D.Va is clearly the cutest character in Overwatch.
Tell me why you don't main her.
D.Va is clearly the cutest character in Overwatch.
Tell me why you don't main her.
She's Korean.
She has that slightly chubby face you see on bitchy Asian girls.
Her peashooters are useless and her mech dies faster than Zenyatta.
Because everytime they down her they grab her and install her on a tickle torture machine which she's left on for hours, making respawn take too long.
Because shes trash as a hero and a waifu
Zarya's better
Her Mech is made of Paper
don't mind me
Because "maining" a character without considering your own team comp or the enemy team comp in a game that relies on constantly switching and counterpicking characters in order to build a more competent team is fucking stupid.
sounds hot desu
>Suggest someone play tank
>They pick this useless shit
When will this D'va tank meme end?
I even have a picture as proof.
Nah, I'm pretty sure that's Mei.
No, she's thick. Besides, fucking twigs is just boring. A girl has to have some meat on her bones if you want to have an involving and passionate fuck.
D.Va is just incredibly tryhard which makes me hate her. She is literally your average female Twitch streamer, and pretty much every female Twitch streamer annoys the fuck out of me.
Reinhardt is the best character
He's also the cutest
>D.Va is cutest
>Not junkrat
Thick is just another way of saying fat
Thick was invented just so retards and autists wouldn't have to say they want to fuck a fat girl
The only tank viable in pubs is Reinhardt. And even then, people tend to walk past the shield.
>fucking twigs is just boring
That's a shame you feel that way user.
>A girl has to have some meat on her bones if you want to have an involving and passionate fuck
This is so unbelievably wrong it hurts.
You are either a virgin or have only fucked fat women
you guys are autistic
widowmaker is the absolute hottest and would give the best fuck
>Le edgy blue vampire
Because I main Zarya instead. Not only is Zarya a much better tank, she also requires more skill, has much better lines, looks cooler and has much more interesting and fun mechanics as a character.
Zarya > D.va
idc about how shallow her character is, i want to fuck her
>widowmaker is the absolute hottest and would give the best fuck
She'll kill you.
maybe in your fantasies
if i was le edgy owl mask man with shotguns it would be easy to keep her from killing me anyway
>5 trojs
>1 reinhardt
Because you shouldn't main in Overwatch.
Whatever you say user..
console poor detected
What size are D.Va's feet?
I desperately want some Asian gamer woman to shove her feet in my face while making gamer references to punish me.
I like her because her mech gives you the illusion that you're playing well. 30:1 kd is all too easy.
>A girl has to have some meat on her bones if you want to have an involving and passionate fuck.
Virgin detected
>telling me not to want to fuck widowmaker while showing me hot pictures of widowmaker
Leave fag
I like to take less than 20 minutes to kill an enemy.
That's just how I am.
Not until you tell me what size D.Va's feet are.
my god she's perfect dude
>fan drawings
>always in animal style
holy hell where are you getting these
Pixiv. Here. ect etc.
>those straps on her thigh
hot damn
because pharah is more beautiful and more useful than dva
>showing the best stuff of her
Based artists.
you are the cancer ruining this game.
>tfw playing tons of D.Va now so that when the buff comes, I'll become a god
it's like goku training in the gravity machine
>generic Samus Aran copy
pick one
Yeah except unlike in the gravity machine, you probably actually weigh 1000 pounds.
she sucks
But less anime please. I want her western face.
the anime ruins her
I like the anime artstyle.
Ironic considering Widowmaker was inspired from a hentai
But I do main her. Nothing beats using her shield to tank someones ability damage then unloading the cannons into their face once its over. Her ult is pretty much an instant kill if not sevearl. shes also really nimble and has that auto pistol that can destroy people after her mech is gone. best game with her I got 25 eliminations with only 2 deaths because I kept calling in new mechs and blasting people in the face with her pistol while waiting.
Similarity doesn't equate to inspiration, unless you have a quote from the desginer.
I don't even care her western face is hotter. This has nothing to do with anything.
>choosing resting bitch face
>not resting "i will fuck you senseless and unable to stand the next day" face
or even
>resting "i'm incredibly fertile despite being 37" face
is she inspired by "the woman who never misses", where the dude fucks the sniper lady while she's trying to assassinate someonw?
Because I value performance over looks.
Plus you don't see her face unless you taunt 24/7
I don't abuse broken OP characters in games.
then why are you playing overwatch
Why is blizzard filled with degenerates?
I walk another path.
Mercy is cuter and more useful desu.
Nah. Mei is the cutest. D.va looks like a high school grade-a cunt.
With that said though, any one has "DON'T TURN AROUND"?
and u are trash as a faggot and a son
>fat cow with glasses
>anything resembling cute
>Mercy is sexier and more useful desu
Ok purple suit and mindbreak.
Is there more resemblance?
Because I must become a master of the blade.
I'd play her if she was a decent hero.
She's essentially a flanker with the hitbox size of a tank and a huge crit zone smack-dab in the middle of her mech's model.
It's the cheeks nigga
Yes, also yes.
I don't own the game.
>people can't be sexy and cute at the same time
Hes right though.
I had a stick for a GF once and she would just lay there. Her moans would always be a whisper and when she would be on top it was be slow as fuck. Great BJs though.
My current thick GF is way better in every aspect and its usually 10/10 sex. BJs could use work though.
I prefer jerking off to Pharrah atm
Why is pharah so white in some avatars?
>clearly the cutest character in Overwatch.
user i....
>dat cute panic heal
Phamercy is literally the best ship. This was so cute.
>Old hag still thinks she can work the pole.jpg
>tfw someone says Mercy/Pharah are the CUTEST couple
faggot detected
>Fat face
>Fat hands
>Fat ass torso
>No ass due to torse and thighs being on same level
>Fat curly thighs
>Fat shank, also on same lvl as thighs so fat they are
>Heavier than 4 man combined
>Stinks in every corner
>Stinks because she sweats inbetween her fat that is layered on top of each other from feet to multi-neck to face
>Love:The dreamest: Best girl:The american dream
I hope theres at least SOME kind of dignity and hope left in america.
Zarya is good if you have a terrible team that constantly walks into the line of fire
She is beautiful