*cough* ugh can't afford my alimony this month bros, the steam summer sale has such great Bethesda games on sale...

*cough* ugh can't afford my alimony this month bros, the steam summer sale has such great Bethesda games on sale, such as Fallout 4 and Skyrim, I've also spent what little I had left on the upcoming Skyrim Remaster!

Can you guys *cough* help a good friend out and pre order...?

Other urls found in this thread:


Of course, anything for you my friend! Yeehaw!

what's the matter poorfag? can't afford the Fallout 4 season pass?

you should have made paid mods for Skyrim like I did, truly a wonderful opportunity to get compensated for my hard work. with sales from my mods i was able to buy 5 copies of Fallout 4 Deluxe Edition. In fact I just sent you one. Be sure to pay it forward to someone else when Skyrim SE comes out. :)

smol todd

>mfw people fell for the Todd is short meme


Of course, Todd! I'd never let a video developer go hung -- hey, wait a minute! Alimony? You've never even been married! You're telling lies again!
Fuck you Todd, I'm not buying shit!

Don't need to get married, kid. I pull 10x the bitches you do. Why do you think they call me Rodd? Cause I'll give your hoe 12 inches of Todd.

LOL i actually do own fallout 4. But guess what, i haven't played it since last year and i haven't played any of the DLCs. How do you like that?

You think I care?

You still bought it, dumbass

Toddposting is my favorite meme

Actually.. A friend gifted me it, so i never did pay for it ;) Perhaps i will pirate the DLCs though, they work just like mods do you know? So i don't need to buy them! ha ha!

Salutations my "Jive Brothers". It is I, To-... I mean DeTodd. So you think Mr. Howard is racist? Ha! I say, Ha! No. He's a "Real Original Gangster", if you catch my drift. I would say that he's the only game developer supporting the black community. So if anything, we should buy his game to show OUR support to him! Now my fellow "Niggas", go out and be sure to acquire Skyrim: Remastered through LEGAL means. I know we sometimes are a sticky-fingered bunch, eh? With that said, farewell! I'm off to play basketball or whatever our kind does.


Well if you have that many bitches, I don't imagine you'll miss the money from a few copies of your games. I think I'll pirate the lot of them. :^)

Your friend payed money for it, though. Doesn't matter where it comes from, that's more cash in my pocket, dreamboy!

Greetings Earthling!

I have come from space to agree with this sentiment.

>you will never take all 12 inches of Rodd

Don't worry Todd, I already bought Fallout New Vegas

Of course i won't pirate that DLC. I will pirate all of them! What'cha gonna do?

And no cash for you when i pirate all DLCS

Don't make me come over there...

todd, my friend suggested to find "towents" of fallout 4
what is it and where can I find it?

>You've never even been married
I am actuall--- I mean, he's actually married.

Ok djiz calm down. I don't want to give you cardiac arrest. Please don't come here!!
Will this make you happy? I am scared

Oh got eem rawr lawl xDDDD

You're such a loser Todd. And your games suck!

Right here, friend.



Sure thing Todd! Just let me get all of this first yeah?


He meant "torrents". torrents are huge streams of water etc, so he meant to go on to Steam and buy so many copies of Fallout 4 that they make a river of downloads.

Don't forget about Nuka World, when it comes out.

I pirated Skyrim the other day and loved it so much. I felt so guilty that I bought two copies, I hope you can forgive me Todd!

But is it not included in the season pass dear Todd?

Your game stinks Toddy boy, glad I pirated it

10 times 0 is still 0

wow, this thread really impressed me

im going to go out and buy 2 copies of Fallout 4!

You all should too!

Fallout 4 actually wasn't that bad, all things considered. It was a shitty fallout game, but everyone seriously expected too much of Bethesda. I'll pirate it again when the DLCs come out, hopefully by then there'll be a good RP mod so you aren't railroaded into le vanilla bread dad.

what are you people talking about?
what is "piwating"?
a-a-are you getting todd games for f-f-free?
where can I get them >o>




these JUST edits never fail to make me laugh

This has never been funny.

Perhaps if you spent all this time developing the game and making it actually good instead of posting here people would buy and play your game? Ever given that a thought?

I disagree

You guys are fucking weird.

todd onii chan how does king crimson works??

Hey Todd just stopping by to say your game is for the fucking birds you prick.

p.s. I pirated it and still didn't like it.

p.p.s. Feed your brain with a shotgun shell you prick.