I heard you're a virgin user

>I heard you're a virgin user
>why is that?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because I haven't had sex yet.

eyy bb wanna help me with that ;))

bitches aint shit but hos and tricks

this bitch is foul

You heard wrong

who are you quoting , lady?

Because chics can get laid at 13 while guys have to wait.

Cause I never lose anything, not even my virginity.

Who was the cretin that dared sully my good name by spreading that slanderous filth?!

Is subconsciously put the pussy on a pedestal and I haven't been able to put it down.

who are the chicks fucking at 13?

Damn baby, pussy cant be your only hustle

I look good with a paper bag on my head.
Don't ask for details please

It isn't even late night Sup Forums anymore and there's still shit threads abound.

>I heard you're a virgin user

How did this even come up?

13 or 15 years old kids user

I lost my virginity at 13.

Only bitch niggas have to wait.

In all seriousness, wait. It's much better that way. I regret starting so young.

fuck off lesbian whore you ruined Johnny Deep so don't go here right now trying to ruin myself i hope your career fails and dies of crack overdose you fucking scum.

20+ years old, buff guys

my corpulence coupled with my closed off personality makes me undesirable to the female species

the bloodline ends with you is my favorite vidya

Because I love loli and video games and have no time to waste on socializing with disgusting 3D skanks.

Amber Heard seriously looks like one of those girls that wants you to slap the shit out of her and gag her with your cock until she passes out during sex.

Forgot to sauce

>I got asked by about 5 underage girls for segs

I'm a 20+ year old buff guy. Where are my thirteen year olds?

you mean there's a time where there aren't shit threads?

I play too many video games

The only winning move is not to play.

They come in a six pack at walmart.
Check beside the milk.
Bastards make you walk through the whole store to get em

Do you live in a trailer park?
If no, you're shit out of luck.

Because check this 5.

This is my favorite VIDEO GAME

nah I think it's more the fact that you consider females a >species


Me too.

cuz i have tourette's and i'm a gamer prodigy because i've been using video games since i was born to curb the tourettes.
i can grasp all games, even table top, but i can't grasp women.

Because I chose to be.


If you are 20 and buff and not crawling with girls there's something getting in the way. Personality, looks or both.

>Nicole Anistion
Oh lardy lord!
I'd give my left nut to get statutory raped by her in middle school.

Because I went to study electronic engineering and the only girls I meet are indistinguishable from male skinny nerds with glasses.
And I spend my free time playing video games.
The closest I get to attractive females is on the bus/metro when I listen in on their conversations or read their texting.

Hope you guys realize this is a meme and entirley fake

Fuck you whore I lost it when I was 18 to a hooker don't remind me

Because bitches be trippin

My statement still stands.

Because I'm a man-child who's about as interesting as a mute


Nice try yugi!

She's hot as fuck but one of the most boring pornstars out there.

Of course.

'Cos I'm morbidly obese, have four different, untreatable skin conditions, asthma, dandruff, hyperhydrosis, hypothyroidism, poor personal hygiene, a woeful lack of interpersonal skills caused by spending my formative years entombed in a small, windowless room fapping to anime, playing vidya and arguing with people on the Internet. Finally, I'm 37, still live in my mom's basement and have diagnosed myself with Aspergers depression caused by my father killing himself/abandoning us out of sheer frustration at my boundless ineptitude, inability to succeed and being an unfailing disappointment to him.

I covered everything, right?

Suddenly I remembered the time the babysitter fondled my doodle when I was like 8 and frenched me

Mods sure are fast today.

Her 2016 scenes are pretty good.

Ok random question but can someone post the yellow pic of the guy saying something like "That's it I've had enough of the Internet I'm gonna go take a nap and then go back on the Internet "


If I was your father, I would leave too

Greentext it nigga

>its a goody two shoes tells the teacher you have a gameboy episode
why dont you fuck off bitch ass nigga


Please post a picture of yourself.


Because grills don't want to even if you ask them. Last time I asked for sex some girl I saw on street and se said no. You should ask femanons not anons.

how do you even end up in that kind of situation

We love cunny right?

shes amazing in that hotel 4some scene

Don't matter, all she needs to do is lie there looking sexy and take cum up her cunt for me to be happy.



Was Toy Story 3 really that bad?

>>why is that?
To harness the magical and arcane powers of the universe that why you dumb bitch.

Her Bangbus scene is absolutely hilarious. Her Fuckteamfive scene too.


You seem to be exactly like me xd


My wizza.

>feel sorry for me because I feel sorry for myself
be a man, faggot

Hah, that's not personsl experience speaking, I was attempting to paint a picture of some kind of worst-case scenario answer to OPs question, seems like I succeeded.

has the right idea, it's meant to be the "ultimate" answer

I wish I had a little sister.



Post More Amber.

my friend got jail time for this type of shit

lol ur friend dumb lmao

What shithole does your friend live in?


land of the free

>have worst fetish
>can't share it with anyone
>not even interested in normal sex

Pass the disgorger, this one's swallowed the hook.....

Because I have been leaving it "for later" since I was 14. 29 now.

Why are cunny so cute though?

Well done, that's 23 privilege points. You win!


because I'm fat

What is it faggot?

we all user here

>inb4 tiles

I bet you cum to floor tiles

never had a girlfriend, never went to whores, small dick, i hate myself everyday

inb4 tiles

>Had a job and gf for 2 years
>Now a NEET with 300+ watched animu's
I became a reverse Chad, what the fuck.

i never talked to a girl
what's really puzzling is the fact that i don't even want to