Just finished Metro 2033 and Last Light Redux versions in pretty much one sitting

Just finished Metro 2033 and Last Light Redux versions in pretty much one sitting

Metro 2033 Redux Solid 9/10 Regular 8.5/10

Last Light 7/10

Also Metro thread

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Fuck I should probably finish those.

They're also both in my backlog, I've heard about how you're supposed to play it on "Ranger Hardcore". Is it really much better or should I stick to normal difficulty?

If you don't have that much time or will power, I'd recommend to only play 2033, it's much better than Last Light.

Last Light had too much hand holding for my taste, you were almost never alone and always had some asshat talking your ear off while you were waiting for their ass to start the next script while 2033 gives you much more freedom.

The first time you go topside in 2033 you in Bourbon are together for about 5 minutes in a non combat section where he tells you not to fuck with demons and after that you get seperated and are alone until you get back into the Metro.

In Last Light you always had someone following you, I can't even think of a section of the top of my head where you are alone.

Play Ranger Hardcore, it's somewhat like STALKER where it gives you different difficulties while you should really play on Ranger otherwise you and enemies will become bullet sponges and it gets rather dull.

ian freeeze!!

I recently replayed Last Light and there's quite a few segments where you're alone, not sure what you're talking about.

Idk maybe because I literally finished all of 2033 and Last Light in a row it felt like I always had someone with me compared to 2033?

Really didn't like all the 'actors' following you around.

On your very first mission you have Anna following you.

After that Pavel for quiete some time.

Then Khan?

Then you are on the surface for about 1-2 hours with the Dark Kid talking about Morality once you reach the church you are alone in the catacombs though, I think that's the longest alone time you get. Horrible pacing wise though, having 2 Boss fights in a row even if you don't have to spare bullets to beat
the cave monster.

It just feels to cramped compared to 2033. Mainly because you start with 1 objective in it and it holds almost all the way through the game while in Last Light it's constantly changing.

How's redux compare to the original?

Last Light, not much has changed.

2033, way more improved stealth, but also making it a lot easier than the orgininal since almost every gun, including shotguns can have a suppresor on them while in the original finding a weapon with a suppresor is quiete rare or expensive as fuck to buy, but it's still fun.

webm related easier stealth at the red line while it was a one of the hardest parts to sneak through in the original

Well I suppose you could count the Dark One segments. Personally I always enjoyed doing things with other characters.