Times Sup Forums was wrong

wtf, just finished all main missions on this game and for me its now the best in the series after mgs3
>that free flowing gameplay
>all those wacky weapons and items
>doing rescue missions while listening to take on me and friday I'm in love
>dat quiet departure

one of the best games in this generation for the gameplay alone and the story was better than mgs4

Other urls found in this thread:


I agree with you, second best in the series
It's mostly just Sup Forums on its usual "It's a new game so let's shitpost about it as much as we can"
But there are also faggots that legitimately think this is the worst betrayal ever. Funnily enough, they're the same kinds of fags that think the fucking disaster that is MGS 4 is a masterpiece

The problem isn't the gameplay

Sup Forums was a victim of its own hype train. That or they just don't understand what makes MGS MGS.

4 > 5 > 1 > 3 > 2
5 had the best and most well-rounded combination of gameplay and story, though. 4 just beats it out for me because of Solid's arc.

Has there ever been a post more wrong than this?

*3 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 4 > PW

and what justifies all the hate?

>most well-rounded combination of gameplay and story
You mean MGS3

People overhyped it way too much. I wasn't around during its release, but apparently there was some major shitstorm about the story and to this day people are disappointed about it. I went in expecting fun gameplay, and I enjoyed it a lot overall, a solid 9. Chapter 2 felt rushed as hell, but what can ya do, nothing's perfect.

MGS1/2 forever mates

5 is a skeleton of a decent game and I get what Kojima was going for it, but it hardly even registers as a MGS.

>5 had the best and most well-rounded combination of gameplay and story

Terrible story
Misleading trailers
No codec
Empty open world
Shit and lack of boss fights

Chapter 2 is mostly rehashes of old missions
Chapter 3 was cut

sure the game have problems like bullet sponge bosses (thats is solved after you unlock better stuff) and repeating missions on chapter 2

but it even had a fucking metal gear battle, a sniper boss battle, a gimmick boss battle (man on fire) and chapter 1 was enough for one game, tied everything important and chapter 2 just gave us more about Quiet, Eli and Code Talker.

>but muh Eli's episode 51
fuck do a game really need to explain EVERYTHING? Liquid escaped with mantis and the metal gear, whats more to know?

>but muh doppelganger
gave me the same feeling I had when in MGS2 you discover everything was part of a simulation to make Raiden a great soldier

>but muh empty open world
its all about doing one mission and then going for the other, what did you expect? saints row?

And that fucking gameplay, I can't stress this enough, you have a rocket arm, an arm that teleports people to you and an arm that fucking summons thunder, and those are just his arms. The difficult is also handled really well, changing according to what you do and side objectives on main missions make the game 100% more fun to play, you can play the same missions 5 times and everything it can be totally different

MGS5 had the humor, the themes, the cheese dialogue (Miller's voice actor was great). If I complain about one thing is that we didn't get enough of Ocelot

Sup Forums is just filled with faggots

MGSV, despite its flaws, is a masterpiece of a game. Most of the fags on Sup Forums who get analdevastated about it fall into one of a few camps:

>Faggots who only got into the series around the time MGS4 came out so they genuinely think Metal Gear=awful long cutscenes, so they're mad MGSV is an actual video game
>Faggots who got duped by the trailers and are mad we didn't see Big Boss killing younglings and kicking puppies (the same fags who got butthurt over Raiden in MGS2)
>muh CUT CONTENT faggots who, while not entirely wrong, have deluded themselves into believing there was another 50 hours of game cut because it didn't live up to their expectation

>its all about doing one mission and then going for the other, what did you expect? saints row?

There is no justification for the open world. The game could have played the exact same with a series of well-made hubs. The game already locks you into a contained zone for main mission anyways. So the open world is redundant as shit.

Side Ops can just be like VR missions, and its kinda weird how you cant replay them

are we really going to pretend Mission 51 dosent exist.

I'm glad it was cut
there is no reason to be in the game

Why didn't they finish Mission 51 and sell it as DLC? Some idiots would've bought it for sure. Hell from what I saw of the unfinished cutscene on YouTube, that one mission has more impact on the overall MGS universe than MGSV as a whole.

It had more reason to be in the game than shitty base-building.

At least it would have actually made use of the games core mechanics.

It had absolutely no impact on anything except for getting rid of Sahelanthropus and the last parasite

>finish the game in 70 hours with 70% of the side ops done
>people say its missing content
>a game that gave me new things to do and play after every 15 minutes

I wonder what games this people enjoy, this, Withcer 3 and Bloodborne are the best things in this generation by far

I like Frozen Synapse and I dont think MGSV is a very good game. It is missing content too.

It's not the worst game ever, and you can tell Kojima did want it to be a good game, but anyone telling themselves "its the best in the series" is out of their mind.

Still did more than the entirety of MGSV's story.

I never cared much about MGS so this was GOTY for me. I feel sorry for people blinded by their autism over the story.

Mission 51 was cut, sure, and it probably should have been in the game, but it's not a great tragedy that it was cut. It would have been mostly superfluous and we wouldn't have learned anything about the characters we didn't already know.

But there are faggots who genuinely believe there were gonna be five more maps like Outer Heaven, Shadow Moses, a city level, etc and you were gonna meet baby sniper wolf and vulcan raven and form FOXHOUND. The episodic mission-based structure allows people to fill in the blanks however they want and fuel their delusions.

this 2bh

Yeah man, I really love the in-depth motherbase customization.
And training with your troops in the firing range to improve yours and their skills.
Not to mention the bustling community that is motherbase, with convoys of equipment and choppers flying all about.

>Extract this faggot 1
>Extract this faggot 2
>Extract this faggot 3
>Extract this faggot 4
>Extract this faggot 5
>Extract this faggot 6
>Extract this faggot 7
>Extract this faggot 8
>Extract this faggot 9
>Extract this faggot 10
>Extract this faggot 11
>Extract TWO faggots 12
>Extract this faggot... in AFRICA 13
>Blow up this tank 22
>Kill this guy 19
There were like 5 fucking side ops with you doing the exact same shit in a slightly different area. It just looks like a lot because there's a bunch of them

>likes mgs3
>likes tpp

retard pottery indeed

both are liked by genuine retards who cannot even begin to wonder how one would grasp the idea of what constitutes a good game

and ill throw a protip in the thread: there are no good MGS games

the ones that come close are MGS1 and GZ but both have pretty heavy faults, GZ being a demo and MGS1 being overrated with alot of dated shit in it

You know what's the problem?

That a 29 years old series was ended with a copypasted tutorial level without a boss or even a conclusion to the story. I'm not talking about muh revealing everything, I'm talking about an ending. Because MGSV is a game with the beginning and the journey.

I got burnt out on it because there were so many samey side missions and being forced to repeat old story missions to continue the story was dumb. I got sick of the environments because the side missions make you revisit those areas like 20-30 times. Didn't really give a shit about the story. It felt like the driving force for a lot of the story was being emotionally attached to your soldiers at MB. It was the driving motivation for the game and what I consider to be the emotional climax of the story revolves around the loss of people on MB. Problem was that Venom is a blank slate, for silly artistic YOU ARE BIG BOSS reasons, and I don't really have any feelings for my MB troops to project onto him. They're just names on a spreadsheet that I casually discard all the time for some random new troop that has higher stats. There wasn't anything in the game that made me feel attached to my troops aside from the game just telling me over and over again I should care. And that weak emotional investment on my part, along with the story being doled in such small doses and you having to listen to all the recordings to get it, made me really not care about finishing the game. I got my so many hours of fun, I want to say upwards of 100, by just messing around with the different weapons and equipment in the awesome overworld.

I wished they just added the modifiers to every story mission and cut the repeat versions. I liked the Subsistence versions of missions.

you seen mad kid

No but you don't understand.
It is the exact same mission, but it's over HERE on the map!

>That free flowing gameplay
While the game lets you technically do more things, if you are "good" player you have less options than any of the previous games due to balancing issues. The best way to sneak by every base is to crawl along the outside and tranq/occasionally grab enemies.
This was also a problem in MGS3&4 but by the end of MGSV enemies can occasionally see you from ridiculously far away. This was most likely put in to make reflex mode less op but it only encourages more slow paced crawling and distance shots.

There are points when this game's gameplay is fun but it is surrounded by disappointing ai and countless hours either looking at Venom's face in the helicopter or listing to sprinting sounds between missions.

It's always better to like a game so I'm happy for you but this is currently my least favorite Metal Gear game. I was only expecting an open-world Peace Walker and I was still disappointed.

> It would have been mostly superfluous and we wouldn't have learned anything about the characters we didn't already know.
That's being disingenuous. Any advancement in the story is showing the characters developing more with each situation. Also there was a very significant tape that was cut regarding Venom and how he feels about things.

It's ok to like the game, but dont say that significant content that was cut from the game due to time constraints "dosent matter"

>While the game lets you technically do more things, if you are "good" player you have less options than any of the previous games due to balancing issues.

This. This. This.

The game RELIES on you to not play efficiently to extend itself. All these hundreds of items you have are all essentially the same and you don't even need them.

>mfw I did most side ops using a tunned robot that punches people and shoot laser and fire

your loss faggot

>cannot even type anymore
>claims others are mad

And you "seen" retarded. Well "argued" though


chaos theory is still the best stealth game of all time (funnily enough it came out when MGS3 did, it simply didnt pander to kids like that game) and it actually has the "freeflowing gameplay" right, with ground zeroes tier maps (although they are well designed interiors instead of well designed outdoors environments

that game lets you go from guns blazing to melee only to abusing ninjutsu all over the place to hacking shit to ghosting everything etc etc with actually good side objectives in the missions instead of "tranq this bird and extract it"

its actually hilarious how TPP claims to be about choosing your own playstyle but the game still acts condescending with the grade based ranking system and having to manually extract soldiers instead of just leaving it up to the player as to what they deem as a successful mission based on the statistics instead of the giant letter that says A instead of S because you wanted to use one of those hundreds of lethal guns

>well-rounded story

at least this shows Sup Forums isn't filled with retards, there is some hope

if you think MGSV is some shining example of what games should be then just play FarCry and dont post here again

You know what's wrong with MGSV?


>They share my opinions
Fuck off, some of us who weren't as happy with the game have laid of why we thought so to but only got "hurr just enjoy the game faggot, don't think about it so much".

>All the shit they brought over from Peace Walker was somehow made worse

I don't understand it.

it's literally called the phantom pain. Its right there in the god damn title.

>your loss faggot
No reason to be rude and what you're doing does sound like fun. I just wanted MGSV to also be a good stealth game. To each their own.

you know this applies to MGS2 too right?

Also, ill add that the worst problem of TPP is that its filled to the brim with genuine wasting of the players time

The game LITERALLY wants to be a mobile game, you do so much micromanagement and just sitting around waiting for things to happen that its laughable, why the fuck do I need to wait a minute for a car to land instead of just spawning it in front of me immeaditely? Why the fuck do I need to wait for every helicopter for a minute and then ride for 30 seconds? The shit adds up quite fast and when people have played the game for 100 hours and only half of that has been actual gameplay instead of traveling and waiting for shit its not only fatigue but genuine anger that starts to kick in

the game should have been called "repetitive piece of shit with worse animations,graphics, level design, story and general game design than in the demo"

ground zeroes had no downtime

It truly is a phantom pain.

it's fucking far cry 3, with a wee bit more stealth and a shitton more useless stats

>Also there was a very significant tape that was cut regarding Venom and how he feels about things.

I call bullshit. Prove it.

Good time to smoke a bowl user. Lighten up a little

>Send soldiers out to go do some missions
>Have to wait 2 hours for them to return
>Send them to do online stuff
>"Come back tomorrow faggot"
I hate what they turned that portion into.



I wouldn't say that MGSV is my favorite in the series, but I still very much enjoyed it. I still play it, in fact.
I'm really glad I managed to get a collectors edition copy, and send Kojima off from his final metal gear in the best way that I could.

Its almost hilarious that the demo looks so much better graphically than the final release which is last gen tier shit apart from maybe mother base

Look at the red band trailer with sins of the father on it to see the GZ tier graphics in TPP, just look at the tank models, lighting, sand, animations, clothing etc etc

Would "The Bad Game" be good if it was bad?

>except for getting rid of Sahelanthropus and the last parasite
That's like a big fucking thing though, you retard. Right now there is a literal fucking psychopath kid running around with biological weapons and a fully armed mobile nuclear launch platform. They literally cut the conclusion to Liquid's story arc.

>all these pointles helicopter landing&take offs
>empty maps with nothing to do
>all these retarded design choices
>big medic
>cut 3th chapter

Yeah, nah.

Please fuck off and die.

You wouldn't know a good game if it fucked you in the ass.

It's not a masterpiece it's a 6/10, 7/10 unbiased
I bet you Kojicucks like how Kiefer hase even less lines than Akio Otsuka.

No I think Kiefers portrayal of Venom and BB was pretty terrible, Ive never liked the dude in anything's he's been in.
Why do you all me a kojicuck

>no personality
>every new character is shit
>worst bosses in the entire franchise
>parasites are nanomachines 2.0

Daily reminder that 3 is the worst in the mainline series and that Big Boss is a huge faggot.

>It's not a masterpiece it's a 6/10, 7/10 unbiased
yeah, this game totally deserves a 7/10

Sup Forums is trully the worst board in this place

this image is pretty based tho

One postnumber got quoted wrong you're not a kojicuck

How about people who get annoyed at the endless waiting times, grinding, repetitive missions and the empty and featureless open world?

What would you score it then? No seriously, higher or lower, i don't know where you are going with your comment.


>Venom Snake
>bros before hoes, ready to pull the trigger
Never does it even though she did some sick shit on MB, confirmed pussy

>saw right through Huey's lies and kicked him out
Too much of a pussy to pull the trigger

>defeated the first and only upright Metal gear, twice
Literally dead shell that requires flying cute boys with telekinesis to work

>goes nuclear
Where? In the trailers?

>gave his old life and identity for his commander
You mean Big Boss cucked him out of EVERYTHING he had?

Just don't worry about it user, didn't you have fun doing those repetitive missions in slightly different ways? Like extracting hostage #542 but this time with just a box!

>the best in the series after mgs3

pretty much what I expected. fucking pleb

>every new character is shit

Skullface is pretty based though.

MGS3 > MGSV > MG2 > MGS1 > MG1 > MGSPW > MGS4 > MGS2

>Skull Face is pretty based though

He's one of the most disappointing things in the entire game, his whole plan is a joke and there's not a single interesting thing about him aside from his appearance.

I did had fun since I tend to try new things with the gameplay but it's often so repetitive that I don't get how can people say it's a masterpiece.

MGS1/2 > 3 = 4 = GZ > 5/PW


this t b h, except I like mgs2 over mgs4

His whole plan perfect sense, if you were paying attention he wasn't just right he actually managed to defeat all his enemies in the end and achieve the dream of the boss.

>I'll make the only language in the world nukes!
I can barely remember why he did the shit he did. How can you fuck up a villain who had been built up so well? The man gave Zero aids, destroyed Motherbase, tortured Paz and Chico, and then Blew up Paz. Then his plan was to destroy every language but english? For what? Why?

he actually wanted to destroy english and end imperialism, listen to the tapes

Oh I did, I just forgot why he did that stuff. Its been a while.

>Have to wait before and after every mission during a pointless helicopter ride
>assuming you only do the main missions and none of the side ops it adds up to about an hour of literal nothing.
>Game has to constantly spawn enemies directly on top of your position to try and maintain any semblance of difficulty. This isn't just the skulls, missions like the rescue the child prisoners do this too.
>Every bossfight that's not Snuffaluffagus or Quiet can be beaten by standing behind a rock and repeating the same QTE over and over again.
>Silenced headshots are utterly broken FOR THE FIFTH FUCKING GAME IN A ROW.
>Circumventing masks and helmets require no skill on the part of the player and are handled through a fucking menu.
>DD and Quiet completely remove any need for scouting and their given to the player a quarter of the way through the fucking game.
>Base invasions completely fuck over the invader. Even if you've been perfectly stealthy the owner is alerted that you're invading. Owner has infinite respawns and isn't punished for blowing up his entire base with rockets to get to you

>Quiet has no character and does nothing the whole game
>Ocelot has no character and does nothing after the first 10 minutes of the game
>Man on Fire has no character and does nothing the whole game
>Skull face has no character and is a retard who gets stepped on by his own robot
>Eli's plot is dropped
>Battle Gear plot is dropped
>Nanomachines have been replaced 1 to 1 with Vocal Cord Parasites
>The trailers literally have more story to them then the actual game.

5/10 at least Miller was cool.


Short version is that he wanted to end the world's primary means of international communication, which would make individual nations more paranoid of their neighbors and strengthen the market for the cheap nukes he was marketing, and throwing the world into and endless state of "peace" through a large scale case of mutually-assured-destruction.

>Then his plan was to destroy every language but english? For what? Why?

Because he was the only one who actually understood her.


>tfw no other real game will ever be made on Fox Engine again because of this clusterfuck.

You're right, Quiet was totally heartbroken and Venom was surefire happy as fuck, hated the shit out of her though, he loved seeing Quiet's heart break.