Who's hyped for the Juri SFM?
Who's hyped for the Juri SFM?
SFM is shit.
I'm hyped for all the new lewd fanart, tho
>look mom I posted it again I totally didn't waste money now!
Who are you quoting?
I don't even own the game
I don't use SFM, but I can't wait to have the model ripped.
>mfw the game has been out since February and there still isn't any Chun-Li SFM
I don't support censorship of mai waifu.
Mod her bare breast or gtfo.
There's some
If you like horsedicks and futa
>Getting off on pictures alone
Holy shit, how virgin can you get
It's just going to be another set of really rhythmic, sensual sfm's in various positions.
It's like you're going to get Teruaki Murakami levels of anal destruction in SFM.
I want juri x widowmaker futa dom sfm.
As a matter of fact, I do.
Awaken my masters!
Why did the camera move away from him?
There are so many SFV nude patches. I'm sure they'll work on Juri's as soon as she's available to play
futa is fine if it's futa x female, though I've fapped to futa x futa before
horsecock shit is cancer though
looks like they copied D.Va from Overwatch
Now I finally have a reason to buy this game. I hope she gets an alternative costume that shows off her midriff and T H I G H S
Juri's model is fucking trash, no idea how waifufags like this char at all, her model and animations were just as band in 4
Jesus fucking christ Capcom, at least be consistent you SJW-pandering cucks
It's not like I'll buy the game, after all. SFM porn is free and uncensored.
This. There is barely any good SFM, especially with sound.
A lot of it is just ten second GIFs.
I'd rather just watch regular porn at that point.
>didn't post it
one dose a day for WHAMUU
The shitty netcode
Adding useless target combos
Lack of proximity normals
Every char has only two combos
8 frame buffer
Roster is bad, way too many people can't find a char they like or they are just picking the closest they can
Not being able to cancel of normals that you should be able to
Playing this game longer than an hour is a chore, a good example is poongko streaming nonstop practicing things like RSF, and grinding matches, now he gets bored way too easily
Vskill and crush counter are stupid and pointless mechanics, moving a special to that and there already is counter hits, no reason for it to exist
There is no reason for there not to be chip kills, I know casuals love it not being in the game but it creates fake hype with shitty comebacks and stupid situations. Being able to only chip kill with supers is racist against grapplers!
>needs animated porn to get off
>calls other people virgins
o i m laffin @ u m8
Juri makes my dick rock solid, holy fuck...
Take your shitty copypasta to /fgg/
now why would I do such a thing
Fuck the SFM shit, I'm just glad that in a little less than 2 months, I can finally quit juggling USFIV and SFV and finally main her again. The game is so boring I couldn't play it without her, she's the only reason I even touch SFV now in order to keep my skill up. Looking forward to another 5+ years of good times.
It's cool but at the same time wierd. Like she is wearing latex under latex.
post cammy in her swimsuit
>Redmoa is the pretty much the only one still doing sf stuff
As funny as it is to imagine reasons why, the operator probably just wanted a pan shot of the crowd.
>Is this what you wanted, user?
it's a shame
these SFM artists need to fuck off with the Mass Effect/Bioshock bullshit
Not really.
Fuck me she has such slutty feet and legs.
SFM is stupid anyway
forgot the legs
I don't think I could possibly agree more. It's getting to the point where I actually lose my boner if I see Miranda or Liara.
99% of all SFM """"""""artists""""""" are pure fucking garbage anyway
The probably is it is a pretty insular community who like the same things. They are always having dumb drama as well
Plus they pass the same few models around cause those are the best
and everyone who does something to break the mold does unfappable fetish shit
Sure seems that way. I just keep checking for that 1%.
looks like zone needs to get on that flash ride again
Leeterr probably has the best stuff at the moment
i cant stand that nigger loving faggot
Legit question. What is it you would like to see, and with whom? Not that I'll ever get around to it, but I'm curious.
i'm just waiting for the model to be ripped. man, this is going to be a pain in the ass if i finally get around buying SFV and having to wait for all the updates.
>those curves
Hot DAMN. Kinda sad I'm shit at fighting games. Might pick up the new SF for a casual party game when people are over drinking.
most sfm is just edge shit and dickgirl shit and this
Just so happens I enjoy both
gb2r negroid
>Might pick up the new SF for a casual party game when people are over drinking.
Tekken is probably better for that. You can get by in Tekken by button mashing but in SF you're just gonna look really dumb
I hope its not another shitty gangbang vid.
its clear this is what she was going to look like but after the butslacp mika butt slap crap like cowards they backed down
admittedly juri has never been a jiggle queen, in fact she was pretty flat chested and when i saw that artwork in story mode i thought it looked stupid
i dont mind then toning her down some she looks like a porn star like that but they could of at least done a better job then just painting her chest black i mean come on that looks like shit
I'm happy with the influx of Overwatch stuff, so no complaints there, though I'd like to see more Widow
I mostly want more SFV stuff, Chun-Li being top priority, followed by Laura and Mika. I've seen a few good Soulcalibur stuff too. Just needs less ME/WoW/Bioshock shit
>just painting her chest black
That's what impossible tit conforming fabric looks like, senpai. Rose wears something like that too, but her bodystocking covered tits are covered by the dress.
I don't jerk off to cartoons, kiddo.
I'm a huge footfag, but there's something about rocking a bodysuit, but no footwear that irks me. Her outfit would probably look better with actual boots. It would look like a Nina Williams Alt costume.
depends, are you in to people getting their heads crushed by her thighs?
A turtle neck. And it looks better.
At least it looks like it's actually another layer rather than just her skin painted black.
Does anyone have that picture of Juri annoying Chun Li by pulling at her cheeks with her toes? I saw it posted the other day. It's a pretty funny drawing
I've seen that video and the quality is good, but no, I can't fap to a nigga's head literally exploding from getting it crushed between her thighs
>getting off on a few frames is somehow different from getting off on a bunch of frames looped
Did her boobs get bigger from IV?
Retard logic when there's R. Mika, bikini costumes and bonita Laura.
Looks worse and latex legs only don't make sense. It's obvious they knew that the open legs would look stupid as well as the open chest not making much sense, so they put something in between. Now they'll be able to have lighter recolors and make the latex any color they want as well.
Why didn't you un-paint her inner thigh while you were at it?
Except it doesn't. It just looks like her skin is black you even get the subtleties of her neck somehow.
I'm so fucking sick of clothing being pointless in fighting games. I hate that modelers can't model clothes so they just color the skin differently and call it a day. Look at Rashid. Why do all of his muscles go through the clothes? What's even the point? Same with Bison. It doesn't make them look strong it just makes it look stupid like the modelers are too incompetent to make clothes.
Chun Li's police uniform is the best example of this. It looks like a lazy mod someone made.
Look man, if we got an actual look at the in game model and trailer showing her without the black top I'd understand you faggots bitching. But the only reference to her having an exposed chest is a poorly drawn cut scene that came out months before her release.
At some point it becomes less about censorship and just becomes people looking for a reason to bitch.
Missing a burka
How? it's underneath the suit and it's just kinda there.
It makes no sense to have it at all.
The actual way is better.
Skin-tight is best tight.
did not expect you to knowing what I was talking about. Small, perverted world.
>It just looks like her skin is black
No it doesn't, it's clearly a latex skin-suit.
It's hard to believe, but it makes it look like shit.
i'd like that costume better if she wasn't wearing anything under that coat
They added a line to her neck big fucking deal. It doesn't change the fact that every other part of it is just a recolor of her skin.
But then it would TRIGGER
It fits the costume better because it makes it look like an over the top secret agent outfit. Now if only she had shoes.
It also looks sexier
Costume looks way better with the latex suit. Sexier too.
Get some taste normies.
familia, I check tumblr and rule34hentai daily for new shit
>clearly another layer over her neck
>expects a skin-tight suit to not conform to the skin
are you pretending?
that's why it's called a "skin tight" suit.
>Sure it's an extra layer, but it's still not a layer
Look, I chose a bad example to get annoyed with. But every other example I mentioned is completely guilty, so yeah.
I fucking hate the Donkey Kong hands and feet every SF has.
>new fanart
It's not like there was never fanart of her.
>my post in this webm
look mom i'm famous
>But every other example I mentioned is completely guilty, so yeah.
Nobody gives a shit, you retard. We're talking about Juri.
so he could breathe in :^)
Did her boobies get bigger?