What are some of the largest-scale vidya fuckups to ever happen...

What are some of the largest-scale vidya fuckups to ever happen? Only thing that immediately comes to mind is Nintendo trying to fuck over Sony and as a result creating the Playstation brand.

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That time Moot created a board for video games, that was pretty bad.



Don't worry about it user, it's no one

I think he means that mexican guy that used to run this shithole


The sega Saturn surprise early launch...basically fucked sega so hard it was the beginning of the end. Its also what pushed many developers to the original PlayStation console.

Honestly just the Saturn in general was an absolute failure. Admittedly the 32x/Saturn split didn't help either.

That overwatch truck crashing into another car was a pretty funny fuckup

Luggage Lad


Microsoft's pre-E3 Xbone debut and the subsequent PR blunders


Only two other things that come to mind

Especially since it gave Sony an opening to put the boot in and publicly humiliate them.

Not huge, but that fact that Arkham Knight's release was so bad that they had to pull it from Steam for months always makes me laugh.

Geez that happened a while ago OP, what was the big deal even.
If I'm not mistaken didn't everyone not recognize the character from aqua team and thought it was some terrorist thing

>no one mentioning tortanic

It's half the reason Sup Forums wishes so feverishly for everything to fail now

Fucking retards launched it like half a year earlier than scheduled and as a result it had what one or two games available at launch right?

basically yeah

it had some pretty far reaching effects beyond just being a failed PR stunt, if I recall the head of CN stepped down over it which lead to the new guy coming into power and making a lot of retarded decisions that plagued the channel for years.

Daikatana. Also Ion Storm having the dubious honor of creating both the worst and best PC games.

Who could forget

This guy who I think was a mod here a year or two ago, or was he a trip?
Oh well that's history, he's apparently dead


wow, E3 seemed so small scale back then

Hot coffee mod
Red ring of death
PS4 fuck ups in general at launch
Mortal Kombat's censoring issue in the 90s




Blizzard not making Dota when they had the chance (seriously, think of the repercussions with this one)


The internal SEGA US vs SEGA Japan tussles.

Basically SEGA had three competing consoles at one point: 32X, CD, and Saturn.

Most probably don't remember, but there was this situation in EVE Online a few years back with ingame riots.

I think it was about cosmetic monocles or something.

Not as large scale as some of these, but the hijacked Splatoon truck will always be funny.

nigga what dreamcast did pretty much everything it could right. Sega ate shit and died because they'd already killed any sense of brand loyalty and developer trust with the 32X/Saturn. That and the PS2 was looming on the horizon and that shit was a fucking juggernaut.

I bought a 360 three years after launch and still had it red ring. What the fuck were they doing?


There are only few hard enough to walk the path of play

>PS4 fuck ups in general at launch
like what?

Not one mention of Duke Nukem Forever?

They also did it behind the backs of several retailers who expected it to release later, and who then refused to stock it at all when they learned Sega had fucked them.

They had to pull it again

What the fuck is that?

Internal emails leaked with the CEO straight up calling EVE its golden goose and players will spend money for convenience and other dumb shit. It was bonkers at the time.

The Crash of 1983

I want to say "Destiny", but nobody ever really discovered the fuck-up because people suck Bungie's cock more than Naughty Dog fans do with them.

It's still a broken mess, the matchmaking is awful, and the RNG is worse than large-scale MMOs. "Broken" in the sense that there are so many things wrong with it that have never been fixed, but it's certainly playable-- coming from someone who has played it rigorously.

I don't think anyone has fucked consumers more with their DLC pricing, and releasing an expansion that essentially deems more than half the game completely useless.

What happened to the people that preordered 10 years ago? Did they get when it came out or got a refund or did they die or what?

They recently canned a few weeks of their super special PvP event because there were exploits they couldn't fix in time

its a fucking mess over there

It's a fucking childrens toy.
A goddamn lite brite.
And Boston officials thought they were bombs.

No one?

I still can'take believe how Mighty No. 9 turned out. An endeavor born on hype and empty promises that got worse and worse until you were sure it had hit rock bottom.

And then it kept getting worse.

what did nintendo do exactly?

They did that before with Xur one weekend, I think that titans weren't able to purchase their armor or something so they completely just told him out for an entire weekend.

Still, just thinking how Bungie made 40 dollars worth of DLC completely useless is so baffling and people try to defend them with "They try so hard! They are so involved with their community though!"

Told Sony to go fuck themselves

I know a guy who did preorder it did get a ton of collectables from Gearbox, but that's about it.

MN9 is close to Battleborn as the blunder of the year


Sega Saturn was a success in Japan though, we're talking the western release.

Probably GamerGate. Not only because of how shit the internet became thanks to Milo and his more prominent fanclub from Sup Forums but because of the newfags, buzzwords and general shit it bought to this board. Didn't help that the fappening happened at the same time, more or less.

Psst, guys, want me to remind you of a game that you have literally never heard/thought about during last 2 years?

MN9 is an entire saga of blunders user, Battleborne just happened to get BTFO by Overwatch. It's not even comparable

The original artstyle would have made for a really fun co-op shooter.

Snack's girlfriend.

honestly i agree with this 100%

I'd say mn9's worse and the bigger blunder because people had hope for it. Did anyone really expect battleborn to be good? Although mn9 hasn't halfed its price tag nor set up microtranscations, which is marvelous trainwreck to behold with battleborn.

>Nintendo thinks "fuck, we need a CD addon for our SNES"
>start working something out with Sony to make one
>Sony announces it at some trade show
>secretly Nintendo was having second thoughts during the whole thing
>literally the day later at the same trade show Nintendo says "actually fuck that, we're working with phillips instead"
>Sony embarassed, says "well fuck you too Nintendo we're making the Playstation"
>meanwhile the phillips thing kinda fell apart, but due to the deal phillips got to make those games you used to see in youtube poops for their CDI system

tl;dr Nintendo fucked themselves into some massive embarrassments for their most beloved franchises and basically created their #1 competition for the last twenty years.

I've read somewhere too that the issue with content is that they somehow managed to fuck up their own engine beyond repair. It takes 12 hours on a single dev PC to load ONE level for them, and something like an hour of render time to add a single object, let alone an entire mission.

Honestly though, fuck Bungie. Those cunts wanted away from Microsoft so fucking bad, apparently over "Creative differences" and then join Activision? You can even tell that the two contractually obligated Halo games they made were half assed and overpromised. Halo ODST was only stretched out so they could claim it was a full game, and Reach was half of a campaign.

Originally, Nintendo contacted Sony to make a CD add-on for theirs SNES to compete with Sega's CD add-on for the Genesis. Shortly after Sony finished their prototype "Nintendo Playstation" unit, Ninty pulled the plug on the Sony deal because Phillips could do it for cheaper. Now Sony, with this completed prototype was left with the bill, so they decided to try marketing it themselves ans the Sony Playstation. The rest is history.

Some cuck that got btfo by Sup Forums

Honestly considering Sony was planning on trying to take Nintendo franchises is was probably smarter going to a company who doesn't give a shit about stealing your IPs

>RROD being one of the biggest vidya fuckups

Pretty much everyone I knew who this happened to, including myself ended up buying another 360. Even a lot of people who sent them in to get fixed had to pay shipping and sometimes a repair cost when warranty wasn't valid. Not to mention after the repair they eventually broke down and did it all over.

The only fuck up there was on our part for buying that POS on release. It didn't tarnish the name of xbox either because RRODing isn't a thing with newer models. Xbone was a fuckup.

>tfw you participated in GamerGate at its beginnings, realizing too late that it was becoming Chanology 2.0

To be clear, that feel is unending shame.

RIP moot

last I heard phillips are basically just patent trolls now and tried to sue nintendo over some motion control shit

In another timeline Nintendo's Wiistation 4 is dominating the markets with a 90% marketshare among all ages

Thats all they can do these days with their brand being so worthless.
They constantly try to sue companies that they think cant fight back then get btfo

does foxy grandpa actually play overwatch or did some autist draw him like that trying to be clevergay

>that illinois woman is probably out of prison now


It was quite a bad situation for everybody involved, and it would likely have killed the game and the company if someone hadn't leaked the emails and documents.

I thought adult swim and cartoon network were separate networks sharing the same channel, adult swim isn't even in the same state

MN9 it's a biggest blunder because people payed to fund that piece of shit.

THQ's tablets

They're getting mocked by SEGA.

A company is so shit, SEGA is mocking them. Can you believe this shit?

I would say the "next gen" consoles since they are already obsolete and about to phased out. Not to mention there were no notable games for either platform

They got BTFO by a fucking pizza company, there's just no coming back from that.

>come back expecting backlash
>these replies

You guys are alright.

I want to live in that timeline. How do I get there?

The pizza company were offering this deal for a bit, too.

But what about muh halols master chef edition, and snoreborne?


Boston is so fucking lame holy shit

Eat this

>Order a pizza number 9 today
>Get it 3 years later with a dry turd on top

>Boston is a liberal paradise

Gee, who could possibly imagine they're retarded?


Thats definitely one of the biggest.

Here's one from Sony, besides being released a year later than the 360 and NO GAEMS I remember very few people with a PS3 for years. The biggest thing I heard nearly everytime was they were too expensive until the cheaper models released.

They're essentially the same company, just different markets

Motion controls in general nintendo fucked up making it the main gimmick for a console.

Microsoft and Sony fucked up even harder trying to pander to the casual audience that Nintendo gained when they released the Playstation Move and Kinect. Then microsoft managed to fuck up even more by forcing it into the xbox one.

Motion controls are one fad I was happy to see die.

BTFO? Sounds like the pizza company is complimenting them

>no games
Usually Sony consoles don't have games until the first 3 years then they gain momentum and start doing shit.

>if I recall the head of CN stepped down over it

The proper response would have been to fucking make a cartoon making fun of Boston

Surpriser this hasn't been posted yet.

I'd say there were valid points and concerns on the gg side (nepotism, video game journalism altogether) but yeah things got super out of hand.