Not maining Kohaku

>not maining Kohaku

>not making Sion

fucking plebs

The little cat was my favourite

Black or white?

Do people still play this game or what?

I still do

Not in steam though

There's a steam version?

>Playing KT for the first time
>That first Len scene
Len is not my favorite body type to say the least, and I also hated the sex scenes in Tsukihime, that had no right to be that good.

I do.

With terrible netplay

The blonde one

Yeah, and it's shit

>used goods

Anyone EU wants to play?

I'll fucking kill you nigger

>Yeah, and it's shit
its the exact same game retard

>Maining women in fighting games

>not exclusively maining women in fighting games

>its the exact same game retard
But it's not.
There are training-exclusive stages and missing stages. It makes the cracked version more "complete" even in netplay

I'm not even sure if Len scenes are worth shifting through this horribly paced and repetitive VN with barely any interaction without Shiki involved.

That's true but there are mods to fix it

Solid novel recommendation if nothing else.

>He can't into KT

You're awful, don't blame the game for it.

>He doesn't main Ciel
Good, she's too good to use

I bought melty earlier is there any good sites that have a combo list for certain characters?

You can always watch videos of matches
Or stick to mizuumi wiki