How many of you bros are back on Bloodborne? Or never left in the first place?

I'm going back to see how much more I like quickstepping than rolling.

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Bloodborne
2. Dark Souls
3. Dark Souls 2
4. Dark Souls 3
5. Demon's Souls

My favorite part of Bloodborne is that it doesn't have some bullshit poise system that doesn't even exist. And how most enemies actually get stunned from being hit. And quickstepping is just generally better than that autistic roll that a fully armored up knight can someone pull off.

the fucking triple hunters in the yahar'ghul chapel fuck me up every time. I want to get past them and level another 10 times or so and finally start the fucking Old Hunters, but some stupid fucking dogs were especially bitchy and I lost 50,000 echoes. I'm probably just gonna let it sit for a few days and play something else, I always come back

If you include The Old Hunters content and forget about the slog that is Chalice Dungeons I think Bloodborne is the best game by From, and by a significant margin.

The aesthetics, atmosphere, sound design, music, mechanics and speed of the gameplay all mesh together so perfectly.

I've spent hundreds to thousands of hours in other games and only maybe 150 hours in Bloodborne but it's currently my favourite game just due to how well it does what it does.

i wish i had one more area instead of all the chalice dungeons though, they're so fucking boring and lazy.

Same here. I always have to cheese the shit out of them.

Pretty much all of this. Plus the whole rally system or whatever they called it. I love being able to get my health back from beating the shit out of enemies. I like blood vials a lot more than some shitty finite source of mystical orange juice too.

Put about 25 hours into DS3 before switching back to my edgy female cainhurst knight

going back to it after DS3 was a breath of fresh air. besides the shitty load times.

Back to plating it and working on my skl quality build to get ready for the weekend fightclub with /vg/

I jumped back into it after the complete disappointment that was DS3, but I fucked up my build, so I'm putting the game off until I think of a new one.

post hunters

>4:43 am
>don't have a USB
>don't want to turn on the PS4 and pop in BB to take screenshots, post them to twitter, save them, and then post those shit quality pictures on Sup Forums
Here's a couple videos of my Nemesis cosplay instead.

>Boot up Bloodborne again after months of not playing it
>Warning message pops up saying I didn't quit the game properly last time and I might not of saved properly
>Don't remember doing anything weird last time, but alright
>Quickly realise that for some fucking reason, I haven't defeated Ebrietas
>Oh shit, this must not be what saved

What the fuck? I don't think I would of just turned the console off or anything and surely it should of saved immediately after you kill a boss? I had to do it all over again and I died more than was necessary since I was impatient and rushed it.

I actually disagree about the Chalice Dungeons - to me they get old slower than some more areas in the main game would of. And that has to do, for the most part, with how some enemies, items, and occurrences within them are extremely rare, or can be changed by you modifying the variables of them. I also like a lot of the enemies in them.

The Chalice Dungeons are pretty much something I would of KILLED for when Demon's Souls was the only game in the series. All I wanted was more content and enemies and that's what this delivers imo.

Ohhhhh boy, I finally got back to the dream and get to hear the doll's sweet voice again. I forgot how much I love her.

I wanna marry the doll!

What would BB be like if she acted super lovey dovey all the time?

Sounds like you rage quit last time, dude.

Why do you love her so much?

Holy shit, PS4 has one game meme is literally not a meme.

At least with the Wi U every month or so I get something new to play.

I beat Ebrietas and quit, last time I remembered. Maybe I just turned the console off instead of quitting to main menu though.

>implying I need a reason
Get out of here with your bad vibes.

I'm surprised there isn't more porn of the doll. Or like, lewd drawings of her in general. I've seen literally one picture and that's it.

It was easily the best in the series, but with a few tweaks I could see myself investing a thousand hours into it. It's really a shame the FRC chalices and endgame gems are locked behind hours and hours of bullshit.

Personally I prefer the Abandoned Doll to the normal one. There's something even more mysterious about her, especially since if you zoom in with the monocular, you can see she's still alive and her fingers are tapping the floor

Never played the game, just tell me.

Stop acting like it's bad that there's no lewdery with the doll. She's absolutely perfect the way she is, lewd or not.

What kind of tweaks are you getting at? Like balance changes?

Is it morse code or something?

I can understand why many people would rate it the best in the series but I don't really care for it myself.

I wish more light was shed on Maria. Her fight was really fun and she's a cool character too. Some people probably enjoy the mystery to her but I still wanna know more.

You can kite them outside, they eventually separate

This is why I also think Dark Souls 3 is the best DS, you can play it like it's bloodborne. I was never a poise/heavy player so the more the game plays like BB the better.

50k blood echoes is nothing. Chances are you will be overleveled around the end so it might even be a good thing. If you're gonna do chalice dungeons then they will shit out blood echoes like nothing else in the game.

I still join the weekend fight clubs from time to time. Dropped DaS3 completely after just one playthrough.

>went into NG++ when I didn't finish the DLC
also 1 trophy away from platinum Pthumerian Descendant got me fucked up.

this gets memed a lot but it I don't see how its possible for someone to like DS2 over DS3 over DeS. What specifically about DS2 do you like?

Who /gentleman/ here?

How do I fucking beat Mickey in the dream? His aoe in the second phase 1-shots me every time

Stay close to him. He only uses it if he's at a distance.

Okay, I'll try.

>Bloodborne is as good as any Dark Souls
When will this meme finally end
We all know it's just so you can justify getting a PS4

Just joined the BloodBros and have become a current generation Idort.

Playing a Holy Blade for trash/bosses and Kirkhammer for Hunters.

Game is better than the other Souls. Looks better, feels better, plays better and the bosses are way harder. I've completely fell in love with this when I was stuck on Gascoigne.

I know a lot of players like to cheese the boss A.I but I try to keep right up to their faces.

r8 my hunter

Me. I love the combat.

Personally, not that user, but here's what I like:
>Blue Flame
>weapon selection/movesets
>dual wielding
>DLC really brings DaS2 game up big time
>lore is not a basic rehash like DaS3 was
>bonfire ascetic
>NG+ adds more to the game
After playing DaS3 and completely missing the ascetic and NG+ gameplay I just completely stopped. It got real boring after that due to the linearity of the level design and completely missing all the good things DaS2 added to the series.

DaS3 lacks replayability for me, regardless, DaS3 has some of my favourite Souls bosses in the franchise.

>Salty xbone/pckek detected

1. Dark Souls 3
2. Dark Souls
3. Dark Souls 2

Irrelevant: Demon's Souls and Virginborne.

Prove me wrong, you can't.

Pc version when? :(

Went back to it after DS3, and it's as great as I remember it to be. Grabbed the Boom Hammer and the Minigun right after I beat Amelia and now I'm shooting my way through the forbidden woods, thinking the Minigun is the greatest thing they ever put in the game

When PS4 Emulation is a thing, I guess.

Does anyone know if there are any plans for Bloodborne to have a sequel? I'd even settle for more DLC at this point...Bloodborne was exactly the kind of update the souls series needed. The quickstep combat system really makes you feel like a badass, and the setting is probably the most interesting I've seen in a while.

Is this really what from intended players to do? Because if so, its fucking bad design.

There a lots of occasions where you can/should aggro an enemy away from some others to kill them separately. Of course you don't NEED to do it.

You would need to be fucking crazy to fight them all at the same time, though. Even 2 of them is more manageable.

I think the least cheesy way to do it is to to quickly kill the one on the staircase with a backstab visceral and then going to town on him before he gets up. Leaves you with 2 hunters which is a lot more manageable.

>mfw the focus of bloodborne is that levelling up somehow matters

This sucks, i remember in DS1 i only levelled up just to use certain weapons and just upgraded them to beat niggas.

A fully armored knight would have just as much trouble quick-stepping. If anything, rolling lets the armor's weight take care of momentum

Literally 0 replies

Was never going to fully abandon the dream but Ds3 saw me returning sooner than I thought I would.
>Did one playthrough of Ds3
>Started 2 other chars, nether were finished in the end
>Returned to BB
>Have made an Edgelord, an Amygdala themed char, and making another two atm

Never left I just keep starting new characters and putting more and more hours in. It may be affecting my marriage. Then it turns out I love the Chalice Dungeons after staying away from them for so long

Why has this game been so masturbaged lately? Sup Forums didn't even give a fuck about TOH's announcement on last year's TGS.

PS4 is cheap enough for poor people (and kids) now

Doll is cute. CUTE!

Stopped playing my SL4 run just as DS3 came out.
I finished the vanilla game, got past defiled chalice, didn't do DLC.

Stopped playing DS3 a few weeks ago, had a bow only run on the go, but got bored with it. Got tired of the online. Duelling is ok, but gets boring when you see the same build 20 times and invading is usually always just 3/4v1

Farewell, good hunter.

May you find your worth in the waking world.

Rape him with the poisoned knifes as soon as he jumps down to the lower level while you stay up there

There are always around 3 messenger notes with that


I was sad that dark souls 3 didn't have that for light builds, sure rolling consumed a lot less stamina like bloodborne, but still

Are you still trying to find Guidance 3 rune?

I sropped DaS3 after finishing NG+ and I don't miss it any second.

Went back to Bloodborne and started a skill/blt build for the first time

>mfw I realize the power of chikage and evelyn

Blood build is glorious

Try Bloodletter.
My weaponfu

Picked it up yesterday.

>strength/BLT scaling
>still rapefesting

Can't wait for bloodletter +10

Simon's bowblade is pretty damn fun, too.

Dude, always fucking open the door by the broken lamp BEFORE the blood moon. Or have you never been there before the blood moon?

>want to replay
>remember blood viral farming

i need cheat engine

Her accent sounds so stupid, like some fucking Guatemalan

Yet another dead BB thread, kek

Give up, BB sold less than 2 million copies

It's a daed geam, cuckbornes.

How's the scaling?

Currently got skill and blt both at 35. Is the arrow damage good?

Maybe a retarded question but are you able to parry with arrows as well?


Can't parry with arrows.
Arrows only scale from BLT, the sword from SKL, if you're referring to simons bow blade.
Caps are 25 and 40 IIRC.


Bloodborne really felt like the proper sendoff for the souls series than Dark Souls 3 did, but I still have gripes with the game.
>Every build is literally just melee. In a game with GUNS you can't choose to be a bloodtinge marksman or cast arcane shit 24/7.
>Like every other souls game, your stamina translates to how much damage you can dish out and pretty much having 45% stamina runes with Hunter rune is the best combination because of this.
>Once you get your blood rocks and clear chalice dungeons there's NOTHING to do, at least you could enjoy playing DS1 over again with a new build but not in bloodborne as all builds are the same.

I still got 170 hours out of it but that's just because there was literally nothing else worth playing on the PS4

Too bad. Parrying with transform switch would have been neat.

So I get an A scaling on skill or blt at +10?

Where do I go after killing blood starved beast?
I went to the old hunters workshop but the door at the top was locked

Kill Amelia or go to the left of the Cathedral. Amelia isn't optional but left is.

i'm replaying BB as we speak

Let my friend borrow it and he's taking forever to beat it. He's had it for two weeks and is just now going into the spider forest.

Trying to get him to buy his own copy by telling him how good the DLC is.

After killing blood-starved beast fast travel to Cathedral Ward and turn right before exiting the building, a door will have opened and the game gives you NO fucking indicator of it or reason for it being open whatsoever.

Because she's a real girl, silly

Rolling is the dumbest thing to do in any kind of martial arts.

The reason why rolling a thing is that it visually distinct.

Did you get through the woods yet? And kill the shadows of yharnam?

If not, go back to the cathedral ward, kill vicar amelia, and in the roundabout outdoor room at the bottom of the path that leads to the front door of the cathedral, look for a door on the left that is being guarded by one of the big ass church dudes. Go through there to get to the forest. Have fun, it's literally the worst area of the game.

>blood vial farming

This really shouldn't be a thing after your first playthrough.

I really want to replay it but I also don't want to get tired of it. New DLC fucking when Fromsoft.

getting the plat for BB is so satisying

anyone want to PVP in nightmare frontier? BL 190, will set it up in am hour

If you visited Yahrgul before, you can lure them right to the door next to the lamp, when you opened it from outside (before) then you can lure them there and only one will come outside.

Use the environment.
git creative

Not me cos I didn't buy a PS4 just to play it

>bl 190

You want to go down the Old Hunter Workshop tower. If you follow the outside path at the entrance of the tower, you should find a shard dropping beast-thing with a ledge to drop down to. Eventually that will get you into the next area. Other option is buy the key for 10k.

There will NEVER EVER be new DLC.
Platinum for BB is merely proof that you played the whole game and does not indicate skill.
You really are missing out, BB might be bait for shitposters but it really is the best 'souls' game, despite having no replayability.

>all builds are the same
End this meem. I had more fun trying new builds in Bloodborne than I did in the other games because the weapons are more depthful and are much more unique from each other. Your playstyle differs quite a lot depending on the weapon you use.

>Play all the dark souls
>Do pretty good
>Play Bloodborne
>Get assblasted
>Eventually learn to be aggressive
>git gud
>Play Dark Souls 3
>Aggressive blaze through with a dagger run cause I stop using a shield as a crutch.

Man I wish other weapons in DS3 have quick step. I think I perfer BB for the aggressiveness

You enjoyed the weapons more than the abilities that defined your build, of which there were none.
The weapons are all underwhelming to me in terms of usefulness, nothing comes even close to Ludwig's blade, and that's really disappointing because there's heaps of cool weapons with cool animations for them but..
>Ludwig's R1 spam does more DPS than 2H R1 spam.
>Is the best weapon in the game bar none.

>Platinum for BB is merely proof that you played the whole game and does not indicate skill.
i understand that ( ._.)

>smacking the one reborn with max beasthood and bolt paper using the holy blade
>12,000 damage combos every time

Seeing those big numbers get me all kinds of revved up. One reborn may be easy, but it's so big that when it's staggered, it won't fly across the arena.

>Have fun, it's literally the worst area of the game.
The Forbidden Woods or the part with Vicar Amelia?

You niggas need to learn to read