Why does the Final Fantasy series have such quality girls?

Why does the Final Fantasy series have such quality girls?

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because the writing and gameplay aren't noteworthy

to compensate for the androgynous men

>mfw my younger self getting strange feelings about rikku, lulu and yuna



*Squaresoft Final Fantasy series


>Webms of Lulu "riding" horses

And people say remaster was a mistake. My dick does not agree

>hottest girl canonically goes after the chad

Is this what being cuĻ²ked is like?

It's only natural.

>tfw I was too freaked out by Leblanc's breasts as a kid to play X-2

>that tummy

its getting me harder than those milky tits, fuck

Classic JRPGs always have quality girls (like Megami Tensei or Dragon Quest)

>Webms of Lulu "riding" horses
going to need to see some proof

Because fat tits

Her breasts are too large

Shitposting is against the rules, user.

Because just like the franchise itself, FF girls are the pinnacle of style over substance. You get some pretty looking girls but personalities are either generic or flat out obnoxious.


first post best post

post more lulu and/or tifa


Search harder.


this is making me want to finish FFX.

I was about 10 hours in before i stopped playing. Any good tips to breeze through the game? What skills should i be getting on the Sphere Grid?

Would have to agree with this.

FF is such a shitty RPG it only consist of
>Grind mobs until your oger leveled by just auto attacking since spells are fuck all useless
>Hope you like these "fun'" minigames with retarded AIs who pratically cheat
>Sorry you cant cast debuffs on this boss besides power down and magic down just auto attack :^)


Don't be an idiot like me and try to level all the characters at once. Just stick to who you like using if you just wanna get though the game.

nu-Lara Croft fucking a horse was better despite the retarded stomach deformation / insertion bulge shit and the fact that the horses legs were ridiculous

>regular eyes

Hardy anyone does the spiral eyes user.

Get Yuna with double cast, ultima, and her ultimate weaon so she can cast the spell twice a turn with one MP cost. She can pretty much solo the game at that point.

New episode soon btw. And it looks better because the guy actally makes money out of it and has a team producing it.

Not supercontent tho.

>get the endgame abilities spells and equipment
why didn't you tell him to use a gameshark you dumb nigger?

Just grind and fill up everyones sphere grid.


>tfw no porn actress looks like lulu

>no doujin about post-FFX-2 tidus living in spira where he goes to see Rikku and Lulu and realize they're hotter than Yuna and they both crave his dick so he starts cheating on Yuna with both Rikku and Lulu (not at the same time)

also mad there isn't a good FF8 doujin about Quistis and Rinoa arguing over who gets to fuck Squall and they settle on a threesome, but manage to convince Selphie to join in


That sucks.

Because it has a fashion model

I actually really hate this art of Quistis. Most quistis hentai as a whole is very ugly and lacking. Dont know why basic bitches like rinoa have so much.

There's hardly any FF8 art of the girls as is.

Most of it is Rinoa/Ulticimea.


best girl!

Name one female character in Final Fantasy that isn't

A) Tits the character
B) Female but male tendencies
C) Delegated to support role

You can't, which is why Final Fantasy women are shit quality and all you're doing is lusting over whatever sexual part entices you the most.





>Female but male tendencies
>Delegated to support roles

These two can't coexist, user

right here
this is why any "good" RPG has to have good story and music to balance the fact that all gameplay is just navigating menus

>grind mobs


People only say she's support role because "muh healer" meme, but in reality she was more hero status than Cloud. Even in AC, she's the one who cures him and everyone else while Cloud does the typical edgy swordfight with Sephy.

Healing is support

Didn't they have a hentai video of Tifa?

I can only name maybe 5 girls in the FF series which are good. The series is notorious at portraying females as secondary to male leads or bland magic users.

Just got done playing FFVII. You have to grind mobs if you want to get certain limit breaks, do side quests like Wutai or any progress on materia.

You can play the whole game without grinding. But what's the point? The story and dialogue certainly isn't worth sitting through. The only 'fun' part comes from the mini games and combat. Not that its all that great either.

more of a general caster really her magic stats were pretty high and her hear meant loading her to the brim with Materia was a valid stratagy.

Shes all ass and legs

Freya - You can make her into whatever you want. Though her personality is still a bitchy Tsundere with a daddy complex.

Rydia - Overpowered mage who loses her support capabilities halfway through the game. And rejects the advances of Edge.

Celes - More of a lead than all the other characters while still keeping her feminine viewpoint on the world.

Yuffie and Tuturu - Joke characters.

only well-drawn part about this pic is the face

It was a strange situation, Lulu had the hots for tidus and would be even willing to fuck him, but she also knew Yuna liked him, and since Yuna was going to use the final summon and die Lulu was not willing to cuck Yuna .

You were cucked so that Yuna would not be cucked.

Maybe not Yuna, but you can get a one mp cost for Rikku before the yunalesca fight, but actually leveling Rikku to be a decent mage is a pain in the ass unless you use the overdrive trick.

thats some next level shit

Recently replayed FFIV. Its kind of sad how every single girl is a well grounded, likable character and every male is dumb and egotistical, rushing to kill themselves for honor. Even Palom and Porom fall under this dynamic of a calm, nice girl and a brash, outgoing male.

>Lulu had the hots for tidus
She said he was cute once. But then teased him and even said he was too young for her. She clearly liked Wakka from the very first town, not Tidus.

>rushing to kill themselves
Edward didn't try to. Outside the one time he played the harp while wounded.

i want to FUCK lulu

Well, that's one male out of about 10...

Just saying.

The games not that hard but if you basically want to cheat use Rikkus Trio of 9999. You also need to use this for arena bosses until you do 99,999 every hit, or use summons with corresponding chars strength levelled.

By the time you can ask her out Lulu already knows Yuna has a huge crush on tidus, she is not going to backstab yuna.

Tidus even looks like chappu, Lulu late husband and wakka brother. I think is only after Wakka got over his albhed prejudice that Lulu began taking an romantic interest in him.

It just does.


(That bitch Cecil ruining everything yet again.)

Lenna (Her gigantic tits don't come up in the story and she has a lot going on of her own will), Cara, Terra, Relm, Nikeah whore, Aerith, Yuffie, Priscilla, Scarlet, Rinoa (Fuck her, but she fits), Ultimecia, Ruby, Alexandria whore, Quina, Brahne, Vanille, Alyssa, Serah and Lumina.

>gigantic tits
Since when?

Since her sprite. (Especially the Mystic Knight one.)

So are we gonna get a XIII prequel starring Lumina?
She seemed much more fun than Lightning
Claire should have just stayed Lumina instead of turning into Lightning

>You have to grind mobs if you want to get certain limit breaks, do side quests like Wutai or any progress on materia.

Lol no you don't.

Maybe when they make a XIII Collection in the future. You're absolutely right. She should've and all of it would've been a much more fun and exciting experience.


>I think is only after Wakka got over his albhed prejudice that Lulu began taking an romantic interest in him.

What would sex with Tifa be like?

Salty bag of coins

Great, she would know a lot moves to make you bust a nut


The most fun possible
>party gets L'Cie powers
>Lumina starts playing with magic
>Lumina puts a hand over her face and starts talking with a different tone
>shoots lightning from her hands to the sky

Get in


Poor guy. He've become a staple face for MRA, Fedoras, manchildren, weebs, atheists, and now he's apparently perfect fit for white knights too.

Soft and warm

>and unfortunately never will

Its a relatively new thing. Wakka was never massively hated until the HD collection hit western shores and even then it took a long time, and some retard LP'ers to start it.