Is God real?
I've had this weird feeling in the back of my mind that maybe he isn't. Thoughts?
Is God real?
I've had this weird feeling in the back of my mind that maybe he isn't. Thoughts?
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Is this the baiting thread?
Does it matter?
Just live a good life.
If there is no god then it doesn't matter
if there is one and he punishes you for not believing him then he is a satan tier dick.
Hm really makes you think.
Who cares, I just want to die and chill in a warm and comfy eternal abyss.
This conversation seems fake as fuck.
Pascal's wager makes more sense than reverse Pascal's wager.
God don exits but tires do.
Anons today sure are behaving strangely
Ennis is an edgy hack and a typical bumfucking obsessed godless limey.
Which god are you talking about?
Which god are you talking about?
Is this thread about video games?
I've had this weird feeling in the back of my mind that maybe it isn't: Thoughts?
No it doesn't.
There's been thousands of gods and most of them really hate when you believe in another one.
Just because most people believe in a certain one today doesn't mean he's the one that exists.
You're fucked either way, so chose the option that doesn't make astounding assumptions.
The fuck I just finished this today
There's only one you dummy. No, your primitive idols and totems don't count.
There's only one God you silly goose
It's a concept so huge that we could never grasp if it's true or not. Disregard revelations, they're all for the sake of human morality in human language.
If God is real then how do you explain Sup Forums?
When I started to explore the internet i was shocked that so many americans, young people even, would believe in god. Very few in our country still do as it's not a third world country.
how the fuck is that comfy or warm
Speaking of God, isn't there going to be another brood war starleague soon? I'm looking forward to seeing him play again.
>Moot is God
>Sup Forums was a test
>now there will exist a second religion that testifies Japanese Moot as the messiah
Fear is the most primal of all emotions.
Fear of the unknown is biggest fear for many.
The concept/idea of there being a "God" removes the fear of what happens after death.
So people can live their pointless lives in relative peace.
You have no way of knowing that.
Pascal's wager only applies if one God is the only option. If you took Pascal's wager seriously, you have to pray to all deities that promise torture for heathens. Therefore you can't accept any one of them, because each Abrahamic religion has exclusive worship.
Really, it's about faith, Thomas.
Ever gotten the impression that the people arround you are merely actors roleplaying life? As if they were fake as fuck?
The abyss is your one true god, user. She wraps her metaphorical arms around you as you just float there for all of eternity. Fear nothing for all that awaits you in the end is her comforting embrace. Dream of everything for she's there to comfort your needs. Give in.
Fuck off agnostic scum. Enjoy eternity in hell.
That's what happens if you remove all goals in life and replace them by
Fucking this, why do you think it caught on in the first place?
If God doesn't exist why can't anyone actually prove it? Chekmate atheists
That's how you come across to other people too
Watch this and if you have critical thinking skills you will at least question your beliefs.
God isn't real, but the Supreme Being is.
The Supreme Being has existed since before this dimension of ours was around.
The Supreme Being brought life to our cosmos by the great explosion.
The Supreme Being breathes life into all forms of matter and takes life as it wishes.
The Supreme Being is within everything, at all times, from the beginning and until the end.
I believe in one God.
t. sigmund "dicksmoker" freud
t. demiurge worshipper
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
why don't you ask your mom ;)
You mean being itself? Because that notion exists only when concience exists.
the only true teaching to live by is buddhism. it is a teaching that heaven exists and its a state of being on earth.
No but you're a vaping neckbeard if you question any of it.
Steve Dillon is such a garbage artist.
Take some seeds.
Plant them in fertile soil.
Bless them with water.
And watch what happens.
This is nurturing the Supreme Being, which will in turn nurture you and bring you a space closer to finding the truth about the world in which you were born to.
Look at this pic, her name is jesus, in her name you will raise the dead and move mountains.
Don't care, I don't plan on ever dying so I'll never have to worry about finding out.
It's always been my goal to live forever since before I can remember and I will accomplish it.
I'll plant a seed in your fertile mum and then you see what happens u gobshite
Hello, my son. What is it you wish to ask me?
Alright white girl, not all of us live in Commiefornia
When will the robot waifus be real?
Are you a JRPG villain?
Fukken savage
So how do I tell my sell to ditch this persona that it's currently acting? I want a do over, but this idiot seems to not get the memo.
Would I know if I was?
I mean, before I accomplished my ultimate goal and then some teenagers with strange hair and oversized weapons came to kill me?
I won't raise shit for something without a dick
Well, good luck with that.
>Is God real?
I believe there is a God.
I believe his is loving God, and a perfect God.
I believe it is because of his love, this world is what it is.
There is no evil in the world, only evil we create.
Holy Holy Holy, blessed be his name.
I love all of you guys, and hope you can come to peace with anything you believe in as well. Faith in anything is hard.
ill have you know that i am an eskimo man, thank you very much. it is really quite an irrational thing to make an ad hominem attack over an anonymous image board :)
Freud is/was the father of psychology.
Today's physiologists have no new material or concepts so they just bash on Freud.
Which is funny because Freud said every boy wants to kill his father and marry his mother.
Today's physiologists have no way of "killing" the father of psychology so they'll always live in his shadow.
It's hilariously ironic.
waves arent real
Look at this brainwashed fool. Religion was a mistake.
DAMN YOU, Peter! You are not god!
I believe in Kek and only Kek.
Reply to this post with praise for His name and be granted the holy dubs.
Ignore this post and Kek will smite you.
>The meme seeing into the abyss
This is the after life.
It is called Sheol.
It exists on this Earth, but it is not visible to us.
Sheol is the eternal slumber. Where you lie asleep for eons, yet you don't know that you are asleep.
Freud and Jung are my niggas.
I'm Machiavellian as fuck.
There is no "real" me; I just adapt to the situation that benefits me the most.
I know my role and my place but they change depending on when/where I'm at and who I'm with.
>Today's physiologists have no new material or concepts
Literally intro to psych classes have new material
Yeah I know my fellow Inuit, he was just an uncultured swine whose probably never even been to a single yoga session
The problem with Pascal's wager is you could apply it to rationalize literally any kind of irrational behavior.
On an unrelated note but not really, why did they fuck up the Preacher tv series so bad?
>if there is one and he punishes you for not believing him then he is a satan tier dick.
You will still be punished though. Sophisms like "uugh, but at least I am in the right" won't help you much when you are burning in fire for all eternity.
they made it boring
the source material is also absolute garbage, which didnt help
It's all neuroscience shit now.
Psychology couldn't make any more advances on it's own so they hard to rely on biology and actual hard sciences.
>Today's physiologists have no new material or concepts so they just bash on Freud.
Says someone who has never studied psychology.
Psychologists acknowledge Freud's contributions and his invention of many modern psychological methodologies. They also build upon and improve his work using techniques and resources that weren't available to him in his time.
Psychology is not a static thing invented by one person. It is a fluid, ever expanding body of knowledge that grows every year.
Freud was a great man, but his theories are outdated, this is an inevitable reality of any scientist, no matter how great. Your theories will always end up being succeeded by better ones made using better technology and resources eventually.
The fact that Freud is still taught as a starting point in psychology education attests to how good he was though, that is his legacy to the psychological community.
Human immortality in our lifetime brother
They're still in fucking Anville for God's sake *hue)
and yeah i know the comic is shit. still doesn't make the shitty adaption hurt less.
I'd bother explaining how you actually get a very quick demonstration of the existence of God and what is His name if you ever pay attention, but sadly, those who need to pay attention are posessed and the rest cannot be saved.
Hm really makes you think
Standing on the shoulders of giants, eh?
Most psychologists are pretentious as fuck.
That's why 10 years ago EVERY grill wanted to be one and now they're a dime a dozen.
What's worse about the neuroscience shit is that people scanning it think they have an explanatory sword to explain behavior, as opposed to a vast labyrinth where nothing is quite certain.
The father of psychology was the first neurology with mirror neurons and that successfully passed on that phenotypical feature via genotypical transmission. aka fucked and had a kid.
>Study of something begins to focus on actually getting things done instead of making vague theories that can neither be proven or disproven
>Somehow not better
Now I'm even more confused.
Nothing Freud did is actually useful.
>10 years ago.
I have 3 female cousins who are going to school for "psych" and thats all of them.
How do you know that? Just because it's the one you were taught to believe doesn't mean it HAS to be the one. Thinking our own knowledge is always the truth is a bad way of living.
Also, you're making a ton of assumptions there. Trivializing other beliefs to totems and idols like your religions didn't have them (regardless of which it is). They may use different names, but what do you think a cross is, when seen by another religion? I hope you don't think that way just because you consider we're "civilized" or any nonsense like that.
Go ahead, explain. I'm not atheist, so perhaps I'm not completely possessed. Salvation is still within my grasp.
>reading about famous philosophers
>they provide interesting and logical insights into the concepts of thought, knowledge, and the nature of the world around us
>then they go super retarded trying to prove God is real
Why does this always happen?
best crpg ever
Why would you ask such a question to a board that unironically think art is meaningless and subjective?
I'm going to show you a picture and I'm going to ask you one simple question, but I want you to be honest about this question, okay?
Now, is this man you?
Because I was shitposting with some weak bait. Get with the program.
I don't know maybe because art IS meaningless and subjective
So? If god's an insatiable sadist there's nothing you can do about it. You reckon you can stay in his good books for eternity? Good luck.
I took an anthropology class and it was useless but semi-interesting.
Intelligent Design?
Darwin was a pussy who stole much of his grandfathers works.
The other guy who was about to publish his work before Darwin always gets overlooked.
He married his 1st cousin, fucking up the gene-pool and going against evolution.
Neanderthals were the superior man.
The one instance in which i would use fpbp/10
get the fuck out
>Caring about anything in philosophy outside of ethics
The only thing Freud did was manage to get over wanting to fuck his mom and have a daughter who would go on to actually do shit in psychology
>then they go super retarded trying to prove God is real
the fear of death