It's monday. Miku monday. Where is everyone?

It's monday. Miku monday. Where is everyone?

Other urls found in this thread:

at work

right here fucboi
*unzips dick*

Playing Future Tone right now senpai

Needs more bloom to hide their ugly models

Miku loves you to faggot.

>loves you to faggot
Is she a filthy fujoshi?

Why is extreme so hard ;_; I could perfect 9 star songs on F but now I struggle just to stay alive until the end. Fuck holds and fuck double/triple notes.

Obligatory multinote hate post

>play a song on hard to unlock extreme
>90% and still no notes missed
>suddenly only multinotes at the end

I swear I would throw my PS4 out of the window if it was a bit cheaper to buy another one.

Yes she writes LenxKaito doujins in her spare time.

It really is fuckin bad. Kind of ruins it a bit for me, and I'm still going through normal only.

Are there even multinotes in normal?

Who does Luka just want to be friends with?

There are some double and quadruple notes.

She just wants someone to play blackjack and spin with


Quadruple notes aren't that bad. Now tripple notes are pure cancer.



>the mask
it's just like my japanese camgirls

Me on the right

me on the left

the fuck is wrong with her groin and thighs.

me in the middle


What the FUCK is wrong with magical sound shower?

Who are canon crypton ships

migu can't into murrican

>tfw Future Tone doesn't have PS3 controller support so you have to buy a converter to use your fuckhuge arcade controller

What is the best duet and why is it RIN RIN SHIGNARU?

OK so I tried binding L2/R2 to Square/O respectively, to help me do hold combos

It's really uncomfortable, especially when I have to be ready for slides on L1/R1

Maybe I should just give up on optimizing holds and just do what I can with my two thumbs

Project diva on steam when? I want to miku miku on PC!

>using L1/R1 for slides
kek, enjoy your double muloti slides

I'd buy it even if it was a bad port of the PSP ones
I bought F and F2nd as soon as I could and I still don't own a PS3

L1/R1 is fine, especially when they come very fast right after each other. But fuck those double slides into one direction, especially when they're mixed into double notes. It's literally fucking impossible.

>double multi slides



Miku has been on PC for 9 years now.
You even get all of the based PC only loids

Soon it'll be time for suffering.

>not playing Len songs with a Rin module

Get used to doing Holds normally. I think it helps immensely with getting used to dual wielding.

And I also suggest getting used to using the sticks for slide notes. I preferred L1/R1 at first (still do), but Extreme starts throwing pairs of slide notes where you will have to pull the sticks in the same direction (and you obviously can't do R1+R1/L1+L1)

In addition, I bound R2 to quadruple notes for comfort.


>Gaikotsu finally in a good game

Thinking of switching L2/R2 to slides so I can do those

I don't really want to use the sticks.

Yes, I've been waiting for this! I've only had Mirai and Groove Coaster for my skellies.

>Gaikotsu finally in a good game
But that song has been in two good games.

>implying Mirai was a good game

Are there any Miku modules with decent-sized tits?

They are modules, not breast enhancements.

more songs in DLC when?

>But fuck those double slides into one direction
exactly, so better train your brain to use sticks for those slides and those type of slides will be ez pz

It's called M-E-I-K-O

Not good enough. It HAS to be Miku.

They are still extremely rare compared to other notes where you have to alter the direction in which L1/R1 are easier. It's better to just learn where you have those specific notes and use the sticks for it and use L1/R1 for everything else.

Such a cute povertyloid.

>implying Mirai wasn't a good game
>implying Groove Coaster isn't a good game

Mirai wasn't. The UI was ass, it was too easy and it dropped inputs.
I've never heard of Groove Coaster.


Post FT Webms you plebs

I have only 3 and I've posted them like 10 times already.

don't bully. all vocaloids deserve love and a decent fandom

cute boy




>full webm

Thank you based user

so cute
and it made me kind of hard

Well the robot's cute I guess

>Noodle limb burgerland Miku
Americans need to fucking die

More like CalArts Miku

>That fig looks pretty bad but what's in that link
I never want to see that art again

I'd buy that robot.



v flower is a girl though! A very cute girl!

>I've never heard of Groove Coaster.
It's kinda like a stylish Project Mirai where you flick around big nipples.

She will make it one day I believe in

Listen to Hello worker while doing so

I need that robot

I want a third official album for her. Her two albums turned out really well and picked up a pretty good amount of hits for a newer Vocaloid.

Is the MMORPG addict song not in FT? I can't seem to find it in the song list. Maybe the title is entirely in moonrunes?

Post lewds pls

Its there. I think it might be in runes though


Guys is the chances for Future Tone getting an American release really that slim? I had The first three project diva game in Japanese so that's nothing new for me but I would prefer to have it in English like F & F 2nd. Should I just say fuck it and get it now?

Never heard it, whats the english name?


>all these Mirai songs
>no Kimi no Taion

Romaji: Netoge Haijin Sprechchor

So, Robo got a paint job...

They would've given us a release date at E3, but they only promoted PDX.
I'd say get it now, rhythm games don't require much reading anyway.


Could have swore that song was in

What was the second?
I can't find it.

There's really no reason NOT to get it now, the menus are easy to navigate/memorize and there are menu translation guides out there if you can't figure out what something does.

Plus, odds are it's not getting an English release at all.

Just get this now and pick up the English version of X later this year.

That module is a gift

Vocaloids are kill

Thanks user I think I'm gonna get it then. I can't wait to play Systemic Love, Melody, and Moon.