretend 6 torb stacks aren't cancer on PC as well episode

Unless it nerfs his OP as fuck ultimate then it's pointless

>70% Torb win rate on consoles
>59% on PC

Keep acting like you guys aren't shit.


>linking forbes


Ive seen that happen a few times. Incredibly easy to deal with.

What is pharah, widowmaker, and 2 reins?

Jesus fuck, what the fuck do you people even want? You can't link to any fucking news site anywhere without someone complaining. Should I have used Kotaku? Polygon? The Reddit post that's the source of the information?

>It's a he has shit aim as junkrat episode

It's crazy the first time you encounter it, but it's not terribly difficult to counter.

It's not even a thing on PC.

Pretty sure he's just mad that Forbes forces you to enact script wizardry or disable adblock if you use it

>Pharah doing anything before getting shot down by three auto-aim turrets
She's slow as cold molasses in the air

Say that on Volskaya A where all the turrets can be set up safely inside buildings that both protect them from Pharahs and have a clear sight of the objective. Keep in mind they're set up in pairs so seeing one means at least two can shoot you.

Also six torbs walking around doing devastating damage with their gun because that thing isn't exactly shooting water either. Oh by the way if you kill one or two turrets they're back the next 5 seconds anyway.

Forbes sucks more than most because it won't let you in if you have an ad blocker active. Turn it off and the site destroys your bandwidth by downloading 100MBs of useless garbage.

>Going in the air against torb as pharah
You just peak around corners and melt turrets in 2 or 3 shots. Git fucking gud.

Torb is good as heck though, he has:

>rivet gun can deal with enemies at long range in the hands of a precise player
>shotgun can tear tanks apart in a few seconds if he's left unchecked
>Armor pickups can turn many characters into juggernauts if he's savvy about scrap-hunting
>Turret is obscenely annoying and distracting

His biggest con is that he's so small it's easy to hit his head. Give Torb's kit to someone with widowmaker's figure paper-thin figure and I bet there'd be more complaints

>console players

Then don't use her in the air. Pop around a corner, fire rocket, repeat twice or until turret is dead.

>I will be curious to see if after this, anything is done with Symmetra, or if Blizzard is comfortable with the place she’s in right now. She has almost as high a winrate as Torbjörn on consoles (67-68%) and higher than him on PC (61%)


She only has a high win rate because you either win on the first point or lose the point and switch to someone else so the rate is super inflated.

Kneejerk reactionary nerfs from faggots bitching non-stop will ruin this game.

people forget she can walk

I don't understand how the turret is OP on consoles.

It tracks quickly, but then you know where it is. Just shoot it by corner peeking.

All it takes is one Reinhardt and a sniper to take out all the turrets in the world.


I really wish there was a way to make her boost act like a dash in the air instead of only a big jump.

Turret cooldown doesn't begin until the first turret is destroyed.

Pressing shift blows up your other turret to make the cooldown kick in.

I fixed 6 man torbjorn stacks.

>tfw my name is Torbjorn and the only character named after me is some swecuck midget



I had my first game with her tonight where everyone was getting pissed off because she's "cheap." It's not my fault they kept wandering into my lair.

Nah, I like them, since they cried so hard they nerfed the only counter to my main and now I'm free to reign supreme over everybody and never die ever.

>playing this game
>playing this game on console
My main reason for not buying this is not wanting to play with your average drooling Blizzard fan. The news that this game is stealing players from LoL should be an even bigger sign not to play it

How can anyone play like this? I'm pretty shit at FPS, but that makes my eyes bleed.

>playing on volskaya
>6 torbs
>we allow them to take the first point because we were busy setting up the second point
>we place our turrets on the moving platforms
>all that salt
>all that fun

Don't forget Hanzo is good too, especially a pair with scatter arrows. Take out turrets and damage the Torbjs hiding around the wall.

I.......... I just can't...

Her E is great for mobility.


I had a guy insist we try it once, the whole other team switched to pharah. We got our fuckin shit pushed in.


LOL, no wonder they all went torb for his aim assist turret

Jeez. 4v1 and they have 2 shotguns. You'd think DVa would have gotten killed by accident.

It's also incredibly hard to deal with at the very end of Hollywood.

>Its a "lel PC is better lets feel superior hehe peasants XD" episode

Nigga we can't aim like you can. Even Genji's reflect isn't nearly as good because of how rigid the console controller is. Junkrat has way more trouble handling people 1v1. Pharah requires your fingers to do yoga to aim well.

Doesn't the PS4 have some gyro capability? Console shooters don't have to settle for being objectively less accurate.


I'd also be surprised if anyone uses her on anything besides defense. She'll have a good rate if people only play her on the modes most suited for her skillset and not even try on the others, which seems to be the case most times.

They literally had to patch a cross platform game because it was too hard for consoles.


>enemy torb team does this
>chat up with my team
>get 2 pharahs, a junkrat, mercy, and 2 reins rolling
>rape them
>they get saltier than the pacific ocean
>all leave at the same time
I love when memes fail.

>console players
>can't deal with a manlet swede and expect not to be on the receiving end of top bants

I played the console version in beta and I can attest to the aim being legitimately garbage on console even by console standards.

>chat up with my team

wanna know how i know you're spouting bullshit

i thought that beard was an ass for a second, damn

It's because nobody wants to go Winston to instantly shut her down. Which is weird, given how popular he is in competitive play, and how he doesn't have to aim, you'd think more people would be willing to make the switch.

When playing with players with skill, ie lvl 70+, it makes dealing with memers a lot easier. Sorry you're stuck with shitters, m8.

I don't play overwatch but is the nerf for pc too or just on consoles? It'd seem really fucking stupid to have it on both.

To be fair I'm pretty sure Torb could be legitimately too strong on consoles because of how shitty aiming with a controller is, consolefags can't deal with things as easily because of that.

>post message in chat asking if they want to join your group for the game
>they all do
>you all have microphones

Yes I know, truth is stranger than fiction.

skill level doesn't mean shit in the game

confirmed for never played

What the fuck is that genji doing? He should have killed her like 3 times. No hook from tubs, hanzo is right in her face, No orb from zen.

is this overwatch on consoles?

I don't think they can get away with not balancing the console and PC versions separately

well it actually makes sense, since controllers just aren't gonna be as accurate than mice.

I don't see why we need to pretend this isn't the case.

Consolefags have autoaim. If anything, Torbjorn's turrets SHOULD be weaker on consoles because they're not the only thing that locks onto enemies.


You don't need to switch to anything to deal with her. She's a utility character who can't hurt anything that doesn't sit on her face or walk into her balls. Her winrate is solely dependent on teams who need her teleporter.

I was playing all day, and the only guy on coms was some sad weirdo talking to nobody about his exploits as Hanzo.

Only consoles are getting the nerf.

You're right but at that level they're still smarter than the shitters you're stuck with. And judging by your post you're probably a torb memer that got btfo.
You still have to be pretty lucky.

I almost wish I had a console so I could play overwatch like this. The sheer ease of the game would be hilarious.

This whole thread is pure autism.

I don't play bad games like dumblrwatch.

The game is great otherwise, the retards and LoLbabies are stuck in low level matches any way, so if you rank up quick and don't play like an idiot you should be paired with good players at some point.

>torb memer

Nah. I mainly play Zarya, Symmetra, Lucio, and Soldier: 76.

You can mute chat and coms. That's what I do.

OP confirmed literal retard with no friends who has never used a gamepad


If I ever get a PS4 I'm getting a mouse and keyboard and Overwatch for it. Playing Widowmaker would be heaven.

PCucks are even worse though.

>Consolefags in charge not being awful

>hates a game
>enters a thread about a game he hates

you're the problem faglord.

>Someone play bad at game
>everyone must do the same

PC autists

>Switch th phara/soldier 76/junkrat/hanzo/widowmaker episode

6 torbjorn on PC is easy to deal with.

Not torb memer but still a memer...

and some people forget she can fly


>It's a pcucks are still upset Overwatch wasn't a pc exclusive episode

>I had my first game with her tonight where everyone was getting pissed off because she's "cheap." It's not my fault they kept wandering into my lair.
>console player community are saying Symmetra is OP
Isn't the PC community always saying she is trash who is useless?

>torbjorn has over 60% win rate on consoles and teams regularly stack him because players can't aim and kill his turrets fast enough

>pcucks are still upset Overwatch wasn't a pc exclusive

When did anybody ever say they wanted that?

No, but on PC is.

not on control point maps, especially the more open ones like volskaya and hanamura where the second point feels like a death trap no matter which direction you take because even if your whole team popped your ults, they could just pop their ults as well and all the incoming damage from every side would be impossible to deal with

Pretty much this. If you were genuinely good at TF2 or CSGO in the past w/ precise aim, you shouldn't have trouble stomping more than 60% of the games you play.

Overwatch is focused very little on movement and rather on aim + ult availability.

any overwatch player is shit-tier bro.

How is this related to webm he posted?
>60% win rate
So? It's not 90%? Whenever someone win on PC can I use the same argument and say that PC gamers can't counter him?

>Overwatch is focused very little on movement

You're dumb.

60% is too high. ideally every character would be at approximately 50%

Biggest problem with Overwatch is all the fanboys, PC or not. People who HATE FPS play Overwatch because muh Blizzard and muh pretend esports.

This has happened in a lot of games over the years. For example people who hate team games with MOBAs or CS. The worst of all are MMOs though. The genre is basically infested by people who hate to play with other people and would prefer to just do everything themselves.

The 'modern gamer' plays games he despises because of Twitch views or a big playerbase, which then results in hordes complaining about the game being not to their liking on the official forums of said game. Its sickening to be honest because it results in the entire industry produce nothing else but generic garbage. Say what you want about meme pixel indie games but at least most of those still have unique, gripping concept and mechanics. AAA titles are fucking cancer nowadays/

What is junk rat? Nigga can take out turrets no problem if you know how to bounce his grenades properly

>caring about a game being a platform exclusive

no one does this

On PC every character is 50?%

>Low level shitters
>Expecting High level play

Ya'll goofed