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what a rotten way to die

His death and aftermath felt very rushed.

Why is Cersei dressed up like Sephiroth

I wish.

Which is preferable? Lyanna Mormont, Dany, or Cersei?

Little Bear is kawaii and pure and not for sexual


>tfw want to watch GoT
>tfw every season has been spoiled to me already

saves time for me, i guess

They're all shit. Every female in the show is a cunt. Also a 6 year old girl running a country is the dumbest shit Game of Thrones has ever pulled.

You could still just watch it
It's lowest common denominator stuff but most of the acting is great

>A shitty Island that offered 60 knights

Tommen's like 4 years old in the books

That kind of shit happened all the damn time when father's died too young and left really young heirs.

Yeah, and its a lot more obvious hes just a puppet there and nothing more.

they literally do that shit in tibet

Great is pushing it. It's (mostly) good but the fact that Dany has fans anywhere boggles the mind seeing as how all arrows point to her turning into another Mad King and EVERY SINGLE ONE of her victory scenes is basically her listing her billion names and then either her army or her dragons or her 20 boyfriends doing the work for her.

I will say that the presentation is good too but it's like getting good presentation for a Big Mac. You might be able to make a Big Mac look appetizing but when the meal is over you realize that it's still just a Big Mac.

rip my waifu Margaery

You realize kids ruling countries has actually happened in real life right? Granted, when this happened, their counselors/advisors or whatever usually took on most of the actual ruling, but still this is not uncommon.

Of all the things you could complain about, that is literally the most retarded.

>Also a 6 year old girl running a country is the dumbest shit Game of Thrones has ever pulled.

I would enter between her hams if you know what I mean.

And how is that working out for them?

>What are regency councils

Kids running countries is stupid, it's not like your pedo animes. Grow up faggot.

What did Gregor do to the nun? He's not that scary.

I would taste her special sauce, if you know what I mean

>It's lowest common denominator stuff but most of the acting is great
There were like two or three good actors in this entire season and they all play background characters with minimal screentime. GoT has the worst acting in any HBO show perioid, Clarke is shit, Turner is shit, Harrington is shit, Dinkleage hasn't been any good since he turned into reddit meme man.

How long does it take to cross the great sea?
Seemed like Arya did it in a few days.

What he does best, fucks bitches and crushes skulls

He cleaned up the wine but the nun got mad because she was still tasting it

That's actually why I really like Dany's storyline. Anyone who actually thinks she's a good person and/or ruler is fucking stupid.

Watching her struggle to not be like her father, and just barely holding back the crazy, is what makes her an interesting character for me. I can't wait for her to go full on, "BURN THEM ALL," when she gets to Westeros and have her advisors start questioning their loyalty.

>Lyanna Mormont

Who can even compete?

It's called the narrow sea for a reason homie
Varys made the trip back and forth in like an hour apparently

That seems likely, the guy has calmed down a lot it seems.

Nothing, hes just really ugly and it bothered her.

>Ezra Zuckerburg

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

>We now know Who Jons mother is
>Sadly Ned Stark ain't the dad
Back to square fucking one

The scenes don't happen literally at the same time.

>I can't wait for her to go full on, "BURN THEM ALL," when she gets to Westeros and have her advisors start questioning their loyalty.
You know this isn't what will happen so why are you pretending it will?

She's going to be the major heroine since they already have Cersei as the BURN THEM ALL bitch.

Well Gregor is her god now and who wants an ugly god?

I like that episode where the good character dies


Not every country operates by the same rules you massive fucking retard. It is stupid, but that never stopped it from actually happening.

He's Rhaegar's son
It's been the theory since book 1
>Robert will kill him if he knows

Jorah will kill the crazed Danny, stabbing her in the heart creating Lightbringer

>yfw Tyrion will kill her

But Jon came back

>People hyping themselves up for disappointment.

D&D are not that clever, folks.

>tfw haven't seen a single episode of GoT
Nor will i see one. Never did like medieval setting shows.

>Lolis leading armies, just like my Japanese animes


i should really get into this show


When he's not killing people anyway.

>not liking medival stuff
Are you even american

Don't forget that season where Winter is not actually coming.

Has everyone forgotten the entire premise of Season 1?

Her running the island isn't that bad(although it's pretty retarded), it's the fact that she's a shitty meme character created solely for reddit meme images.

It's getting more and more predictable as time goes on and I can't tell if it's the showrunner's fault or if it's GRRM going senile

Has the entire series so far happened during the course of one summer?

Winter literally came this ep.

Without snow in kings landing. Fuck em.

Don't, it's garbage now.

Your criticism doesn't even mean anything anymore

That shit with Hodor was really stupid.
Also is Ghost the wire wolf dead?

Norwegian actually.

The show takes place on a weird earth where seasons aren't regular
The summer the show mostly takes place in lasted like 13 years

>Can't prove me wrong so you resort to arguments about anime

I love you Sup Forums, never change.

>Also is Ghost the wire wolf dead?
He may as well be since he isn't a dragon.

They cut him out of episode 9 entirely despite originally putting him in there.

If it's not a dragon, it's not in the CGI budget. That's why they killed Wun Wun.

It's the best show on TV.
Last episode had a war scene which was the best war scene since Braveheart

you've missed the best times

first couple of seasons were pretty cool to watch along with

I find it a bit of a chore now

Yes however seasons work differently in GoT's world. Rather than a few months, seasons lasts years. What's more the amount of time seasons lasts varies. Some seasons might last only a couple years while other times they can last a generation. The Long Night when the Others/ White Walkers skullfucked the world was a generation long Winter and the upcoming Winter is suspected to last just as long.

Ah, of course you wouldn't like a celebration of white people

Lyanna chan is made for marriage

Anyone else rooting for this dude?

>fucks bitches
I'm pretty sure he can't anymore.

Which makes him the rightful king.


Who /teamcleagan/ here? I canĀ“t wait for him to fuck up his brother. Cleagan is the true hero of this show

How many white walkers are left?
Seemed like there were less than 10 of them and like more than 5 are dead

that's just bran


At this point he's the most likable person on the show.

Which means he'll be killed off soon.
Probably by Dany

>Sansa says Jon should be ruler of winterfell
>Sansa tells LF that jon will rulle winterfell
>Sansa gets butthurt that Jon becomes ruler of winterfell

Someone save us from this shitty fucking plot.

>Season 2
>Tyrion juggling reigning in Joffery and fixing his fuck ups in King's Landing and sniffing out Cersei's spies in the small council and winning the battle at the Blackwater all in a single season using methods that make sense

>Season 6
>Spends the entire time fighting with DnD for space on Dany's dick

I just hope he steamroll king's landing before getting wreck by dany.

Nah, Bran is Brandon

>No image

at least try

I know that "meme x" has been overused, but that's what she is. You can't honestly say that she was created with good storytelling in mind or because her character fits the setting(it fucking doesen't). Someone just thought that it will be badass/funny or whatever to have little girl as a lord. And it paid off because there are retards who'll go "badassest little girl ever XD" not realizig how much it fucks up wordbuilding.

Seriously look at her
>how do we make someone look like the big bad guy
>I dunno senpai put some shoulders on that bitch

hah, rekt

Did it? I gave up on the show in Season 4 when it was made clear that it was more Soap Opera than actual story. All I'm seeing on Sup Forums is "OMG MASSIVE EXPLOSION!" and "CERSEI QUEEN AGAIN!"

Not him but by the way Ned talked about Winter you'd think that it would at least start by Season 4 or so. We've now finished Season 6 and it's still just a soap opera with fantasy medieval elements.

Like I said, so much of what I loved about Seasons 1 and 2 left, and they haven't seemed to come back. It's like if Breaking Bad had gotten to Season 6 without Walter meeting Gus.

There was a reference to the comet in this episode, the position of the sun next to Danaerys' flag made it look like a comet with a long tail. The ending will be everyone dies and the planet gets wiped out by a comet.

they didn't have time considering all of the other more important shit going on
the witch prophecy for cersei will end up being Sansa taking the throne, screenshot this


I loved that they really stepped up this season.
Last season had really meh fight scenes but the ones this season are better than most movies with sword fights.

A white raven comes to winterfell from the citadel with the message that winter has come.

Aside from like 2 eps you haven't missed much.

>HBO will never make something like The Wire, OZ or Sopranos because all people care about is softcore medieval fantasy pron


>He's Rhaegar's son
>Robert will kill him if he knows
Wait. Robert would want to kill Jon for being Lyanna's son, no matter who the father was. That theory is still rather plausible though.

We can only hope.

It all makes sense.

I started finally watching the sopranos
Holy fuck that is a good show, but why does it seem like HBO hates having a budget?

there was a reference to the comet because show writers might be taking on the "jon is azor ahai" thing

>Saying this while people are giving rave reviews to The Night Of.

there hasn't been much porn lately anyway