Should I buy this?

Should I buy this?

Might as well wait for the update

Is it going to be substantial? Any idea what it will add/change?

I've only read the blog but it's supposed to add new everything, crops, buildings production mechanics, but I'm not sure on specifics

Guess I'll just pirate it for now, I've been itching for a good harvest moon like game

This. I regret playing it this early becaues I don't necessarily want to sink the time into it again but so much of what I wanted is coming with the update, including more late game stuff and my actual waifu on the list of candidates.

New building, a new area, 2 new marriage canidates, more late game content, from the sounds of it.

Get it while it's on sale, but wait to play till the update

>tfw there's r63 versions of the males
>r63 sam
>muh dick

I bought it on Saturday. Booted it up. Next thing I knew my alarm clock was going off and I had to get my ass to work.

Fishing is hard...

you're hard

if you like time/resorce management in a harvestmoon manner you might like it

fishing is only hard in the beginning, gets easyer and alot more fun later on

I bought it a day ago, and I have to say, it's not all I expected. It's a lot of busy work and it sure is comfy, but the game itself feels shallow. I personally refunded it, its definitely worth a pirate, but I suppose it depends on what you're looking for.

Wait it's not online like terraria or some shit?


I just can't seem to catch anything reliably, are there easier spots to fish besides the beach?

No online atm no, apparently there's an update coming soon for co-op.

If you like Harvest Moon, yes.
There is a huge update coming soon(tm) so getting now while its on sale isn't a bad idea.

It gets easier the more you do it, plus there are some fish that just have different patterns and only appear at certain times

During the day, the stream in town. At night, the lake in the mountains. Ocean is usually either filled with garbage or gods.

I'll try that later then

I've enjoyed it so far but I feel it could be so much more

and marry the purple hair girl

I feel like everyone does this, unless you're a fag and married one of the guys

Only if you're marrying best girl.

>tfw you look through the previous designs for the npc's and realize they picked the fucking worst ones everytime

Why would they do this?

Are you saying you wouldn't marry this qt girl? (male)

Is this related to some mod or update?

It's a mod that makes the males into females


Samantha is best waifu.

I might actually agree, i remember marrying that purple haired chick.

While i don't regret it, i do feel that Leah is better.

I'm not sure if I want to marry her, Haley or wait for the update and marry Emily.

casting into the rock by the pier worked for me

or the far right pier after fixing the bridge

yes. it's worth the money. hopefully multiplayer will happen soonish.

I got like 50 hours before I got burned out. some people have played way longer than that. still...50 hours=worth the money.