Who are Japanese devs (Kojima, Ishiwatari, SWERY, Inafune, Suda51...

Who are Japanese devs (Kojima, Ishiwatari, SWERY, Inafune, Suda51, just to name a few) so completely in love with '80s America?

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You say that as if people in general are not in love with 1980s America. Movie stars so beyond past their prime several have already gone nova keep getting staring roles in films. Even without them every big movie from 1980s in cinema, has been remade. Or rebooted into a live action/cgi hybrid movie serial.

>there will never be a demolition man II

Just fucking end it already.

>rebooted into a live action/cgi hybrid movie serial.

this should be a fucking crime already

90s are coming back, music and fashion are bringing it back, cinema soon, hell indepenence day 2 is coming... And that film was trash.

At least the Red Dawn remake totally flopped and Commando with Sam Worthington never left pre-production.

80s america is the only thing that rivals the general weirdness of japan

>90's fashion
Oh god please no.

Because 80's America is awesome, it was the height of American power and existed before this modern sjw crap ruined America.

80s America was as tasteless as Japan is now

kojima is so delusional he still thinks the twin towers exist

Because America was greater back then

Green is Always Greener syndrome from when they were growing up

There's something beautiful about the 80's.

Everyone loves 80s America on a romantic level, not just Japan and your Grandpa from Texas

why? what happened to them?

I was born in 84 and can remember being two years old but I mostly grew up in the 90's.

The 80's just has this feel about it. It's definitely romanticized but it really isn't like any other decade.


I love this kinda stuff even though it's the romanticized version.

Twin Towers, Colloquially known as The World Trade Center

Game was set in 1984 user. Planes didn't get dropped till MGS2 came out.

It's hard for us to speak about the Twin Towers, but we're sorry about what happened to them

probably because kojima hasn't aged since the 80's

>there will never be a mannequin 3

why live?

Because Japanese media is shit

We brought those sons of bitches down!



Have you seen The Terminator?

Because 80s America is fucking cool
>best Star Wars
>Blade Runner
>Knight Rider
>high cut leotards

They were young back then.

It's like if in next 30 years you became a game developer and makes games about mumble-core trash and hipster shit. Or internet memes.

>knight rider

My nigga. There's something about pop culture back then. I' dying for another 80's themed game like Vice City lately just to get that fucking "feel".

You know the one. It's hard to describe.


90s were still great too.

i'd like a game set in 1980s england but i couldn't bare another neo-80s one.

the neo 80s just piss me off for some reason.

I like neo 80's music but I get what you mean about the style.

A genuinely 80's style game that takes the feeling and pop culture vibe would be best. I just love the way things look.

>Born in Poughkeepsie
>Some reason video makes me homesick for a fucking city that tried it's damnest to destroy my life.

>Considered moving somewhere else in NYS, like Buffalo
>Then remember their fucking retarded ass personal defense laws
>Legally Liable in court for a pet defending it's owner from home invaders
>Can't have a pistol with more then 5 fucking rounds, or a semi-auto rifle with a pistol grip

Man they've gone full fucking retard.