What game can a man play where he feels the wind at his back, free upon the sea, ready to crack the mast of his enemies and revel in the spoils both subtle and gross of naval warfare of a most refined age?
What game can a man play where he feels the wind at his back, free upon the sea...
Other urls found in this thread:
ass creed 4
Pirates of the Carribean
touch wood
post video games women can't understand
real life
join the navy
scratch a stay
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flags by Ubisoft
Assassin's Creed Black Flag
Lego Batman 2
U som kinda gat?
Uncharted Waters 3: Coasta del Sol
Overboard PS1
AssCreed 4
SeaDogs and all the differently named sequels (Pirates of the Caribbean, Age of Pirates, Age of Pirates 2, I think there was also an MMO?)
I'm not a fan of ass creed, but 4 is surprisingly good - the story is alright, the graphics are pretty decent, naval gameplay is fun and dynamic and you can upgrade your ship both hull/weapons wise and make some nice cosmetic adjustments.
It's a nice game. I only played the single player though.
More like Uncharted Waters 3: Assta del Hole
You could try contributing to the Blackwake kickstarter and get into the beta. But as fun as I think it looks, even I'm not stupid enough to try a kikestarter.
Tempest probably. Some regurgitated variant of the sea combat from Voyage Century Online.
Unironically this. Look for the one without all the characters from the film.
This one I think. Should be dirt cheap.
>no one's mentioned rogue
Poor form senpaitachi
Naval Action, basically.
There's been some reviews that say this is kinda shit
Have you actually played it?
Navals fights are god tier.
Rest of the game isn't finished and pretty barebones.
Empire Total War (with mods to make it work)
oh well.
apparently it has an open world 'lobby' ocean with shit sailing then instanced combat with advanced mechanics
Napoleon with LME has much better naval battles.
Give us a shantie me hardys
Whatever happened to Pirates of the Burning Sea?
>join the navy
Had anyone modded the assassin's creed part out of black flag yet? Fuck me it was fun as hell plundering booty with me crew.
>tfw no game that lets you play first person in the battle of trafalgar
Good WW1/2 era ship game when?
Black flag was shit. It baffles me that so many people here think that it isn't.
>ships are wildly historically innacurate, so much so that it's almost insulting, from their design to the way they move or even how the cannons fire absolutely nothing is even remotely correct or slightly satisfying
>every battle plays out the same fucking way
>can't travel on the water for more than thirty seconds without encountering a dozen hostile ships so that you can tediously replay that one battle over and over and over again
And then the asscreed parts on top were even worse.
>tfw some of those landscapes in black flag were nearly photo realistic
how did they do it all those years ago?
>"Kiss me Hardy, no homo"
I like building and then using navies in Hearts of Iron 3 and Darkest Hour.
>why are we all touching each other
>It's an "all pirates are evil" episode
Age of Pirates 2,
Bit of a buggy mess but there's mods that help
>he may have been saying 'Kismet (destiny/fate), Hardy'
>Hardy kissed him anyway
Good thing HoI4 streamlined navies so much that you can almost ignore them half the game.
Too soon
Why not Total Warhammer
because they are two different franchises
Yes but Total War: Warhammer is a terrible name for a game
yes but
>muh trademarks
Naval Action, eventually.
When it comes out of early access ahahahaahahahahAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH it should be THE go-to naval game.
I still remember reading in White Dwarf about that 40k tournament they had to rename at the last minute because CA sent them a legal notice.
Warcraft 2
until Empire 2 comes
Blood and Gold: Caribbean!
horrible game
What makes it horrible? It basically Mountain blade + Age of Pirates
>Empire 2
>implying Atilla 2 won't come out first
>implying Attila isn't Attila 2,BI being the first
I am honestly surprised no one has taken advantage of the open world indie trend and attempted to make a pirate or sea game out of it set around the 1600's.
>procedural generated world
>recruit crews, have a management system with everything from alcohol to clothing to books to hunting tools or weapons
>manage your ships cargo, have a trading economy
>craft new shit with a real crafting system involving commodities earned from trade or stolen, not AC collect 4 whale skins shit
>some aspect of PVP/PVE servers with economy controlled by players
>ability to buy and build off land from your profits
>options to manage fleets of ships if you wish, or freelance
>take a bunch of base ship components and let people build their own and have options for historical templates
>some aspect of controlling your captain, even if it's only for walking around in ports or on ship
This is slowly turning into Eve with boats but it checks off basically everything people are eating up with early access shit now.
>open world
>inb4 full of quests markers and shitty upgrade systems
Koei did it 13 years ago.
All pirates were fags. If you aren't fighting for king and country there is no point in fighting at all.
Sid Meier's Pirates!
It always satisfies that pirate itch for me but at the same time always feels me wanting for something more complex.
>t. a mindless serf with a club
yeah a really shitty version of both
>Implying pirates didn't fight fo kings
>implying the british empire didn't counquer it's caribbean holdings through piracy
>Implying there weren't letters of marque
Pirates were petty theives. Real men fight for a greater purpose.
I'm talking abour pirates here user, not privateers.
Silent Hunter III
By in game economy I mean to imply there would be no quests or the like. There may be NPC's running around and ports to trade to NPC's with but nothing like that.
Crafting would be using base components like wood or rope to create objects from a preset list, so you can make a merchant vessel with tons of space or say slap an additional mast on your ship, but the mast and the cargo bay would always just be a mast and a cargo bay. Nothing like, "+3 Legendary Rudder of Agility", more like, "tall square rigged sail 2". Upgrading would only exist in how a ship is arranged, how many cannons per side or how much weight is held where or how tall a ship is.
Pirate=/=Corsair, their methods may be the same but one has the advantage of having the backing of a whole country
30 eurobucks for an early access mmo with devs that can't decide whether to listen to naval muh sim grognards or lel I just wanna have fun :3 steambbys.
It's dying too. It's really too expensive and I've been watching the development for almost a year now. A shame, I was looking forward to it.
Sounds like it's going the way of Elite: Dangerous. Too many great games that have potential to do early access right end up trying to listen to too many people and doing nothing right.
The community is just awful. The devs aren't helping, with shit support, focusing on wrong issues and being indecisive as fuck.
Absolutely no free weekends whatsoever is fucked up too (inb4 poor) - no one I know would want to drop that amount of cash on a niche produce (in fucking EA!!) without any kind of trial.
Balance is retarded, fun features (winds, storms) won't get added (and if they will, in a very basic state) due to arcade players whining.
Lighter ships have no purpose etc., etc.
I wish I wasn't right. I want ships and this was supposed to be my fix for the next few years after potc.
I saw this game a while back and yeah, I'm not willing to shell out the 30 dollars for it. Especially not with what I've dealt with in Elite. So many fucking parallels I can draw between that shitfest and this game, especially from what you're saying now.
What a shame.
Oh there's a shit ton of more issues than I mentioned.
But the worst thing about it, is that there's a good game hidden underneath all that shit that will never see the light of day. That's what's extremely frustrating, age of sail games are rare - so to see one that has potential and looks good, but is nipped in the bud due to stupidity - that's hurtful.
>getting insulted about historical accuracy in Ass fucking Creed
You're beating a dead horse lad.
AC4 is a testament to the powers of romanticism. It makes the experience of being a pirate on the Caribbean to be incredibly alluring, sailing from place to place with your crew to do what you want which I guess makes sense since "freedom" is basically the main theme of the game.
It's also comfy as fuck and all of those sleepy little pirate villages and whatnot look cozier than they'd actually be. Rogue kind of does the same with the Hudson River Valley and makes places like colonial Albany look comfy as fuck.
It would become repetitive if you make it easy or grindy if you make it hard, what you are saying is fine but you would need more than a few game play mechanics for that to be fun and challenging at the same time.
I'd kind of rather have a nice age of exploration game. Go sail to discover new lands for your country/empire, go full merchant, etc.