Can we have an Overwatch WebM thread? Quake fags are getting rowdy, it's time to put them in their place.
Overwatch thread
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Postan delicious content.
Mercy anyone?
Genji ain't having it.
>"Bastion takes no skill"
>implying team fortress 3>quake
>center minigun on target
>hold button
>get kills
Uhh lolbabs?
More on the way.
How does he get so much air in the beginning??
I had a Genji that killed me as Hanzo in one arrow deflection last night. I couldn't work out whether to be angry or impressed
>he baited out that ult
holy shit the meta
Glitch/exploit that lets Genji keep his momentum when combining a wall-climb and dash on ledges like that. It takes a bit of practice to get right.
ledge jump trick, you can do the same with widowmaker's grappling hook (hook, hold spacebar, get to ledge, let go, get extra boost)
>tfw you try to do cool shit like this but just get shot to shit in mid air and die
It's an advance technique called ledge jumping. It's really high skilled and takes tons of practice. Tf2 players will tell you rocket jumping is hard but this is on a whole other level.
it's a console clip. the average IQ of console players in this game is below that of the common nigger
Had my first fucking announcer voiced quintuple kill on Reaper yesterday. Closed out my client before I capp'd it. Fucking POTG auto save folder when Blizzard?
use shadowplay fambily
not even worth a webm you faggot.
never fails to make me kek
oh wow
And Quake fags thought this game wasn't gory enough.
God ID breed a retarded generation.
somebody post that torbjorn potg where he stares at widowmaker's ass the whole time
Wow that's some mass retardation from those Pharas.
You can attach things to the basketballs in spawn, like traps or symmetra turrets
thanks m8
Fuck, I wish my aim was that decent
As soon as an enemy gets a little bit dodgy or starts moving erratically I can't fucking hit them at all
somehow i have the worst fucking aim with close range weapons
I've done this as Genji to Widowmakers and Hanzo's. They're not sneaky, and I can tell they're aiming at me just by looking at the little red outlines around them. Never pulled off reflecting Hanzo's ult though.
>he can't aim with a controller
Watching these webms makes me think I'd have an easier time getting PotG if I played on console.
>playing reaper vs symmetra
>can't hit her while i get whittled down by her meme beam
Her and mechless D.Va have tiny fucking hitboxes
His aim wasn't that great though, and the Reinhardt is an idiot because he wasn't guarding anything, he should've at least turned around to slap the reaper or something. He got in like 5 melees. Reinhardt's shield is in 3rd person. There is no excuse.
fucking knockback abilities
Is it actually a glitch yet to be patched out like that cheese spot for symmetra turrets on dorado or is it a perfectly legitimate technique?
This game is such shit. 90% of my deaths are latency related. Oh you dodged that rocket? Jk you're fucking dead because who fucking cares. Jesus man, I'd rather play CoD. At least then it'd be fair.
I know, but I can tell just by looking that I would have missed at least one of those first couple shots or otherwise not have killed the two of them before they could react
I imagine it won't be fixed, because Widow's grapple can do the same thing and I don't see how you're supposed to get her midair headshot achievement without launching yourself up like that.
Was that a setup or did they really think a Lucio/Pharah couldn't come fuck them up? So fucking retarded.
Buttblasted quake drone.
Waiting on the assburned TF2 fag.
That's not lag user, that's just
at work.
every time
It seems legit. I remember Blizzard saying they have no issues with stuff like that so long as they don't break the game like Symmetra's invisible turrets. As long as it evolves the meta it's fine.
>a hero that abuses the everloving shit outa environmental kills
>getting knocked off the edge themselves
It's like poetry.
I know what you mean. I can't even intentionally bait a Roadhog hook because even though on my screen, I KNOW I did the right thing, the favor the shooter bullshit will have me being pulled around the wall by the ghost hook. Or taking a hanzo arrow to the head I watched fly at me, then step to the side to be smacked by it anyway. The game is infuriating and I'm honestly not sure how this game can hope to be competitive with the favor the shooter thing
Wow that's pretty cool. How's competitive overwatch looking? Worthwhile?
No idea what you mean. Tf2 wasn't this bad.
Its fucking hilarious because you can see he was very clearly about to drop the fucking beat
It's pretty intresting how the ult animation on lucio's gun stops playing because it was never intended to be in the air for so long.
>all these webms from console versions
holy shit
not even worth recording
everybody is so fucking bad on consoles it's insane
I had a Genji bait me into a deflection kill as Hanzo by standing completely still, tossing a couple stars my way, then deflecting as soon as I turned around. Wasn't mad in the slightest, only impressed.
Hard to say at the moment since it's in it's infancy
If I were to hazard a guess though, it seems to be shaping up like league where every game is the same 5 heroes with 1 flex pick
For now it's pretty fun to watch though
i had fun for about 30 hours in beta and 100~ hours on retail solo
and now my best friend bought it so i'm having fun again
is $0.30/hour worth it to you?
I enjoyed it a good amount at first but now I only open it when friends want to play and don't really like playing it otherwise.
arrow is clearly going to hit his shoulder but it ports to his head, why?
Honestly competitive mode is my last hope. I was told the server tick rate would improve. I honestly don't care if I suck shit and die, it's the dying behind walls that gets me. I can't dodge something that decides I never dodged it no matter what. It's fucking depressing.
Headshot hitboxes are fuck huge rectangles, that's why
and why is that ok to have in a "competitive" game?
Because it's much more than just DM. It's a game of wits and counters.
me on the bottom left
>play Hanzo
>stand back and randomly shoot arrows
>get kills
>That UI
Why the fuck didn't they keep the left half? I want to see my retarded teammates' ult meters
I don't even know why you explained this to him
Kind of a joke really.
nice hitbox
Dude no
Irrelevant. You should still have to aim in an FPS.
Mercy can kind of do this too. I flew to a teammate and held down space and kept all my forward and vertical momentum until I let go of space. Probably intentional but I never tried it before.
You can see whether or not their ultimate is ready in the tab menu. Or do you really want to know the exact percentage?
it's not about skill, user, it's about wits and counters
Shit, that was cool! I'm not very good with Genji, but I'm going to practice him in every match until I can do that someday! Every single match! All day! Non-stop!
Not sure why this had to be explained holy shit
Nigga go take that shit up with Blizzard. Nobody is here to justify this game's ridiculous hit boxes
>console players have so poor aim control they cant even lined up a headshot after freeze so they have to melee
you cant make this shit up
Really though, did anyone notice that this game has blood in it? Someone should make a mod that adds splatter.
Except the guy who tried to justify it.
i like how he kills the symmetra hauling ass out the door lmfao
Just get friends? You can have online friends dude. Join a steam friend thread and go through like 40 people until you find the handful that aren't autistic.
I'm the one who said And you quoted me for some reason. I don't know why he tried to explain it to you. I can Google Blizzard's corporate number for you if you'd like to chop it up with them about your concerns though.
It's fine. For now. It's actually really hard to do. You need some practice for it. It's not as easy as doing Widow's hook boost jump.
I got that achievement completely on accident the first time I played her. No idea how.