Now that the hype has died down, is Overwatch still worth the $40?
Also which girl?
Now that the hype has died down, is Overwatch still worth the $40?
Also which girl?
None of these are girls, are they?
If you have friends who play it yeah.
3 >>>>> 2 >= 1
I don't know who middle is but I know what that image is about and you should know that far right is actually a girl and the image claiming otherwise is a fake.
I like the numer 1 boy, he's pretty as fuck, then 2 and 3
Buy it from G2a or kinguin for half the price.
1(if she doesnt do weird faces)>3>2
1, 2, 3
whats a good website for trap porn?
specifically asian traps?
Nothing wrong with cute traps >:(
Also to OP yes.
And Overwatch isnt worth that much for such a casual and slow game
Not until they nerf junkrat
something like nico nico but for porn only
and no restriction crap
If you pick anyone other than Somik chan you are a faggot
xtube for japanese amateur traps
>chosing most fake one
>fake hairs
>fake eyes
>1 kilo of makeup
>fake "kawaii :3" "personality"
fucking weebos, just kill yourselfs already
thanks any specific keywords for the good stuff?
None, I don't like whores.
also, seems like you're a little shitter, get the game you trend following faggot.
>Sup Forums doesn't recognize Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi when they see her
Why do I even come here anymore
Name on the first one?
post cute girls
Some of them use keywords like "JCD" but the best way is to find one and look at his friend list and profile comments to findmore and subscribe to the cute ones. You should also download your favorite videos because they might stop crossdressing and delete everything at any time.
>that fucking hand on the middle one
Nah bruh, you can keep all that gay shit.
What did you think of her Sup Forums?
I'd marry this whore. Who is she?
>inject hormones at preteen and cut off your dick
>still not cute
German master race genetics everyone
If you have a good group of friends to play consistently with, I'd say absolutely.
The 3rd one is AHO, a chinese cosplayer.
She is a legitimate girl, just a victim of a clickbait article. The first 2 are traps though
This thread would have been a lot better if you used some Overwatch promo or fan art as the OP image instead of 3DPD. Then leave out the name of the game in the post so it gets past the scum trying to filter it.
Left, because the asian on the right is probably ugly as fuck once she takes off her fake lashes and eyelid tape.
shit fit, but:
1 > 3 > 2
How is the left a trap? How can someone even make themselves look that feminine?
Yes. Right side.
Shes still pretty cute without the lashes, a bit too pale for my taste though.
When you start HRT early, say 14, you end up feminine for life.
I think she's russian. name she goes by starts with an s I think.
I wish there were more R34 of her.
If it's on hormones, I don't think it can really be called a trap. Unless 'trap' covers pre-op transsexuals now too.
somik chan
Still got a dick, its a trap.
>1st is an actual trap
well fuck
Pre ops are traps.
Honestly I dont really like post ops though, its just so off putting. Id rather a really really passable guy with a dick than a mutant
Farthest right is made of pure Photoshop
Its a pretty fun game
1 or 3
never been a fan of blonde hair
trap has kind of become a catch-all term for someone feminine that has a dick
Hentai Ouji is a niche series, user.
with 1 and 2 I know when I wake up they are going to stay beautiful. unlike 3 who is covered in FAKE shit.
Overwatch is worth $80. Buying it for $40 is a bargain.
I have no preference for any of those girls.
>now that the hype has died down
Somik best grill
Hey, bro.
I think I found the iPhone you dropped during the Pulse shooting incident.