New wake up shooter tactics free game on steam

hello i need yes votes and action videos for new wake up shooter tactics free game on steam greenlight

ignore nasty hateful perthetic dirty quear trolls they are spamming me and being hateful and why would they even vote no on a free game?

Other urls found in this thread:

AIDS is free too, doesn't mean people want it

shut up perthetic quear troll

Get a load of this faggot

Team Fortress 2 is free and nobody wants that

I don't even. What is this thread?

ur just the perthetic troll filthy quers i spend 16 hours a day every day for a year and spend 12000 dolars and then give it for free and ur hateful jealous trolls who dont know good game

shooter tactics wake up has much better weapons and maps than team fortress 2 and its fee on steam greenlight i need action videos to make trailers so i gave it for free. im being attackd and harassed by immature little perthetic quear trolls so i came here to try to get yes votes but i guess i was wrong ur all perthetic nasty trolls too

Tim Schafer's Bizarre Adventure cost 3.3 Million and it's universally panned

OP, I am a pro in this game and you haven't noticed me if your the creator. I play this game for 6 hours a day and train during this time. Notice me man.

What the fuck are you even saying?

I'm kind of getting the impression you deserve it at this point

Your maps are all over the place, from some sci-fi shit to Vietnam.
I like the conical hat on the chink though.

You should keep those in for your next game.

yes i am creator and thank you for yes vote and being pro cna you post action videos to my comments so i can use it in trailer?

When will the mods range ban this shithole?

I have seen shit games made by slavs chinks murricans and about every european country one could name.
But this is the first time I have seen an El Salvadorian games studio


How fast is this going to get shut down

they are perthetic retard homo trolls why would they vote down a free game?

I can't tell if you're serious or not. Either way you're wasting your time.




I can get trash out of the garbage can for free.
Does that mean I want it?

shut up retard quear troll

Really? Post the link so we can all laugh.

Wait a minute, this is the shooter tactics guy right? Pfffahaha OP kill yourself. Really, just end your life, everyone including yourself will be happier this way


^the trailer for anyone who hasn't seen it. LOOKS SO ORIGINAL

because it looks fucking awful and you can't even speak English you fucking moron

>this is all just a marketing scheme by Jim to get more views on his videos

I wouldn't even be mad at him.

Op shilling his gay , terrible game

>shoot inside buildings
>awesome graphics

Just checked out the game. Downvoted as fast as I could

>this engrish

u are all perthetic nasty filthy retard homo quear trolls and ur just all jelous that i can make agaem i spent 16 hours a day for over ayear and over 12000 dolars on this and then im giving it away fro free for action videos so i can make more maps and game mods and you have to destroy it. where is ur game? i made better than anything you make so wher eis your game cant see it so why dont you all shut up and go mak agame instead o tearing down hard work and being perthetic nasty scumbag bastards. i hva like 4 maps that are half finished n they will all be free updates to beta and you will have the game for free always and im giving you this stuff away and you still act hatefull and jelous you scumbag bastard troll quears. i don't want your votes anyway you probably can't even aford steam anyway so why don't u go get jobs you retard homo hippies and stop trying to ruin other peoples hard work.

or at least further destroy the guys game

Look Jim, we're not buying it anymore. You got some views and some people downvoted the game. Good job.

>the devs voice
Did you have a stroke at one point in your life, OP?

Oh god this is gold.


Shut the fuck up, you're literally just trying to get people to advertise your shitty game.

You dont make any money you faggot, otherwise you wouldn't be begging for people to make videos of the shitty game you made in a couple hours.

Grow up you autistic fuck.

This is fucking gold

Posting here because I want to be in the screen cap

tell ya what OP, give me $100 and I'll make a video for you.


Alright Sakurai, calm down


Don't stop posting OP.

I fully support you and your game!

Someone make this a copypasta

I think we broke him


thank u i need yes votes and action videos for trailers so post your youtube videos in the comments

Be more subtle next time.

This actually looks like it could be repurposed as decent shitposting pasta

I think it already has been.

sent! :)

Copypasta saved forever.

Use it well.


How about an email? :^)

I don't use steam though since it's anti-consumer and is most likely owned by Satan.

I can't give you your "Yes" but I can give you a (You)

>australian developer
Not even surprised

>make an early prototype for a game in one evening when bored
>already looks better than this assets store shovelware

if ur not retard nasty homo troll quears u can check matches on but it might not work my site is being ddosed by hater homo trolls and they hacked my game to change walls im fixing it so dont worry :)