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Video Games #3430
Video Games
Who else /Thalmor/ here?
I just ordered this mouse after years of using my inaccurate Logitech M705
Saw this on sale and bought to play with a friend. Did i make a mistake Sup Forums? was 18$
ITT: Multiplayer games you played by yourself
What's Sup Forums honest opinion about Revamp Mod for the CoC?
Have some Peach
S.T.A.L.K.E.R:- SoC Must-have mods?
What country should i nuke goy- i mean guys?
Dolphin 5.0 Released
Future Nintendo Direct Predictions
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Reminder that if you don't self-insert in literally every game that you play, you are wrong
5 islamic bux right now
What is wrong with them?
Games that you wish weren't dead
Should I get this? I never played the metro games
Codex entry for Cyberdemon tells Doomguy to "shoot at it until it dies"
Why the bloody death isn't Sup Forums talking about this??
I don't get it, GOG had much better sales for thier Summer Sale two weeks ago than Steam does now...
Apex monsters and GQs were the most cancerous things ever conceived in the entirety of Monster Hunter
ITT: We trigger Sup Forums
New mech thread. Post good mech games. Pic related
What's the Sup Forumserdict on this?
Got this game for PC, why is online dead?
Anyone else have the ability to just know when something is going to flop before it's released?
I just got a PS1 emulator working guys
So, Sup Forums, how do you make the money to buy the vidya?
Steam VNs
Why are you not applying for a job at Nintendo right now?
ITT: Parts in games everyone says is hard but you found easy
Nintendo employees are not the same as the one we grew up with
Vidya clichés you actually like
Can we have a Long Dark thread?
Make an awesome version of sonic cd with tons of shit and widescreen on pc
Games where I can be raped by girls? Also, Umineko thread
In a world filled with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that, in the end...
So I take it Venom Snake is generally meant to be more empathetic than Big Boss? Him starting off as a medic and all...
What are the best JRPGs on the PS3?
Ah dude
HALO 3: Who remembers this epic game? one of the best games I've ever played and I miss it...
So Sup Forums what is your honest opinion, free of trolling, on Overwatch?
Can we all agree?
Is 4K tv a meme?
I want to be a video game developer, i know >implying, but i want to ask you about something
Try to convince a full pleb casual at fighting games as to why I should get this game or not
Why did she convince Okuu to eat a sun god?
So what are the other classes gonna be?
Wtf does Genji say when he takes out his sword & uses his ultimate???
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who think Doom is a 2D game
Lemme ask you fucks something
Did you find Star road by yourself?
Still no Red Dead Redemption 3
3x3 Sup Forums Favorite Female Characters
System Shock Kickstarter Thread
I hope you made the right choice
Name me two (2) video game characters
Do I need to have played the first 4 Star Oceans to properly experience V...
You can't handle this game, user. It's too strong for you!
Let me get this straight
Now it's Reyn time
ITT bosses you forgot about
Tomorrow's the day
What are some games where I can be a slutty girl who sells her body for material gain?
How is San Andreas the best Gta when V is superior in every way ?
Pooland mag leaks RX 480 benchmarks
Webm thread? will there be interest
Your opinion on Xeno Kino?
So, are soulfags gonna be BTFO when Sui Generis is released? The combat system is the definition of hard...
Explain exactly why Overwatch is a casual game
ITT: games liberals will NEVER, EVER understand
Zero Time Dilema - Its out
Civilization 6
Humble Bundle
Did anyone try a speedrun of pic related yet?
How come Guts is only like 22 even in the latest arc but he looks 35+?
Who do you main in Rock-papers-scissors?
Bored yet?
What makes this game so great? I've never played it before but I feel like picking it up because of how praised it is...
Wolfenstein Thread
My friend just bought me this game
Sega "Considering" Releasing Games in the Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Series on Steam in the Future
Why is GTAV the top seller?
Who's playing this here? It's alright, so far. A lot like Mars: War Logs
Not sure what character to make for my first playthrough
What is the worst mistake in videogame history?
Was there any reason for Samus to be a girl?
So Skyrim is on sale on Steam for $10, and I've never played it. Should I get it? How well has it aged?
ITT: The "Little Things" you appreciate in gaming
Nothing good coming out this month
Last day to upgrade
Any video games you're emulating?
The Tetris movie is now a trilogy because there's too much story to cover
B-but the game is shit!
In crossover fighting games, who do you tend to main? Characters you like the source material of...
Sup Forums friends thread
Just picked these up on my lunch break. Which one should I start when I get home tonight?
So Now that Reimu is in the 3DS Taiko game does she stand a solid chance of being in Smash?
Who was in the wrong here?
Still relevant?
Seeing people try and damage control this is hilarious
Nintendo 3DS
Mods deleting resident evil threads because they don't recognize Ashley
There's literally nothing wrong with the balance in overwatch. All characters are reasonably playable...
Spoiler-free ZTD
Which Sonic games should one play, and which should one avoid?
And this is why Nintendo will always be successful
ITT: Games that have ruined gaming for you due to how much you enjoyed them
Let's Design a Game!
Dead online games you will never play again
That kid that mained Luffy
Too far, someone has gone too far
Steam Sale Thread
Is anybody here actually really good at a game
What are some games that have aged like milk?
ITT: Post your favorite Mexican vidya character
ITT: Franchises with an identity crisis
You have been kicked
Why was the Skate series so superior to Tony Hawks games? How did they do it?
What does Sup Forums think of THE CLAW?
Death Stranding thread
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet, Sup Forums?
Which is the best flash game?
Big PSN sale you fags lots of price drops and cheap shit
It was alright
What are your thoughts on Archie Sonic?
Hello, I'm here for the job interview
That guy who picked bond in goldeneye 64 multiplayer
Great game, even with the maymays
You have been banned
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, originally released in Japan as Paper Mario RPG (ペーパーマリオRPG)...
Good Mobile Games
Why didn't you buy her game, Sup Forums?
Is this the best fps game of all times?
Why is no one talking about the fact that in the trailer the voice calls Link, Link?
So I'm currently in development of a "War of the Monster" - like game. Haven't made name yet
Console-tan Tuesday
Post yfw "Death Stranding" is "Silent Hills" spelt backwards
Overwatch in a nutshell
ITT: Games only you played
You know what I liked most about playing an MMO?
Kickstarter Failures
Activision gets Orion pulled from Steam over stolen assets
Lilith FE Fates
How to fit in at Sup Forums?
The artificial intelligence, dubbed ALPHA, was the victor in the simulated scenarios, and according to Lee...
Good morning Sup Forums. What game are you playing this morning and how are you having your coffee?
It's a Save file abuse survivor group episode
I miss it Sup Forums
Holy fuck, is this game supposed to hurt to play?
Vlad is about to kill you. What are your last words?
Welcome to Sup Forums- The Vidya. What's your greatest gaming achievement?
Who was in the wrong here?
Got a little story for you guys, maybe you can help me out
ITT: bad boss fights
"Everybody practically worshiped you! I was always the infamous second son"
Give me one good black vidya character that isnt Demoman
Reminder that this singlehandedly stopped pirates in their tracks and saved gaming
Steam trading thread
#FE is actually a decent game
Overwatch patch today
Civ 6 England
Objective top tier master rank how to fix overwatch heroes notes:
The Long Dark
Future Tone
Undubs and Japanese restoration
WoW Legion
Hey Sup Forums...
ITT: patrician vidya
With the muslims hordes poised to remove light hair and skin from the gene pool...
Post your lists
Pic related are all shit games
His Ultimate is NOT what needs to be fixed. It's wraith form
How is it?
What's the scariest non-horror game you've played?
Shoot a guy in the abdomen with a sniper rifle that takes of 90% of his health, he keeps moving as if nothing happened
Golden Sun
Where's the love for the more non-traditional fighters?
Games you think are the worst out of a successful series
Best Wii U title
ITT: Vidya related Youtube videos you rewatch all the time
Who's your main Sup Forums?
What are some Sup Forums approved Rouge-like games?
I'm a faun you dork!
Android gaming
What are some browser games I can play at work?
It still hurts
2D indie game gets a 10
He thinks this isn't 3D
Can we have a mech thread? Recommend good mech games, east or west doesn't matter
Who /i52500k/ here?
Musou vs Souls
ITT: The greatest tragedies of gaming
One of these threads?
Cyberpunk games?
I don't know why the Wii U is doing so bad. My nephews go crazy playing Mario Kart 8...
Are you looking forward to BF1, Sup Forums?
What the fuck happened?
Is it worth it Sup Forums?
Hood, Dalton and a juvenile male went to a house in Sykesville at around 10 a.m...
How good are the new races?
Im playing super mario 64 on a poorly coded n64 emulator
Neptunia VII failed
I am Setsuna might be better than everyone is expecting
Literary pop culture powerhouse Titan Books will publish four new novels in the Mass Effect universe between August...
Why is no one talking about this, they're fucking fixing SFV's online
Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine are exploration adventures
What is the Nuts & Bolts of your favorite series?
Why doesn't he just carry around the silver sword only and use it for everything?
I would just like to remind you that the real Ghostbusters 3 came out in 2009...
What went wrong?
Who crono+frog+ayla here?
ZTD Discussion
Waiting BF 1: Verdun
What is the greatest JRPG ever?
Is this game good?
Is PC the main gaming system for everyone on Sup Forums?
Post underrated and overlooked games that are currently on sale
Give me your honest opinion of this game
That feel when you realize you'll never a friendship as close as the one between Max and Chloe
Can someone tell me how did youtube gaming fail? How did it lose to a company that does this kind of shit?
She's a better than Roll right?
Delayed past March 2017 release window
What is your preferred "maximum possible number" in a game? RPGs specifically
Apparently we have reached a technological bottleneck
Why is competitive smash the worst fanbase ever conceived
What do you think about Steam?
How come the "Witcher 3 is GOTY!" meme didn't save it?
It's a quake player picks widowmaker episode
What went so fucking right ?
ITT: casual filter
What did Fallout 4 mean by this?
Is it still good?
Burp burp burp fart fart fart fart fart burp fart
Turn all settings to low
Tales of Berseria
Will you people please stop acting like you're more qualified than her
Pokemon Unreal Engine 4
What went wrong?
Whats up poorfags ;)?
"Wow this game was hard!"
Bought this at steam sale
Steam summer sale discussion
How often do you take breaks while playing vidya?
The Technomancer
"I'm not destroying the world...I'm saving it!"
Steam key trade thread
Is escapism via video games healthy Sup Forums?
How badly did this pile of hot garbage do?
AMD is screwed
Woah.... This game really sucks
Why do people still believe in kickstarter projects lies?
Odin Sphere thread. WE'RE THE KING
For years (literally, years), League of Legends has been the most played game at South Korea net cafes...
Where are all those jaded fucks who said "HURR DURRR JUST WAIT FOR THE SUPER HYPER ULTRA EDITION" now?
Jaina is present at the Broken Shore, fighting alongside King Varian Wrynn and Genn Greymane...
How high can it go ?
So, I've been talking to a friend a while ago about the Steam Sale...
System Shock Reboot
Aight nignogs, I've heard you like those unboxing threads. Let's do this quick
Emulation thread
Still no male mc in the mainline neptunia game
What are some games that help you forget you will grow old, die and everything around you will turn to dust?
ITT post your favorite game
Mfw never play an online multiplayer game
Thoughts on EvaXephon?
Daily reminder that if you have this EA data mines your shit for profit
It's mostly dogfucking
Get a fair way into a jrpg
Is this game worth picking up now?
BREAKING NEWS: Project Diva will not come to PC
Cp building noob here. If I were to build a desktop can I replace parts and upgrade if I want to...
What went right?
Would you rather play as a cop or a vigilante?
I can't make up my mind if this game looks really good or like absolute garbage
Bloodstained weapon showcase
What are some of the more memorable romances from video games?
GTX 1070 price: 500€
Simple question
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
One game. That's it. They always win
Polygon does it again
Civilization VI this autumn
I've just started playing pic related for the first time and it is easily the greatest game I've ever played...
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this game was the weakest in all of the souls-borne series?
Tfw want to play VNs
Fuck you Sup Forums this "game" is boring as fuck...
Ok, be real with me guys
Would I be a huge faggot if I played the third installment of a game series without playing the previous two...
2 blacks
Anons, memes aside, are we looking forward to Battlefield 1?
Hey Sup Forums, play any games today?
Why do we not talk about her more?
Anybody else fascinated with 16bit horror?
When was the last time you played on a store's kiosk?
Why are people still playing this?
What went wrong?
Wahhh, no window counter
What do you think of Future Trunks?
So which one do you like better Sup Forums?
The Division exapansion
WoW Legion
Be me
Post irredeemably fucking stupid things that Sup Forums universally loves
Well then, where do you want me to break you first?
What was this guy's fucking problem?
Hey Sup Forums lets share games you loved that no one else did( or at least to your knowledge no one else did)
Goes out of the way to use the Pre-NATO alphabet for callsigns for historical accuracy
Brb, vaping
Witcher Bread
ITT God Tier Mobile Games
Nioh thread
Are you excited for the system shock remaster Sup Forums?
Slash vee slash
Game rewards you for playing with friends
Hey reddit
Where were you when VR was not kill?
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet?
Can anybody explain to me just how this "ruins the lore?" I want to be prepared
Have you ever been aroused by a video game enemy?
If anyone has a spare key for this bad motherfucker lying around, or a copy in their Steam library...
The real reason there is no playable female link in Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Sessions Mirage Tokyo
Playing Mercy
How come there are no fat videogame characters?
For Denuvo haters, It's finally hacked!
Anyone else hyped?
What's your favourite drifting game, Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of TvC?
Multiplayer game
We can't have a Smash Sup Forumskend because of server matience
I don't understand anymore why I should read any of your fucking MGS V threads. It's always the same fucking discussion
Have you ever played a fangame that was legitimately good?
Post best girls from their respective series. Starting you off easy
Steam Sale Thread
Post your favorite music tunes. Remixes, reinterpretations, and original stuff are welcome too
When did you stop watching them?
Devs that have never made a good game
What special editions did you or will you preorder, either in the past or mostly upcoming?
I hate television
You're not leaving your headphones outside in the summertime, right?
So, anybody up for an underrated games thread? Just throw down a game you quite enjoy which not enough other people see...
Sequel when?
Listen up ya gits!
Keyboard controls are ass
Why isn't anybody talking about this game??
Bought this bad-boy on the steam sale. installing now
Will kickstarters ever be trusted again?
Sheldon: They took our TV, two laptops, four external hard-drives, laugh track our PS2, our PS3, our X-Box...
It's been 4 years
There are actually people on Sup Forums who bought the Game Boy Micro
Looking back, which games do you think will have defined this console and/or generation?
Zero Escape
Dark Souls Class
What was this guy's name again?
Blizzard now thinks this gamebreaking whore is balanced
Do you think Japan will ever be the technological and critical leaders of the videogame industry again?
Will you be picking one up?
Innovative box art
ODST & Reach
What kind of build should I run for my first playthrough of this game?
Why is this game bad?
How come no one told me DS emulation on PC is so great?
He isn't running the Hank Hill Turbo deck
Why haven't you bought 2016's GOTY Overwatch yet?
What am I in for?
JoJo Eyes of Heaven releases in a FEW HOURS
Have you ever been attracted to a video game character that isn't human?
Is Jensen's jensen organic?
Do you think it feels weird for Matt Mercer to play as a character he voiced?
Can Sonic be saved?
It's only OK if Indie Devs do it!
See you in my dreams
I just recently decided to trade in all of my Wii U and 3DS games since I have both hacked and set up for piracy...
It's still monday, user-kun
Rift or Vive?
Is she still a virgin?
Old Subnautica thread died
Guys, PalmDesert is now the first person to reach level 1000 on steam
How is this a proper school uniform?
ITT: Characters who are literally and not figuratively you
My friend gifted me a game and i got this
How Much Would Mother Base Cost?
It hasn't gotten better than this and you fucking know it
ITT: Best CastleKino of all time
Is this game worth playing? I've heard mixed things about it but im not sure about getting it
What's your favorite game for the Gamecube?
Can a robot get pregnant?
I can't wait for the Mighty Number 9 tv series. Inafune is clearly making a brand to rival Mega Man...
CRPG's Old and New
It's raining
Confess your sins, Sup Forums
I don't even remember the last time we had a decent Steam sale. When was it? 2 or 3 years ago...
Was hiring this guy the best long con by a developer ever?
Technomancer thread
Is there actually any argument as to why this game shouldn't be considered the best ever?
E3 2017
Make it vidya related, do your best Sup Forums
Was the "Row Row" flash the cringiest thing Sup Forums has ever done?
Did anyone of you ever finish it?
Screenshots Galore
When will there be an Idolm@ster vs Love Live fighting game Sup Forums?
Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama
ITT perfect companions
Get to a boss
Old Steam Sale thread dying, time for a new one
New Vegas thread
Will crowdfunding ever recover?
It's almost been a year since he left this world
This game is not good
Uncensored patch out day 1
How many friends do you have on Steam?
How is this game so optimized without Carmack?
There has never been a bad kirby game. What do you hope to see in the next one?
LoZ: Most non-linear in The series. Utterly open with only a handful of things blocking you
Sup Forums why does most of the time a game gets very popular to the point the people ruin it with its "fandom"?
Mercy thread
How do you feel about this game?
What's been the biggest blunder of the year so far?
MGS 4 was shit
Ways it can get worse
Post hot video game girls!!!
Buzzwords that will make you do a heel-spin turn and run like Usain Bolt in the opposite direction
New DLC tomorrow
Vent or Aile, Sup Forums?
I'm here to bring you some really funny news, Sup Forums. You see...
Possible improvements to Sup Forums?
ITT shameful vidya faps
Battlestation thread
ITT:vidya charaters who suffered alot
Just finished Danganronpa 2, full spoilers ahead. Let's talk about the series
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
This guy has a gun pointed at you and asks you what your favorite game is, if he approves, you survive
You will never ever get good and beat the original Dark Souls
Prove me wrong
Final boss has multiple forms
Battlefield 1
Have you ever fapped to a game? I don't mean to fanart or mods or anything, I'm talking about only to stuff ingame
Armored Core
This game is better than it has any right to be
As someone who missed out on most of the Newgrounds Era and hype...
Are you getting a true 240Hz gaming monitor when it arrives?
Daisy is walking off, slowly into the distance
Jesus motherfucking christ
What the absolute fuck was this ending
Are you gonna buy her game?
ITT: Franchises that are graveyard status
I never played a Resident Evil game before. Should I get this? Or RE5? I hear 5 was better, what say you Sup Forums?
ITT : We post pictures that depict a theme in a game we want recomended to us
How can a team of developers, QA testers...
Can PS4K actually hurt the PC ?
That series you love hasn't had an entry in 10+ years
This looks fucking cool, and the Asian english subs seem pretty darn solid. I hope they keep doing these this way
Gomenasai Sup Forums
Gamedev Thread
$300 console
Game makes you fight people you don't want to hurt
Why is SJW pandering even a thing?
Are you playing Tsubasa's game yet?
Kefka Announced for Dissidia
This comes out tomorrow. Where is the hype?
Alright faggots, I need to know if I should play the NES versions of Final Fantasy I & II or the PSP versions
Elder Scrolls 6 Not in Development Right Now
What are some levels you've designed Sup Forums?
Post your face the first time you saw and figth one of these
Is this worth playing?
How do we make video games great again?
What's the deal with guys using cropped porn as profile pictures on Steam, Sup Forums? I don't fucking get it
What is your favorite stage in all the Smash games and why is it Mute City?
This is literally the ugliest game ever, not even joking...
WHat are some genres you would like to see more of in games?
Back Mighty No 9 for $60
What would you do if you found yourself in Majula?
As an amateur game developer, how do I keep players who are bad at videogames from playing my game?
Game has hotdogs
Play previous game of the franchise
Is metroid prime still worth playing today or is it the kind of work that's well rated because it was good for its time?
Is this the most emotional scene from a sprite-based game?
Webm Thread
I prefer FPS with a controller
What are your thoughts on invasions in Dark Souls, Sup Forums?
Did anyone else play DDR using a PS2 controller and get AAA scores?
My gunfu > yours, Sup Forums
ITT; The best girls of their respective game/franchise
What do you think about women in the games industry?
Days Gone
Fallout: New Vegas>Fallout>Fallout 4>Fallout Tactics>Fallout 2>Fallout Shelter>Fallout 3
What did she mean by this
What does Sup Forums think about Yume Nikki?
Sup you fuckin nerds I bet you won't play through Oblivion again
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasn't WWI fought in Europe?
What are some good games I can play with friends that's on sale on steam right now?
ITT: Post the worst games on your steam library
What option do you choose when confronted with this choice?
This is not fun, just annoying
What went wrong?
Have you ever watched it Sup Forums?
I want to be smug with Samus
What does Sup Forums think of Selvaria?
This is a game released in 2015
Are there any non-shit rhythm games for PC besides audiosurf?
What the hell was her purpose?
Cloud nerfs incoming
Roxas should've been the player character for the entire game
What games can help me fill the gap in my heart caused by loneliness and lack of friends?
When is Bleach going to get a good game like Naruto, One Piece, and DBZ?
This is the biggest nostalgia milking piece of shit I have ever seen and I can't wait for it to release so it can crash...
We should IP ban all Jians from Sup Forums
Not exclusive
Defense of the Ancients 2 is my favorite video game...
Look through my old Pentium computer and 64gb HDD from when I was a kid
GTA 6 (VI) confirmed to be set in the UK (yes the UK not just London) with 6 major citys large country sides and a mini...
How do they become relevant in the video game industry again?
New wake up shooter tactics free game on steam
How can people say it wasn't censorship?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...