Discuss JRPGs here.
What's your favorite? Why? Recommend games to other anons based on their likes.
Discuss JRPGs here.
What's your favorite? Why? Recommend games to other anons based on their likes.
>eternal sonata
Why did I spend 20 bucks on this shit
I never could figure out the music sidequest thing the songs always came out wrong
This one and Baten Kaitos are my favorites.
Are the "Tales of" games just memes? Are any of them good? What should I (not?) play?
>he likes Eternal Sonata
The music was the only thing good about this game. This was back when Sakuraba actually tried.
I've played a few. Didn't really care for Graces but Vesperia and Symphonia are pretty good. Phantasia if you wanna go old school.
excellent battle system ? art style? character designs? I mean your opinion is just as worthless as anyone else's but talking shit just for the sake of it isn't very productive. Eternal Sonata is probably the last good old-school RPG
>old-school RPG
Son let me sit down with you and have a talk
This was the first JRPG I played when I was 14 in 2009.
Take away the HD graphics and it's as old school as it gets.
>Best exploration in a JRPG.
>Ship combat is fantastic.
>Comfy as FUCK.
>Main cast is extremely likeable and Vyse is one of the best main characters ever.
>Turn based combat traditional enough to be enjoyable but unique enough to be fun over the 50+ hour story
Abyss is great for PS2, don't know about 3DS.
Eternia is really nice for PSX.
Phantasia is really good for PSX.
Graces f has the worst characters and story I've even witnessed in a video-game, PS3.
Xillia is "good", PS3.
Zestiria isn't really good, playing it on Steam right now, it seems they pull the story out of their asses nothing makes much sense, reminds me of shit like Big Order or Brynhildr in the Darkness.
Hearts R for the vita is absolutely SHIT, cheap budget game, don't go near it.
Symphonia is very nice although a little dated.
Innocence for DS is good, absolute zero translation.
I'd really like to play Destiny DC and Rebirth but yeaaaah, fan translations take millenia to get done, at least they always get the quality right.
Literal bullshit because it required a second playthrough too
Symphonia is solid but pretty outdated in terms of combat and presentation, so it's good for a first entry.
Abyss has my personal favorite world and story but it's so incredibly divisive that it's not the best as your first.
Xillia 2 has my favorite combat by a long shot and a story full of suffering but you have to get through Xillia 1 first which is just alright.
I haven't played Vesperia because I don't own a 360 but it seems to be the safest entry, everyone who plays it here seems to at least like it.
Worst 3D Tales imo, worst main character, HORRIBLE cast and only saving grace is Jade's snarky attitude
>graces F
Shit story ill agree, but one of the best combats in the Tales games
>Hearts R
Not nearly THAT bad, but still not great.
Never mentioned Xillia 2 or Vesperia, IMO the best in the series, but can agree with rest
I'm sorry I grew up on Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy, and playing 1st edition D&D so this is definitely not old-school to me
Are any JRPGs actually good? Exactly.
Don't bother with the opinion of people who play these grindfests for a living.
When does Breath of Fire IV get good?
Good thing I didn't say it was the grandaddy of all RPGS or the oldest of the old school, huh gramps?
Not great, but not bad either, it's "good".
I'd buy it in a heartbeat if they ported it to Steam and put an encounter slider like that in Bravely Default.
Aside from Tales and Star Ocean, are there any other action JRPGs that have good combat systems?
I was more interested in the quotations... They imply that it's know as being good, but not really.
Sin of Mana is fun.
I used it more as a sign that it is "merely good", "good", sorry that I couldn't get my point across.
That's right you fuckin whippersnapper
You can tell you're underage because you are attacking someone for telling you how it is
This does not play like an old school RPG
It still baffles me that the best traditional JRPG of the last gen was a 360 exclusive.
This and Blue Dragon were the main reasons I originally bought the console.
maybe it will come to windows 10?
>>Worst 3D Tales imo, worst main character, HORRIBLE cast
I'm not gonna say YOUR OPINION IS SHIT because I know just how strange and divisive Abyss is but god damn it's so bizarre to have a game you love with a cast you adore and see someone else just earnestly hate the fuck out of it.
Have any of you played Growlanser VI? What's it like, compared to the other games in the series?
I feel you dude. Abyss stands head and shoulders above the rest of the series in terms of writing, but I guess that's reason enough for people to hate it.
I've only heard of it. But isn't supposed to be a better 5?
>We got every single main Growlanser game besides 1 and 6
That's messed up. But funny in a twisted way.
What's everyone's opinion on this game? I remember trying the demo and being thrown off by the combat.
the combat is really shitty but the atmosphere is great, the story is kinda cool in a childish way but has a lot of charm.
I'd recommend to be honest, I loved playing it, reminded me of my time playing Dragon Quest.
I'll never understand why even bother making JRPGs as xbox exclusives. The target audience clearly isn't there. Guess some people just hate money.
Well, there aren't many of them at least.
Do you ever get used to the combat? Does it not ruin the game?
There are good ones and bad ones, general consensus is vesparia,symphonia,abyss are the one's you want to play
Yeah you get used to it, it never gets good and even near the end there is still tutorials to some new shit.
But even then I'd recommend the game man.
Also grinding on monsters like hunting metal slimes was really fun for me.
This game gives that "adventure" vibe that DQ gives, know what I mean? Any game with that for me is worth playing. You really feel like you're on an adventure.
It's a beautiful game that's a chore to play.
Handholdy does not even begin to describe how much this game will hold your hand and make sure you know what to do. Every single sidequest, even the final fucking boss, the game will tell you what to do before you can even begin to work it out for yourself.
Catching your Pokemon is a headache because it's all RNG and if you fail you have to hunt down the monster all over again. For how simple and comfy the entire rest of the game is, it's unnecessary to make a core mechanic such a pain.
Combat gets better when your party is full and more options are available to you but it's never really amazing.
I still enjoyed it because for all of its flaws it just made me happy to play. It's a game to relax with rather than one to dig into for a meaty experience.
Is it? I guess I'll look forward to it, then.
Right now I'm playing through V, still don't really get the plate system. Should I focus on just one flow or swap between several? Should I place any plates I get ASAP or should I hang onto them?
Tales of Legendia.
I love the characters and soundtrack the most. The battle system is definitely a step back in the series, but it plays more like a brawler/beat 'em up which has been my favourite genre since I was a kid.
this nigga gets it.
What I wouldn't do to get Skies of Arcaida on the PSN...
Seeing Eternal Sonata reminded me of another game I played around the same time. Infinite Undiscovery is easily one of my favorite JRPGs ever, I wish it was on something besides the 360
It's been too long and I never finished 5.
But I think I focused mainly on a few plates for each character after they learned the skill from it I put them on another character.
Not him, but it does get better; though not by too much. I liked the combat (though I get why people hate it), but it has two big flaws.
>Takes way too fucking long to get the command to tell your party to defend against a boss' major attacks; before you get the command, expect your party members to die.
>Combat shines only when you fight a difficult boss, but those are far and few between
The rest of the game is really good, though. It has a really great Ghibli feel. I got it for $5 on PSN; this sale was over a year ago and I don't think I've ever seen it that cheap again. I would still recommend it.
They are literally all generic RPGs to the core and that should tell you everything you need to know
>old-school RPG
>Eternal Sonata
>old-school RPG
What? I really liked Eternal Sonata, but how is it an old-school RPG? I don't remember my SNES RPGs having a little girl protagonist who LITERALLY JUST WANTS TO HAVE FRIENDS.
>I never finished 5
What made you drop it?
Lack of interest really.
Rogue Galaxy
What about Dolphin + cheat codes to reduce/eliminate random encounters?
Find me another JRPG series with skit system and action-based combat that isn't shit? Like any series the quality fluctuates (everything post-Vesperia is garbage), but it has some of the best entries in the genre.
Kingdom Hearts, Folklore, Odin Sphere, Threads of Fate, etc;
Feels good knowing that my copy of #FE will arrive tomorrow and I have the day off.
The combat still isn't good, it's perhaps good for a JRPG but that really isn't saying much and it doesn't do enough to differentiate it. Even then I would say Valkyrie Profile and some others have better combat systems regardless.
>The combat still isn't good
Depends what game we're talking about.
Pls help. I really like some things about jrpgs, the style, music, characters, sometimes weird and unusual stories, even the game mechanics of some are pretty great but Im always put off by the length of then and how much of that playtime is just outright repetition or grinding.
Can anybody gibe JRPGs that are 40 hours or less with minimal grind?
Growlanser 2
Riviera: The Promised Land
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
What are some good recent Jrpgs on handhelds?
Hearts R
An action RPG would be right up your alley. Those very rarely go over 40 hours on a first playthrough.
Should have probably said i only have PS4 and PC.
I dont even know what these are but I'll research, thanks.
You can always play an Ys game.
They're usually pretty short.
>Start Metal Saga
>instantly blow nearly all my starting money in a vein attempt to get the vending machine prize
>still don't get it
Well at least I've got enough healing capsules to last, r-right?
>They don't still have their DC and copy of the game, or a GCN and Legends
I had 2 main problems with Eternal Sonata.
1. All characters have huge heads, tiny pencil necks, and their arms stick straight out to their sides at all times.
2. Each area only has 2-3 different enemies, but a bunch of encounters. By the time I finished an area I would be so sick of doing the same fight over and over.
Falsetto best girl. Enjoyed beating the shit out of everything with her.
>Falsetto best girl
Patrician taste.
>Falsetto best girl. Enjoyed beating the shit out of everything with her.
Good choice.
>not Viola, aka "The Manhattan Project"
Ok, fucking stop right now and read. This game is THE essential JRPG for the PS2. Graphics are fun and colorful with with the character designs you expect from the series. Who can say no to an orchestral soundtrack? The music just meshes so well no matter what area you explore. Story is kinda meh, kinda standard for these kinds of games, but thats fine in this case, it doesn't get in the way of the overall grand adventure you'll be embarking on.
Admittedly, I was a noob to JRPG's, having only played Kingdom Hearts and FFX before then. With that said, this game kicked my ass early on, but it kicked it into shape. Now I feel like I can take a smarter approach and appreciate JRPG's thanks to this gem. You do have to grind exp a bit in some parts and it does take a fair amount of time investment, but overall this is a damn great game.
PS: Get the PS2 version, not the 3DS, the experience just isn't the same because of graphical quality and they nixed the orchestral OST.
Shit was SO cash.
Second disc was unfinished just like Lacans portrait of Sophia.
Fucking META developer shit right there.
>Dat sauce pic.
Is this still worth playing even with the latter part of the game being unfinished? I feel like it would be very frustrating if I enjoyed the game.
Hm. Well they tell rather then show a lot in Disc 2 but it's worth kinda worth going though.
Microsoft funded it, without MS Lost Odyssey never would've happened.
so is #FE any good, censorship aside? What's the battle system like?
¿What were the devs thinking when they decided to lock the combat system behind the story progression? What a way to ruin a otherwise good game. Also I liked a lot the fact that it has no trophies on the PS3 version.
Imo the battle theme is one of the bests ever.
>tfw no polka porn
Oh well.
Polka a qt
Xenogears changed my life
The OST is AOTY 1998
Miang is easily my favourite villain ever