Game has a shotgun

>Game has a shotgun
>Its shit

>Game has a dog
>Its shit

Not incluiding Megaman.

>Game has a dog
>it shits

Why can you throw it?

Literally every game has shit shotguns, if game shotguns were realistic they would be incredibly overpowered

>shot gun

>Game has a shotgun
>inaccurate past 10 feet
>no damage past 30 feet

God, if you don't know anything about firearms, either do the research or don't put them in your game.

>Literally every game has shit shotguns
someone never played in Blood, i see

DOOM 2016 (two thousand shitsteen)

>game has a shotgun
>it's great

>if game shotguns were realistic they would be incredibly overpowered

Yet games like insurgency exist where semi auto rifles are better in every way gofuckyourself

doom 1 and 2 have the best shotguns

>he hasnt played CoJ: Gunslinger

>FEAR had a godtier shotgun
>FEAR 2 had the most useless shotgun is vidya history

D44M has great shotguns. I have most of the guns now and I still use Combat Shotgun and Super Shotgun the most.

holy shit i just noticed that one of the hammers are down after firing it

STALKER series has great shotguns.

insurgency shotguns have similar issues to other game shotguns, plus the fact that damage from fucking everything is ramped up by x10, like one shotting a guy with a makarov round to the chest.

>D44M has great shotguns

Once you get the super shotty in D44m you don't need any other weapon anymore.

>New Vegas
>Convert all shotgun ammo to solid slug
>Best weapon in the game

You know it isn't true user

More games should have an option for slugs.


Truth be told if the shotgun is even remotely good it's already TOO good.

Either the range or spread is ridiculously gimped or OP

Doom 3 fists have more retch then that sack of dicks

Mass Effect did it right. Blasting fuckers from across the room with full power.

I know you are wrong.

I know I'm right

They don't think it be like it is but it do.

Yeah because taking a bullet to the chest won't kill you, or at least floor you.

>not dragon breath roundswith pyromaniac

Stalker shotguns are shit tier lad. I was playing Lost Alpha, got a toz-66 that was supposedly more accurate than an akaban. Even with slugs it couldn't hit shit.

>one shoting a guy who had armor
>with a 9mm handgun with normal ammo to the chest
nah lad

Payday 2's shotguns with the right modifications and skills can clear a whole hallway in one shot, and be an effective counter-sniper weapon.

Battlefield Bad Company 2's Pump Action Shotguns with Slugs and Magnum ammo were practically sniper rifles without the drop issues and OHK in all cases in Hardcore mode.

>Game has a shotgun
>It's shit
>Use it anyways

>tfw fully upgrading the SSG

>Lost Alpha
Found your problem, it's fan-made mod.

>bad company 2
why the hell was buckshot so fucking inaccurate and then magnum and slugs turn it into a laser cannon

it uses the same weapon stats/system from SoC. The toz-66 was even more accurate than the toz-34. And if you want to go base game they still are shit. SPAS and Chaser can't hit anything further than five feet, and if it somehow manages to it'll deal less damage than a PMm

>shit shotguns
>Doom 2
>Resident Evil 2 (upgraded shotgun)
There's three GOAT shotguns right there.

It really doesn't use same stats at all.
Just look at brain dead AI behavior.
Go install SoC and ZRP and then talk shit.

bad company 2

yet people still use them anyway
you know why? because even though they're useless at anything further than an arms length, theyll kill anything inside that range in one shot
every gun in videogames is shit, they have to be, because if they werent, then people could get shot once in the gut with a pistol and fall down, and nobody but people who play arma want that kind of videogame

you dumb nigger the weapons that are in the vanilla games have the same stats in Lost Alpha. The TOZ-34 has the same stats as from CoP, and the TOZ-66 was even more accurate than that and it still couldn't hit shit. And then you ignore when I went back to just base Stalker and told you about how shitty the SPAS and Chaser are. Then after complaining about mods you tell me to download a mod? Kill yourself.

>Use Shotguns with slugs in BC2
>Can snipe the snipers

If game shotguns were realistic they would be shit. The only reason shotguns are good in games is because they have unrealistically high spreads and (generally) no recoil. At the ranges that most game combat takes place, a realistic shotgun would be wildly inferior to a rifle.

>unrealistically high spreads
>no recoil
senpai you must be joking, shotguns usually have huge recoil and high spreads only help at buttfuck range. Not only that but then games make it worse by doing shit like giving damage penalties after ten feet and even making the pellets disappear after like 30

Been replaying E.Y.E. recently and god damn pic related is so fun to use.

Any shooter which has a good sprint and cover system also has a viable shotgun.

>you can count shots and predict enemy reloads
>you can seamlessly duck out of cover, run up on some helpless asshole, and shotgun blast him in his dumb please-don't-I-have-a-pregnant-wife-at-home face

That shit makes me feel like THE goddamned apex predator fucking ungh

>shotguns usually have huge recoil
In most games, shotguns generally have zero recoil, especially pump actions and especially compared to similarly 'powerful' weapons like high caliber semi-auto or bolt action rifles. Go play BF4 or one of the modern day call of duties and try to find a shotgun that has any sort of meaningful recoil or ADS view kick.

>high spreads only help at buttfuck range
That's the niche that video game shotguns occupy. In real life shotguns (especially pump actions) are extremely inferior to rifles and smgs at close range, since tight shot patterns make it just easy to miss with a shotgun as any other weapon, while at moderate ranges what they're able to do with spread is undone by their lack of armor penetration, capacity and controllable of rifles.
Shotguns are a weapon for shooting small fast moving targets at a moderate range or blowing hinges off doors. For combat they are extremely lacking and if anything, video games make them much more useful than they are in real life.

I still find myself gravitating towards the regular shotgun more than the SSG, to be honest. Then again, the first upgrade I bought for it was the grenade mod, so that's kind of made me biased.

I know it's not realistic, but that's exactly how I want my vidya shotguns.
Useless at long and medium range, full gore brutal killers at close range.


here's your (you)

Rising Storm. It has a realistic shotgun although it's not particularly overpowered.

>Game has God tier shotgun

>Turok 2 shotty w/ explosive shells
shotgun more like bestgun

Why don't games have detailed gore anymore?