How badly did this pile of hot garbage do?
How badly did this pile of hot garbage do?
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It did pretty well financially and players love it.
Pretty poor. Player count is bad and design is off.
soooooooo badly
It bombed, Gearbox are negotiating with investors to avoid layoffs.
This is what you get gearbox for not focusing and making Borderlands 3, and instead making this multiplayer garbage that no one will buy.
Actual sales are half a million so it didn't do terribly.
130,000 on steam
270,000 physical copies
Less than 1000 daily players on steam. Where did they all go?
>I don't understand what concurrent means
It had the budget of BL2 and TPS combined though.
It did well for us! We think we have made a fantastic game, with solid mechanics and a cast of loveable characters. Please go check it out. It's only 29.99€ on steam. That's a steal for a game of this magnitude!
>daily reminder that badassborn gets less players then youtube the videogame
According to some random source it made around 18 mill. Not shabby, but overwatch made over 260 mill
You opened up by calling it hot garbage, then ask how badly it was received. Are you just looking for someone to validate that opinion, or what?
If so, then yes. It's pretty lackluster.
Who cares? Gearbox got their money already.
"We've invested more than Borderlands 1 and 2 added together into Battleborn ... And we don't even know if people will be interested or not."
- Randy "Bobandy" Pitchford
You got a source for this? Would love to be able to confirm this.
Any link to where they said it broke even?
>already falling from 1k
Why do they keep losing players?
Isn't there FM16?
Long queue times, and unbalanced matchmaking make people less likely to keep playing
Therefore creating longer queue times and making matches even more unbalanced
It's the paradox of online only, matchmaking only games.
Vicious cycle, not enough players to actually play the multiplayer so they leave and that means there's less people to play so wait times for matches are even longer and so on and so forth.
So bad it got a price cut within a month.
Gearbox tried to mess with the big boys and lost
thats the joke
It gave me a space goblin I want to fuck so it's a roaring success in my book
This "thing" is supposed to be the ending of Battleborn
Skip to 14:20
Didn't it cost 90 mil to make?
As amusing a thought as it is, I expect Randy was just lying again.
I am hearing a lot of rumors about how Gearbox is handling the game and how well they are or are not doing.
Sadly nothing concrete as of yet. Would love to get some sources on any of these rumors.
Gearbox is negotiating with Investors to avoid layoffs
Gearbox has only broken even on the game.
Gearbox is hemorrhaging money.
pls no bully
Looked into it, the battleborn wiki states the game has grossed 18 million, the creators say the game has cost them more than borderlands 1 and 2 combined and borderlands 2 cost them 30 to 35 million to make.
Based on this I would say they most likely have not broken even. Off course the "borderlands 1 and 2 combined" cost was given by a man that many people would call a liar. We may never know the truth of the matter.
Grey-Mane or Battleborn?
>no one buys DLC
>no one buy microtransactions
This is a huge problem for Gearbox.
why does the robot has the same chin of overwatch omnix?
As someone who never played a MOBA prior to this, I thought it was fun. Ambra is best girl.
Problem with the game is that to some, your not supposed to call it a moba, its a shooter and others will say the opposite.
In the end I found the game full of placebo like grinding that really did not matter. When I played most people did nto bother with legendary items because they cost too much during play to unlock (you have to unlock each item every time you play) and most players just stuck with the items that did not cost any crystals to unlock during a missions.
Thus making Legendary items worthless.
>not too terrible
>sales low enough that even if shitbox got 100% of the cut they still lose tens of millions of dollars
>grossed 18 million
Doesnt sound like a flop at all then. Christ that aing bad at all.
>best girl
>best anything
Even the waifus are sub-par because Pandy Richford is too much of a faggot to include anything sexy.
>Make it free to play
>Add more waifus
>Fix the chromatic diahrrea
It's literally dead on pc
You sound like the people who spend 200 dollars at a casino and think they did well when they eventually win 50 dollars.
I thought gross was their gross profit. Not overall returns, misread.
The issue is, is that I don't see a reason why he would lie on how much money they invested in a game. Unless they were trying to make it seem like "Hey guys we put a lot of money into this, so it's gunna be good, plz buy it!"