Should I bother with either of these?

Should I bother with either of these?

Played Fallout 3 and NV which I found enjoyable, never played a Witcher game but it looks kinda cool and, well, Doom etc etc.

doom and witcher

If you cant even make your own decisions you are probably too stupid to understand W3 plot so just get F4

Anything but fallout

Doom has a demo.

Fallout 4 isn't very good, but if you liked 3 then you might like it.

I don't think starting Witcher on 3 is a good idea.

>"dudebro" starter pack

>assumes stupidity for asking others for opinions

doom and witcher 3

don't even look at fallout 4
doom is not like the original doom but it's not that bad
witcher 3 is fucking amazing for the story and the quests and overall quality, but combat is a bit shitty

Buy fallout 4 or I pull the pin

You can just pirate the GOG version of witcher 3.


my dude it doesn't have to be this way

New doom is fun as hell, witcher 3 is pretty solid, never played Fallout 4 but heard it was meh.

If you have any respect for yourself by Dragons dogma instead of the witcher

Fuck Fallout 4
Buy D44M
Pirate Witcher 3

fallout 4 is boring as fuck i never bothered to finish it, and this is coming from someone who actually liked 3


In order
Fallout (but I'd suggest waiting for some GOTY edition type thing before spending any money on it)

Fallout 4 is fucking terrible, even by Bethesda standards. Don't bother unless you just really like shitty writing and unoptimized engines.

DOOM is great fun, but only in its campaign. $36 is really pushing it, so I'd wait for a lower price personally.

Go buy Witcher 3 on GOG when it goes on sale. Therefore, all of the profits go back to CDPR, instead of Valve taking 30% of the cut. It's an amazing game. Not perfect, but I haven't played such a well constructed open world RPG in years.

Both fo4 and w3 were fun, didn't play DOOM yet but it seems solid, at least the single player part

>fallout 4
Absolutely not
For the single player, it's worth
>Witcher 3
Depends how much he time you have to kill. If a lot, it's worth it.

I can't stand FO4 and I liked 3 a lot, Witcher is good if you like story only, Doom has a demo which was pretty good but I still won't buy it because I'm a pirate fag.

Don't believe him, that's Fallout Todd, I'm Elder Scrolls Todd, he trapped me here, please let me out so I can release Skyrim 2 : Elder Scrolls, a game with over 900000 endings, infinite voice actors, and hand crafted quests that never end! Don't forget to pre-order Skyrim remastered!

Todd stop, look I'm buying a second copy of Fallout 4 right here

first post best post
doom 2016 is literally the most perfect example of the original doom upgraded for a 2016 audience

Get doom witcher 3 and fallout 4 are garbo

DOOM is great.

The Witcher 3 is fun and worth $25, but keep in mind that sidequests and gameplay are fucking horrible.

Just buy doom because no crack and pirate the others fucking easy

>pirate from the based Polish company that created GoG to bring DRM free games to people easier and actually cares about its customers

Literally kill you'reself.

Yeah but I don't give a fuck about GOG and having separate platforms, Steam only please to handle all my videogames, if you actually believe they will one day remove all the games then you are retarded because that would just kill their company completely.

>Trusting Valve after the paid mods fiasco
>After the incompetence that was the Xmas sale credential leak last year
>After implementing the cancer that is Steam Early Access and Greenlight
>After creating the flops that were the Steam Controller, Steam Machines, and SteamOS

I don't know why people keep giving them money.

Why not play Witcher 2 first?
1 I can understand skipping but 2 is supposed to be really good

dont play W3 without having at least played W2 before

Nah, 2 is terrible.

>Doesn't have any of the good writing of the first game
>Not nearly as open as the first or third games
>Combat is easily the worst in the series (yes, even worse than the first's rhythmic clicking game)

Doom and Witcher are the best games of this generation so far. Fallout 4 is boring

You don't have to play the other games before playing Witcher 3, OP. There are references to past events but it's written so that if you're new everything makes sense. The old Witcher games have great writing but their gameplay has not aged well at all

>upgraded for a 2016 audience
it means it is not doom anymore
grenades with cooldowns, secondary fires with cooldowns, generic ammos and obnoxious finishers are enough for it to not be doom anymore
Doesn't mean it's bad

I enjoyed Witcher 2 but you're completely right. The combat in 2 is downright frustrating to deal with. Not that the combat in 3 is amazing but it's fun and it has its moments.

Doom is fun on high difficulty. If you're just into roleplaying and inventory management then the other 2 are better.

There is no generic ammo and you can easily beat the game without using a finisher. I know it's not the same game as Doom 1 and 2 but it's definitely a movement focused shooter and it does movement based shooting pretty well.