Comfy games thread

Comfy games thread

Post comfy games, suggest comfy games to others

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Comfy is the worst meme

what is good comfy game on 3ds? I don't like animal crossing but is harvest moon any different?

Puzzle game that is surprisingly comfy as there is no deaths, no time pressure just awesome atmosphere, intriguing back drops and a subtle narrative.

>portal 1 and 2
>puzzle game
>"there is no deaths"
It depends, it depends.

Comfy is the best meme

Anno 1404


Anno 2250 sucks, and I don't like the future setting of 2070. Anno games are THE definition of comfy.

top comfy

how different from 1602 is this?

>inb4 198 years different

hoping for mainly a graphical overhaul and a few new structures

I saw this posted a few times, what is the game like, tell me a little about it

Comfy VN with really cute waifus and a cyberpunk theme, where instead of dialog choices, there's a drink serving minigame, where you can serve different drinks and add more alcohol to some of them to get your patrons drunk. There are quite a few anime references and even a version of Sup Forums ingame. The devs are really self-aware about the game and the Sup Forums memes. It's the perfect comfy weeb game.

Also, the soundtrack is insanely good. Even if you don't like the game, I recommend checking it out:

Patrician 3. Colorful art style and a game that lets the player choose whatever pace and style they like. You won't feel like you're missing out on anything if you decide to avoid politics and combat and instead focus purely on making money.

man, that soundtrack is good and comfy, thanks for the answer, definitely going to check this out

>There is not enough beer

Tell me about it blue dude.

Life is Strange is getting me all comfy and nostalgic. Impressive given both myself and the devs lives in Europe.

>there is not enough beer
Is there ever

perhaps strange but i find ftl and eufloria comfy
ftl might be becasue im shit and like to fly around in the setting, and the music is good

What have you done to that poor image it's been recompressed so many times.The literal giant pixels around the text.

JPEG compression is a meme on its own. You need to embrace it.

FTL can be pretty comfy, it also helps that you can pause and issue orders, otherwise it would be too stressful, also the final boss gives it some nice challenge even on easy, a great game.


Muh nigga

I wish the series would go back to older times, I can't get into futuristic city builders at all.

I still prefer the colonial era stuff too

>The devs are really self-aware about the game and the Sup Forums memes.

What is your age?

Currently € 0,99 on sale

I actually live in that town.

I would love either a Victorian London or Les Miserable like Paris setting.
Just on the verge of steampunk? Yes please. Black Death? Sounds neat. Carriages, horses, the first cars, the first printing press, the first railway, all of it.

You can't say it's inaccurate.


Comfiest fucking game I've ever played

Me brothas.

how do i free camera?

kingdom of keflings is a much better game

its some shitty indie game the dev keeps shilling on here. It's rated 6/10 on metacritic, go read the reviews over there by other users.

Ignore what the people here say about it on the board. Literally the whole team who made the game is frantically trying to shill it over here nonstop day in and day out.

Gameplay wise its a shitty point and click visual novel.

Uhh I think it was the "i" key? It's been a while since a played.

played the fuck outta that game too.

No wait just remembered it's F1.

nigga the game was made by a couple of weebs from venezuela
they probably do post on those threads, but that doesnt make the waifus any less cute and the game less comfy
also literally every visual novel is like that, if you're expecting good game mechanics on a VN you're retarded

>muh shills
Fuck off please

>muh comfee


thanks. I really wish we can do more with the oriental stuff.

Me too.

>getting mad at how people feel about games

>getting mad I called you autistic


Is slime ramcher comfy? I also recommend Rune Factory 4 for ultmate comfy.

Fucking this

Imagine Anno in the bronze/iron age. Would be sweet

Antiquity >>>> Middle Ages

Are there any that aren't city builders?

Plebs are needed

>getting mad


I'm looking into Slime Rancher too. It does look comfy, but it's in Early Access and it has just 20% off right now. A friend said it is fun but doesn't last long because there's not a whole lot of content. It's cute tho.





The comfiest

looks horrible

Underage detected

okay you've won I am kinda autistic

It's ok buddy so am I
I love you no homo

Is there enough beer?

Also pic related

Ma nigga


>Fucking Broghild

What is this heresy?

>Remotely comfy

Nigga HoMM is some of the most stressful shit out there.

How is playing a turtle game while being necropolis not comfy.

Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
Thanks me later.

Thinking of buying it in the sale. Worth the £5?

damn nostalgia hit me hard on this one
comfy childhood memories

Has anyone here played Patrician 4? Is it any good or should I stick with 3?

not that user, but I'd definitely say so. It's great survival game.

When I decided to look something up about the game, first thing I stumbled upon was Q&A where the dev displayed pretentiously bad taste in animu. I was too afraid that would influence the writing so I skipped this.

Best Anno game by far.


I'm just not really sure whether it's worth buying another early access survival game when I bought Subnautica just yesterday. Is it that different (other than the setting of course) to differentiate itself enough?

Because turtle or not the enemy intends to kill you.
And you need to go out of your base to get special resources.

> Already did all my purchasing
> Realize yesterday you can sell trading cards
> Can't sell them because I haven't set up steamguard, and even after I do, it'll take 15 days before I can use the market
I just wanted to buy some cheap comfy games with my card cash. Why is that so wrong?

Three reasons (among many others) why HoMM3 is comfy:

>often encourages defensive behavior, since it is very easy to defend in castles.


>well-put-together sprites, especially on the map. Everything just works perfectly. I don't think any other game has forests that look more lush.

>the enemy intends to kill you.

Good luck, I'm behind 9000 power liches

only steam is allowed to make money with trading cards stupid goy

When the fuck is this game getting finished?

Fuck off Malthus

Pillars of Eternity
>That god tier atmosphere
>That fun CRPG combat from out of the old days
Divinity: Original Sin is also comfy

Warrior Kings: Battles is cosy as fuck

You are now hearing the main theme play in your head

Listening to the full playlist right now, thx user. Damn I feel like I should revisit this game soon. I used to dump so many hours of my precious childhood into this and haven't played it since

Nobody cares about your shitty game, Josh

I tried to get it to run on my laptop, but it freezes after a few seconds and there's no audio :(

not sure if troll.. I've made like 20 bucks off of selling trading cards

>tfw Lethis wasn't good
Worst disappointment in a long long time for me.

Anyway Tropico 4 is super comfy. Great music too. I still occasionally start a new island

>Is it that different (other than the setting of course) to differentiate itself enough?
oh hell yes.

in subnautica, you build bases, scavenge for supplies to build up your safety-boats and need to eat and drink.

In The Long Dark, there are 4 factors ou need to think about: Food, Water, Warmth and Tiredness. You can since the newest patch build a little outdoor shelter, which should only be used as a last resort for several reasons. You need to gather and maintain your supplies, and ration it out, as too much wight will be bad for you, especially with all the dangerous wildlife. Atmosphere is great, and even though the world is always the same, the location of items is bound to change in almost every game, and so is your starting equipment as well.

Trust me, out of the two, I much prefer The Long Dark. It even gets scary as fuck to, given that when it gets dark, shit gets DARK.

the beginning of that tune is real fucking good

It's a joke. I can't sell them, so steam's the only one making money because I had to buy a game to get them.

Thanks, though since I love the underwater setting of Subnautica I'll be getting both. I haven't played any of the million zombie survival games out there (outside an hour of DayZ back in 2012 or so) so the whole survival game genre is fresh to me.

Very much so
The survival is challenging as fuck
I love both games but they're very different

then hell yes, get both! I like both of them, but for very different reasons.

The long dark makes you feel lonely, but never alone.
Subnautica makes you feel alone, but never lonely.
atleast it does to me, if that makes sense.

Yeah, but in general, defending is very advantageous. You can often hold onto your castles by keeping mediocre heroes there, as by tactically holding enemies outside the walls, the castle defense will do a lot of damage.

Building up a mega-hero is also advantageous, as he will be near-invincible. Wherever he goes, you will have top map control.

All of the above make for a comfy game, as frantic rushing, a trait of un-comfy strategy games, is often punished. Also, it's generally your fault when you lose your castles - you left them unguarded, and didn't watch for nearby enemy heroes (so there generally aren't big, bullshit surprises that make you lose).

Disable things like Town Portal or Water Walk or related meme artifacts for maximum effect (I think you can only do this with the WoG mod). It's cheesy to use them yourself, and it's annoying and anti-comfy when the AI uses them.

By no means is it an easy game - it's just careful, yet "comfy" strategies often work in your favor.

I'm also only talking about facing Hard AI (which is actually quite good for a strategy game, and doesn't cheat except at the highest levels). I don't know what the multiplayer "meta" is like. I can imagine defending is still good there, but I'm sure people use some bullshit tactics at times.

Welp, must be a really good one then. How can a system, which is still functioning today, not be able to run HoMM? Blows my mind