When are we gonna get a Lego Call of Duty game?

When are we gonna get a Lego Call of Duty game?

CoD is Megablocks, tho?

So when Megablocks isn't a poverty brand.

As the other user mentioned, Megablocks already owns the licence for cod(and all activision games iirc), so there's that. Additionally, Lego is vapidly against any depictions of war/violence that aren't fantasy. So, literally never ever.

>lego games

remember when they tried to do an MMO?

>Minifigures online
>a failed attempt at an mmo that's shutting down in the very near future

>Lego Worlds
>Generic early access survival crafting game in a lego skin

>Lego Dimensions
>Literally just a platform to justify selling the game in hundreds of different pieces of dlc

Oh how you've fallen, Lego.

>vapidly against any depictions of war/violence that aren't fantasy
but they've made sets with guns in them all the time, even licensed ones

gotta get more money because sets are getting more expensive and parents and AFOLs don't want to spend the money

>that aren't fantasy
Being the key phrase there. They're okay with violence, but not any realistic or real-world depictions of violence. Basically they only allow fantasy violence in their sets. Cod is not fantasy, it's a gritty realistic depiction of military, so lego would be against making a game or sets about it.

Adjusted for inflation, lego is cheaper per-piece now than it was 20 years ago.

Yeah but that's "for fun" or "historical".

They refuse any militaristic depiction after the civil war, pretty much. So no WW1, WW2, no tanks, no WW2 fighters. Yeah there might be a jet or WW1 plane, but those are for novelty.

The Star Wars license basically killed Lego. Yeah, it made them stinking rich and took them out of near bankruptcy, but it really ruined the brand.

Fleshies, movie tie ins, literally Disney Princess garbage everywhere, putting stickers in $100+ sets.

I'm still getting some of the Dimensions figs because quite honestly Dimensions is so far the best accumulation of every other Lego brand they have. And since no other Lego game has deviated from the first Lego Star Wars (as in, it's literally the same fucking beat 'em up collect-a-thon from the past 15 years or whatever) there's no point in buying any of the other releases unless you're a fan of that particular franchise.

I'm honestly interested in buying Lego Worlds, but the reviews are so mixed.
Is it actually any good, or should I wait/avoid it?

>Lego Worlds
>Generic early access survival crafting game in a lego skin

so I see you haven't played it

I got it when it first came out. It's still in development and could honestly be dropped at any time.

When I first got it I could see the big deal about it. It's basically what Minecraft should have been (as in being able to build anything with "virtual lego"). There's also cameos from various series.

My only problem was that it ran really poorly. Of course that was at launch and there have been several patches since then so I dunno.

Complain all you want about licenced sets but at the end of the day, they saved lego from bankruptcy, and now gives them the freedom to make and release whatever fucking sets they want. Their original ip's are better now than they've ever been and that wouldn't be possible without the money they make from licenced sets.

Correct. I avoid buying early access games just out of principal. I'm willing to make the occasional exception if the game looks interesting enough, but Worlds really doesn't look all that interesting. Maybe I'll get it when it's finished.

They're 2015 City sets were pretty weak as fuck. In fact most of 2015 was pretty weak, especially the Star Wars sets.

2014 seemed much cooler but I missed them.

They CMFs are still the best.

You are currently replying to somebody who owns every single figure and set from the Simpsons theme. Yes, I'm pathetic.


probably never, minifigs not bad, wish there was a bit more detail (probably would be expensive as hell though). megablocks is more cheap than lego right?
I really liked the portal ones, but here theyre selling them for like 25-30 ish i only wanted the toy, not the game part, so thats pretty pricy for what i want..

lego parts are more durable right? i remember mega felt odd in texture

That's the worst thing.

These fuckers (I'm 100% it's Warner Bros. being huge jews) demanded 14.99 for ONE figure and 29.99 for ONE figure with TWO tiny builds.

Fuck off.

This is why the holiday season last year was overstocked with Lego Dimensions. Nobody was buying.

Now I'm seeing that they've reduced the price for single figs to 11.99, but still fuck that.

Best deal is having Gaymers Club from Best Buy and getting figs for like $6 each and the 29.99 sets for $18 or so.

There is HUGE quality control with Lego. I think they have additional factories in China and Mexico, but even then that plastic is miles better than Megakeks.

Though Megakeks does have way more articulation in their figs. Their Classic Ninja Turtles series is freaking great.

Yeah its really ass, even with that reduction, portal the only one i want doesnt seem to be in a single pack (probably never will be).

It never will unless they come out with some Lego Ideas set.

You could always buy the figs separate or buy the set and sell the discs.

cod is already a parody series
parodies of parodies get zany

true enough, anyways ill probably grab it when i have spare cash.

Do you have any sets yourself, or is it just too jew-ey to you

I think I remember reading somewhere that Lego said they will never do M/R rated Lego stuff. Which is why you see Halo Megablocks instead of Lego. Also why something like Lego Mortal Kombat doesn't exist.

I also don't know what their distinction is between the R/M rating because Lord of the Rings has on screen death shit (it's of fantasy characters but still) and that is apart of the Lego family of games.

Never because Lego don't support that shit.

They also make star wars lego.

The movies where people get blown up, dismembered, and shot with lasers.

Of Dimensions? I have almost all of wave one except Ninjago, some DC, and some Chima.

For the next wave the pickings are pretty slim, but I'll def. Nu-Ghostbusters, Gremlins, and ET.

Not big on Adventuretime, and only interested in Mission Impossible if Tom Cruise actually voices the character.

Yeah but that's all "fantasy".

hmm well at least we have megablocks to thank for taking it up, if they were on par to the quality of legos i would buy them up
gotta admit ninjago is something they do pretty well. Did you get the futurisitc knights (if u know what im referring to?)

They're ok, but a little too anime for me. Some of the sets are pretty crazy tho.

No, I have no Nexo Knights, but they look fun.

There's a lot of people on /toy/ that really like them.