Zero Time Dilemma

ZTD Thread.

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Delta was the hero of Zero Escape.

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We got 2 Phi's but not 2 Snakes. Iam kind of disappointed.

Why did everyone complain about the alien numerical system? It's a lot easier than you guys made it out to be

Anybody else hate that they're calling him Q in all promotional materials?

>mfw don't know
kill me
Also he has a handful of unique dialog for different answers, neat. Including: me, you, mira, carlos, sigma, and then a nonsense answer

Phi, her twin, and one copy of each

I've given up on the laser thing in the reactor
Is there an image with the solution

It wouldn't be a twist if you didn't think his name was Q.

Yeah but the originals never co-existed with the other ones.

No, it's the exact same shit as showing Sigma's face in promo material


Yes, but that's not a good reason to lie about his name. Just write ??? instead.

Try focusing on the green and blue ones first.

The red/yellow lasers will only use the mirrors on the left side. The green laser won't use a mirror. The blue laser only uses the mirrors on the right side.

All I can say to help.

Work on the yellow laser first. It's the hardest one to bruteforce so if you work on the other lasers first then move on to the yellow one you'll get mad you had to destroy your configuration

I got all of them because I struggled with that decision for ages god fucking dammit

Phi's ending file heavily suggest she was raised by herself

Then what would the announcer lady say when "Q" dies?

>Phi's ending file heavily suggest she was raised by herself

Yes that is why I wrote 2 Phi's. And none of these 2 Phi's are the original. Therefore -> The originals never co-existed with the other ones.
>Alien technology

He has one for Gab and Zero, too.

It's part of the setup. You're expected to go into the game, with the presumption that the kid is called Q. If he was called ???, you'd have instantly cast suspicion on him, just like Eric.

Ah right, there's actually three Phi's then, but the original dies with her family in the shelter. God that ending was depressing.

If Q dies, then she says 'Q died'. If Sean dies, then she doesn't say anything.

But Sean can't die. He wasn't even technically a participant.

Holy shit that puzzle in the biolab with the specimens was freaking clever

So? I still don't see a problem.

>betray Junpei for being a cunt
>get 9 BP
God fucking damn it, even in this game.

Point is, the crux of the twist was that you thought Sean was Q. The promotional stuff only further drilled that in.

>Alien Technology
I'm not even mad about that part, it was to expected that things would become even more ridiculous, and I can accept an atomic copy teleporter when you already have perfect cold sleep, cloning, literal quantum computers and perfect AI robots.

>people are seriously mad about alien technology in a game where all kinds of other crazy shit exists

Hell, I'd say the alien tech was more grounded than shit like TELEPORTING YOUR FUCKING MIND ACROSS SPACETIME.

>That ending.


Anyone else thoroughly disappointed?

It was really really good until that last part. Brother being delta is all and fine, but what about left, what about free the souls goals? What the fuck? So many things we wanted explained just got tossed aside.

What happened to clover and alice transporting their bodies? Hell, what the fuck happened to Kyle playing a "Crucial" rols in all this?

I'm so confused and just so disappointed right now, this was supposed to tie a bow on the series and end it nicely and instead it just cliffhangers AGAIN?!

I can't fucking wait another 4 years uchi.

It made more reasonable this time around, though.
In VLR people ganged up on you for little reason while being dense motherfuckers in regards to everyone else, Akane going nuts when you kill Junpei makes sense

This game has no waifus.

Take that back nigger I would tear Phi's ass up in a second

I guess there are, but most of them are taken.

In the control room, I have cards 1, 3 and 4 for cracking the code, but I can't find the 2nd. Got the black dial to do as well. Help me Sup Forums.

Of course. It's just funny that the same outcome happened in this game as well.

Iam not mad, I even fine with fucking time travel. I just wished they had used the Schrödingers Time travel stuff that Akane was talking about in the true ending of VLR. Would have been much better for me. Could have even been the same machine only power by shifters or somewhat.
It also might have been an explanation of how Clover and Alice might escape the moon.

I completely lost it at the entire part, it helps that Junpei is smugger than ever before if you ally and the incredulous look he has when Carlos asks him if he's okay after he picked betray before Akane crushes his skull

VLR Phi is cuter than ZTD Phi

>but what about left
He died when Delta was 16, m8.

>free the souls goals
Are you serious? To kill the fanatic terrorist.

>what the fuck happened to Kyle playing a "Crucial" rols in all this?
It was Kyle. It was "?". And you are "?".

>and instead it just cliffhangers AGAIN?!
That wasn't a cliffhanger. If you played the game and experienced Carlos' character, you know if he killed him or not (protip: he didn't, as we can see in the epilogue notes.) It was just an open ended ending.

>I can't fucking wait another 4 years uchi.
Good, you don't have to. ZTD is the last game.

The brother Delta had when he grew up is left. A nobody that doesn't matter at all.
Free the souls goals was to kill 6 billion people so that 2 billion would survive
Alice and Clover died on their way to their own timeline.
Kyle just got forgotten.

Does ZTD explain who was in Kyle's body at the end of VLR? I think I was Another Time chapter

Both are hot. Like ZTD just because you can hike her skirt up and go also D's

So is the ending to this game not very good or is it just people without any idea what they are going on about missing the blatantly obvious so they think the ending is shit?

The 'Schrodinger's Cat' that Akane told Clover and Alice about was the Transporter. It allows them to send their body and consciousness back to the past, even if they leave a copy in the future. Akane has used it in VLR's timeline so she would know of it.

Also, Clover and Alice escaping the Moon is pretty simple, Crash Keys can just arrange a shuttle to Earth like they did for Tenmyouji and Quark.

Free the souls goals was to kill 6 billion people so that 2 billion would survive

Then why the clone army in VLR? Why the myrmidons and dio then?

Schrödinger's cat needs even more contrived scenarios to work, since there needs to be an hidden factor that can go both ways. With how much transporting there actually is, I see why they went with this instead. If Sigma and Diana actually managed to leave they wouldn't have fucked in the bunker either.

Why is Mira allowed to do what she does?

The latter. The ending was solid. I'm surprised people thought there wouldn't be a few loose ends here and there in a game about timetravel and multiverses.

It has nothing to do with what VLR set up

Are you retarded?

VLR was all about getting Sigma and Phi go back in time to prevent the outbreak. That's exactly what happened.

The ending is okay, but I expected better, especially since the midpart of the story is top tier. If there's a thorough QA to this then I'm satisfied.

Who here spoiled themselves?

>timeline after Sigma and Diana send their minds away but following the originals

Fucking dumbass
Should always do it only in the butt if you're trapped

Delta gave no fuck.

Also did anybody notice the breast jiggle of Mira? To bad the game has no 3D.

It's Ace and Dio again, to create danger to heighen esper powers. Remember Mira's analogy about transporting Koi fish?

I mean about kyle, clover alice and phi. All that was thrown under the bus for the stupid ALIEN TRANSPORTERS

Mira was the piranha.

At this point, it's probably best to get the answers from Uchikoshi regarding Brother's motives in VLR based on ZTD information.

You mean roam freely around the Shelter even though she's a serial killer? If so, she explains it herself in a way. She is the Piranha in the Koi fish tank that is the Shelter, Zero used her to enact certain futures and introduce danger so that 'survival instincts' could kick in, notably the danger needed for SHIFTing for Sean.

No but seriously, why wasnt she knocked out like the rest. I haven't played it but from what I've read she was basically given the keys to the castle

>Being this mad about a ridiculous piece of technology in a crazy series about ridiculous sci-concepts and technology

I admit Kyle was forgotten, but Clover and Alice weren't important to ZTD at all.

And thank god because they were annoying as shit.

Clover and Alice are completely irrelevant and now you know everything about Phi. Kyle is weird, but I'm expecting Uchi to be spammed about that in the QA.

>the babbies' names


What we really need is for someone to shop Sigma and co on that cover

I didnt hate it, I just thought it felt out of place - it is a joke

>mfw hearing the screams from the shower scenes

In the locker room, how do I unscrew the panel on the fish tank? Where do I get the item? And how do I go about pulling of the shower head?

Need screwdriver for both, check the cabinet IIRC

I need the fucking damn helmet code. I have 2/3 of the force boxes open with 3 endings to go.

Leave the drain open, turn off the shower side lights, check the drain

Turn the shower-side light off. Look at the bottom of the shower drain cover.

I think that you get the from the continue of the shower scene for group Q.

>It would be... inconvenient if you forgot you caused the deaths of others...



Bumpin' my plight.

Did it. Not sifting through that 40 minute memory speech again and. Needi g to remember those fucking pass phrases too.
Whats the code.

So, Are there two Brothers then?

The motives of the two are WAAAY too different, and don't give me that "My motives are complex bullshit"

VLR: Brother is a religious Fanatic with "Unfathomable powers" who kills off humanity to purify them and replace them with an army of left clones via Radical 6

ZTD: Brother is an apologetic psychic who stopped a religious fanatic by killing 6 bil so he couldn't kill 8 bil and has the power to mindjack people but not to access the MGF

What the fuck happened. Is one Brother the Delta Replica while the other is the real Delta?

You need all the execution fragments and push the shower button for all teams.





There is no card 2, Trial and eror it. it's three letters dude.


>What the fuck happened. Is one Brother the Delta Replica while the other is the real Delta?

I thought that was obvious.

>music ZTD

It's literally VLR's ost. maybe 1 or 2 new songs if even.

Brother was always a good guy. Whatever you heard about him in VLR was just rumours and lies.

Dude. I did fucking everything i've seen apocolypese and d-2. Ive opened two boxes and only have 1 locked path for everyone with the exception of Q team who had two, ive seen every single death path in the game up to this point, and the helmet password is needed so i dont get shot in the fucking face by Eric. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE 8 DIGIT CODE.

But it also had Morphogenetic Sorrow from 999, which mad it better than both 999 and VLR. Essentially the best of both games with a few new songs.

>It had morphegenetic sorrow

They all do. its the main theme of the fucking series.

What is the twins birthday

It wasn't in VLR, m8.

Howabout you go find out yourself. we're here to help, not help you cheat

I've dine literally everything possible already. Only decisions left for now is the 4th victim for standoff, and the forcequit boxes. Was the latin shit zero was saying passwords?

It resuses both 999 and VLR, giving C-team a lot if 999 tracks and D-team VLR tracks.

The track is still good even if the number of new tracks is much smaller than it was for the previous games though. It picks pretty suitable tracks from both 999 and VLR.

It will be told to you in another ending.

>it wasn't in VLR

First ten seconds you dumb fuck. and various other instances.

You'll know when it happens, trust me, you didn't miss it. In case you're a total retard though:

It's the day Diania has her twins.

I'm unable to do anything though? And the only fragment I haven't been to is locked.
I can't access C or Q fragments, or most of D fragments.

Oh wait, twin's birthday. Seeing the poster above helped me figure it out

Go back to previous fragments.

VLR literally had two versions of the song.

The latin phrase Zero tells Junpei and Akane is the password to open the force quit box.
Makes no sense that Eric is the one that remembers, but whatever.

But every game has Morphogenetic Sorrow. It's like the character theme for Junpei and Akane at this point.

That said, I liked the piano version too. It's suitable for scenes that aren't as intense as the incinerator moment in 999, I thought the original was played so many times in VLR that it almost lost its effect.