I CANNOT WAIT to see Nintendo FAIL

I CANNOT WAIT for the day Nintendo goes bankrupt.

It will be FUCKING glorious. All those nintenbabys crying about >muh zelda. EA/Microsoft/Activision buying the Pokemon and Mario license from those JAP FUCKS.

Imagine it boys. Nintendo NOT EXISTING!! What a fucking amazing life that would be.

No more gay ass mario shit, no more fucking kirby, no more bullshit zelda, no more cunting metroid.

I LITERALLY will LAUGH SO HARD my anus will rupture. THATS how much I CANNOT WAIT to see NINTENFAIL.

Oh, and also I can't wait for SONIC to be our child's favorite mascot instead of that gay fucking yellow piece of shit (pikachu).

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go to bed, pcuck

You seem upset.

Dunno, I just want Konami to die and sell the Metal Gear license to Square to remake the series with Deus Ex HR gameplay and devs

I'd probably quit gaming and sell all my Sony stuff. Then start collecting exclusively retro stuff and Japanese PC games.

this is you, right?

>people losing their jobs just to piss off a few fanboys.

Some of you take this shit too seriously.

What did Nintendo do to you to make you turn out this way, OP?


They can't buy a fucking Nissan and feed their shitty fucking kid some rice and fish?? GOOD fucking jap assholes. FUCK them! I rather give NIGGER AFRICANS those jobs. I BET THEY could make a BETTER game than those JAP NIGGER CUNTS

>Nintendo will die in your lifetime

>global economy is collapsing everyone is losing their jobs as well

I personally hate neo nintendo
If they wanted to they would make games designed not for 40 year olds who want to play the game for 30 minutes and drop it for the day but they would make the games last from the time you get home from school and you play it till you get to sleep
kids want challenges
fantasy enemies that do not exist on the planet
kids want to explore and they want to be free to do things in the games their own way.
If nintendo would make games nes and snes level difficulty and focus on making the companies who design the games to do the same they would be all good.
Maybe competitive graphics
Maybe VR scenarios
But if you combine all of these things nintendo would be in a golden age all over again
because there was more heart and soul designed in that era


I can understand every statement and wish until you said

>Oh, and also I can't wait for SONIC to be our child's favorite mascot

Talking all this bullshit but worshipping Sonic shows the true fag that you are

Found OP

You're so out of touch it hurts


>heart and soul
lol, means absolutely nothing. I also can't tell if this is bait since you glorify old nes games that were made absurdly hard just because the game itself is actually short and they need to make it seem like a complete game by having you get stuck consistently

this thread is so frickin stupid... op is suck a troller

>no more fucking kirby,

too far


Didn't he grow up to look like a trap?

It all depends on the NX: If they make a decent console, without deal-breaking gimmicks and a solid launch lineup and third party support, it'll do fine.
Sammy has actually chilled out these days.

So the Nintendo vs Sega war never died, did it? It just festered in the hearts of it's veterans until it was unleashed in the bowels of the internet.

You're stuck in the past and out of touch.

You should not want to see Nintendo fail because of fans. You should want them to fail because of poor business practices and ignoring common sense.

I feel like a ton of PC users atleast here own a Wii U too.
Makes sense since they usually get the best exclusives.

I think you mean:

"Makes sense, because they both own children's consoles and play terrible games"

Not really, the only other viable option is PS4 and it takes 3 years for it's good exclusives to release

Yes, but it isn't designed for children or pedofiles that never grew up.

>Nintendos current state

Yeah, meanwhile the PS4 is made for us mature gamers who only play hardcore games such as

>trying this hard
Woah kid this website is for people ages 18+

Watch Nintendo announce they bought Sony.

> A drawing
> Same as a person

You sound like a PCuck who plays children's games.

All video games are for children.

Fucking nintendo man. They need to just drop their console bullshit and focus on games. The 3ds is shit compared to the vita and the wiiu is a gimmick that no one ever wanted.

poor OP is going to get banned for console war'n. Talking bad about nintendo is a big no no here apparently.

That's objective.

It's like saying all games are for children.

3ds is still out selling Vita.

>for children
Have fun doing any type of work on a PS4

All except Ouiji boards. Those are spooky.

Nice blog post

user, my brother, try reading that again.

I was directing my opinion towards Steam users, although not specified. I guess that's partly my fault.

Nice shitpost.

They scare me.

Paid by NintendoTM posts.

kid aesthetics and games made for 40-60 year olds = no money

Well maybe money if you fuck games up so bad that they are beatable in a day and then the next day you are so bored so you go out and get more games.

Bad choice nintendo if you actually made games good that lasted more then a day then it would sell more then the wii and the nes combined
Units shipped Worldwide: 12.80 million
(as of March 31, 2016)[3

Nintendo says the original Super Mario Bros. has sold more than 40 million copies.
One game has sold almost quadruple of what a CONSOLE is selling

That is fucking pathetic
And nintendo needs to go back to its golden era roots.

Neo nintendo games are mediocre.

I recognize this shitposter

>Nintencucks latching onto PC yet again

Face it, nobody but man children give a fuck about Nintenshit.

Proving you with facts fucks you in the head
I aint shit posting
I am real posting and you cannot deny how fucked this is.

Title Release year Copies sold
Super Mario Bros. 1985 40.24 million[1][2]
Duck Hunt 1984 28 million[citation needed]
Super Mario Bros. 3 1988 18 million[3]
Super Mario Bros. 2 1988 12 million[4]

This shit already surpassed wii-u and it was 3 years into the life of the console.
It is kind of horrible that nintendo would fuck up so bad to become mediocre game makers.

am I in /biz/?

all of my friends from the nes and snes era are moving in mass to pc because you can emulate all the old games if you please but they think that the only good game experiences anymore with challenge and fun are coming from PC

Ssshhhh you're in nintendogaf. It's no use.

>It's a "Dear diary..." episode

No you are in a anti- neo nintendoer thread

Nah most corporations post here defending there shit games.

If you love videogames why would you want to see a videogame company fail, it just doesn't make any sense.

I've never bought an XBox in my life, they never have any games I want, I think they're favoured by the worst kind of gamer and stand for some pretty shitty practices within the gaming world.

But I don't want Microsoft to fail, I want them to succeed and surprise me, I want them to make me open my wallet whilst thinking "How the fuck am I buying an XBox? I hate the XBox". I want good games, I want to be impressed and exciting.

You can watch E3 every year and go "Wow Sony was shit this year" or "Sony was the best this year, everything else was garbage" but the greatest E3s are when everything is good, where you're being blown away left, right and center.

I like videogames, I want to be entertained and to look back and go "That was a great game, really thew everything at it this time". I don't want to be looking back and thinking about how it's not as good as it was 5, 10 or 20 years ago - I want to be living in the golden age.

Yeah that still does not change the boring gameplay in neo nintendo games though

Tl;dr: I'm a loser who thinks vidya was better 20 years ago.


I wish Sega would make a new console. Even if it makes no sense for them to do so.

Neo Nintendoers do not like to hear the truth

>no more cunting metroid.
You see, this implies that the series isn't dead as fuck. That's like saying
>no more cunting fzero

You do realize OP is false flagging, right?

The only thing that improved was graphics and music
Everything else has detoriated
Games are not fun if there is no objective reason to play the game.
Why even pick up a game if you know you are going to beat it before it comes out.

If anything games are all to similiar now a days and they remind me of the generic gameplay of some of the worst atari games before the 1983 crash

Fuck Ouiji boards. Open portals to the devils rectum and shit.

it's just some guy's opinion dude

Yeah, I cant wait till base games are twice their current price either.

There is no opinion because they know it is the truth
They just spout one line meme answers

Nah, vidya music peaked at the snes era and became worse around the ps2 era

who is they?

Nintendo can't fail with this cutie pie.

Invalid children's response to a summary of a post.

>PS4 isn't designed for pedofiles

He's not wrong in my case, main gaming machine is my PC, and I have a Wii U for the Nintendo stuff.

I love nintendo. But I can just emulate of nintendo games. I'm not learning jap anytime soon, so fuck NoA. Uncensored patches for dayz.

I mean there is some music that is incredible that came out after the ps2 era
But I do agree I LOVE snes genisis and nes music

you cannot go wrong with these
based off the old era but still really good
same as above.

I'm with you OP, Nintendo will be dead in under two years, mark my words.

Just like how they were gonna be dead "in two years" five years ago, and five years before that

Reread it or you are not worth responding to
You know it is true

>Just like how they were gonna be dead "in two years" five years ago, and five years before that

Sounds like the vita 2bh



I like earthbound and i like the ost of undertale

Wow! What is the was of that now we can all hear for the games please.

That's a Sonycuck you imbecile. Are you a falseflagging Sonycuck who doesn't want to admit the simple fact that OP is a fellow Sonycuck?

Why would they suddenly die? They are currently worth more than fucking Sony. In fact even if their next 3 consoles were disasters, they'd still be alive.

Literally the only people who want to see a game company fail are poor, possibly underrage losers who cant afford to own more than one console and are forced to pick a side.

Please have sex

That's disgusting

Someone's mad.

user, I believe you have a severe case of "giving too much of a shit about other people" syndrome.

Bait or not, this is begging for attention for the sake of pissing someone in the end.

Will you quit TYPING like that? It makes you LOOK like a complete MORON. What did that poor CAPS LOCK key ever DO to you?


Sonyfags will be always mad with Nintendo because of Pokemon and the time we had the best Resident Evil games as exclusives.

Enjoy your Smash Clone and Vita ports.

get comfy

you'll wait for a while

This is a troll post but I'll bite

Nintendo might fuck up again but they'll never ever go bankrupt. They'll pivot industries before that ever happens.

And finally, Pikachu is a TPC/GF property. Not Ninty


>no more cunting metroid.
I fucking wish there was cunting metroid, faggot