>Marc Hannah
>Helped invent what was essentially the first 3D graphics hardware
>Helped invent the predecessor to OpenGL
>Literally who to the gaming community
Nigga whut. This guy needs the Baer treatment.
>Marc Hannah
>Helped invent what was essentially the first 3D graphics hardware
>Helped invent the predecessor to OpenGL
>Literally who to the gaming community
Nigga whut. This guy needs the Baer treatment.
Who the fuck cares
Why don't you care about gaming history?
See, saying helped is probably what does it.
People like a face man, a man who then gets associated with being the driving force, or the sole reason it becomes a thing, even if they are a hack.
most people who play video games couldn't even spell OpenGL, but that doesn't matter because you don't need to know who William Oughtred is to appreciate calculators
Well, he was a grad student who helped his advisor build the first version, then they started a company and he took over optimizing it as a chief scientist. There were other founders but that was his shtick.
Same reason I don't care who invented book binding when I'm a fan of reading
You're incurious and slovenly?
more like he's not so superficial that he'd let factors external to the product influence his enjoyment of the product
It does nothing to improve my enjoyment of the medium and there's a million other more relevant things I'd rather learn about
Expecting American History to recognize African Americans that weren't peanut farmers.
Keep up the good fight, user. Especially on this board.
Why would it matter if this guy is known when hardly anyone could name a single "tech" guy in the entire history of the industry? No one gives a shit about people who even make engines, with the only one they could name being Carmack.
because one person rarely makes anything
do you know the name of the person who made the first hammer?
Yes, and? The same is true of Miyamoto, Kojima, or any of the other game designers that are well known.
That was what I was thinking though. If you know Carmack, you should know this guy. He made Carmack possible.
The difference in temporal proximity is great.
Sure, him and a lot of other faceless mooks that no one cares about. The modern tech guys don't matter much at all to the gamer at the end of the line, the same is true for the ones further back. If you don't work with this stuff than hardly any of it is relevant to you.
why the name is not OpenMH, them ? uh?
Found your problem. If he didn't lay claim to creating anything on his own, he won't be remembered for jack shit.
But there's also the possibility that you're overstating his actual contributions to the industry in an attempt to sound educated and cultured on what is essentially a containment board for shitposting. Wew lad, you know a historical fact, we're super impressed at how knowledgeable you are. You think anyone here gives a shit? This isn't console wars, weeb shit, or e-celeb drama. As a result this thread is on page 9 as I type this and soon it will be well on its way there again once I post it.
You're better off trying /vr/, but don't get your hopes up because they're not much better than Sup Forums is nowadays.