Can controllers just die? My logitech f310 just randomly connects and reconnects constantly now...

Can controllers just die? My logitech f310 just randomly connects and reconnects constantly now. Has anyone else experience something similar? I didn't drop it or anything is it just shitty now?

>Can controllers just die?
Sure. Could be your wires are worn out or the connectors are shot. Shit breaks bro.

Dont use that shit anyway. Awful dead zones.

The D-pad is great for fighters, I can charge partition with it. the sticks are stiff as hell so I wouldn't use it for an FPS.

Yeah. Try another USB port though just in case

Logitechs can most assuredly just randomly die

is there a way to clean it or some shit? it's probably the connectors but it's not even a year old. Probably has warranty but this shit isn't worth the hassle because you have to go though logitech.

my last one lasted for years and only broke because the wire itself got cut

don't work consistently on ps3, ps4 or pc.

but I let it rest and today I managed to play 10 mins in training mode without it fucking up, but it started to mess up after. I think it's getting better for whatever reason.

Yeah I had one of their mice awhile back and after about 2 years it started having that problem

I mean I guess you could clean the connectors. I don't remember if rubbing alcohol is bad for them or not. But the build quality on those have never been very good user. You might do better with a 360 or a ps4 controller. Or maybe an xbox since you mentioned using the dpad a lot. Spending a little more dosh for a better built product will save you money in the long run

xbox one controller*
is what I meant to say. The 360 controllers are good except for the dpad.

I used to have this problem it turned out that I needed to download their stupid thing from their website. Not even a driver but like a program for it to be recognized.

All those pads are terrible. this is my third logitech f310 simply because the pad is the best since the saturn, and even then it's not very good. it's the only way I can play third strike well without an expensive stick, and even then the pad has some advantages (although they don't outweigh a stick)

at least it's reassuring that this shit happens.

How much have you spent on those three logitech pads? That money could have gone to one decent fight stick. I think the fight sticks that don't have the joystick are less expensive than regular ones and end up preforming better because you can have very precise directional inputs

the inside of the cable its about to break


and i'm not getting a gay hitbox, that shit is broken and should be banned.

what do you mean?

You should try that wiiu pro gamepad. The one that looks like a real controller. I think the dpads on those are bretty gud and it won't break after a year

and I don't get how the hitbox decks are broken. I don't really play fighting games.

being able to hold multiple directions at once, even if the game knows not to register both allows for broken inputs.

wiiugamepad isn't good either.

surprisingly, the usb snes pad is good, but it needs two more shoulder buttons. great for hyper fighting though.

good pads offer little resistance, are not too big, and are slightly spongy/raised. The main thing that ruins most pads is they are too stiff and or too big, or in playstations case lack proper fucking diagonals.

>wireless controllers


logitech f310 is wired.

I'm out of ideas, then. Sorry user. I guess if you like the logitech pads just keep buying those

try a different usb port, happened to me once

Will probably have too, but was hoping to somehow fix it lol they are getting hard to find unless you order online, I don't want to wait for shipping.

It's likely the cable. A lot of times the wiring of the connectors is so shitty that after the constant bending, it starts to deteriorate and doesn't make solid contact 100% of the time. Really annoying but if you know how to splice or solder, it's not a huge deal.