"I'm not destroying the world...I'm saving it!"

>"I'm not destroying the world...I'm saving it!"

Kyon-kun denwa

nice exorcist head spin

>antagonist is more sugoi than protagonist

>Location in-game named Pandora
>Briefing/Exposition tells you that it is a peaceful location with a mysterious
>Secret winds up causing havoc and ruining everything

I really should keep watching Haruhi Suzimiya. I enjoyed what I watched quite a bit.

Do it for her.

It's better that you don't
Otherwise you'll join the group of people desperately praying for a season 3

what's with all the haruhi posting lately


Fuck this show for ruining anime. It's popularity is the sole reason budgets are shit and we never get anything looking like cowboy bebop anymore.


S3 and new LN incoming

Eh, read the LN's. Haruhi is never gonna get more seasons because her idol VA's fans found out she lost her virginity and they ruined her career

interpolation sucks dick.


S3 never ever

>"Can't you see? I'm saving humanity from suffering by killing everyone on Earth,"

>she lost her virginity
I think you're simplifying the story a bit here.

looks like shit

Nobody cares about that anymore

She worked in the spinoff a few months ago

>If you kill him you'll be just like him
>Oh but those random mob human enemies we kill every now and again? They're just walking EXP who cares about them

Why couldn't she just do AV? I don't care that she's not really super hot, it's just great when celebs fuck up.

Most otaku don't give a shit even if the VAs marry.
VAs aren't idols.

Aya Hirano got shit for being a literal slut who had sex with her entire band minus the married bassist. She is also very vocal and open about her dislike of the japanese anime culture and is currently studying in New York. She wants VAs to be celebrities that can do whatever they want american style.

the princess I liked died so I'll kill LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN ALL OF TIME.

>I was hurt by some organization so now I'm going to take revenge on them.

isn't that the normal thing to do, especially if they're some evil organization?

Sometimes you've just Gotta suck it up and get on with your life though

>Your dad is the true mastermind.

So what who cares? It's a fucking voice actress. The voice she does has nothing to do with her sex life or opinions. I couldn't give less of a shit if the old woman who played pikachu took a thousand dicks back in the day.

I can't take that voice seriously now that I know how many cocks go into that mouth every night.

The actual truth is that Aya Hirano has nothing to do with S3 not happening.

The reason why Haruhi never got another sequel is the lazyness of the author. When he finally got back to work everyone was already gone.

>taking cartoon voices seriously
If that triggers you, you'll never be able to take any Hollywood film seriously either.

I hate it when villains spout this line, but their idea of "saving" the world is destroying everything over some insane ideal. It's like if a literally autistic person took philosophy 101 and then gained super powers.

>Humans have lived in peace for so long they became content and lazy. I'll murder everyone so there are no more lazy people left.
>Humans are destroying the environment. Time to nuke the planet.
>Some evil jello monster will kill us all unless I either act like a total dick or work hard, and I don't like working hard.
>Humans are terrible for always killing other humans, so I'm going to take the moral high ground and kill all other humans.

Haruhi would still sell desu.

What confuses me is why they're taking so long to capitalise on attack on Titan and madoka. Both of those came out like 5 years ago and the only thing they've released since was the madoka film. Surely you'd want to pump stuff out before everyone moves on.

you are seriously talking shit about this on Sup Forums...I hope you commit suicide when you finding out all those "pure" VAs you liked are fucked by old japanese businessman every night to get their jobs.

Isn't Madoka done by Shaft, not KyoAni though? Regardless, I thought they were doing another Madoka movie and that's why they showed those concept teasers or something.

>"I'm not destroying the world...I'm saving it!"

What is it about autistic nerds that make them care so much about whether a grown woman is "pure" (i.e. A virgin). Like, is it that they're just super insecure about the idea that someone else might have fucked a girl better before them? Having sex with a virgin is horrible. She'll scream and cry in pain and you'll barely be able to squeeze your dick inside. Then you have to barely move, super slow to avoid hurting her even more. It's terrible.

It makes even more sense to care about whether or not a celebrity you have no chance of ever fucking is "pure".

>I am not killing the jews... I am saving them

Yeah the point wasn't a kyo ani thing it was just an anime in general thing.

I want Haruhi to suck my dick while she gives me a footjob. Also I want that lazy idiot of an author to at least crap out a half-assed ending if he's moving on.

>Adding fake frames to one of the most beautifully animated things ever
Fucking hell, interpolationfags suck.

The only reason people care about virginity is:
1) Whether or not she will be faithful;
2) Whether or not she's seen a cock bigger than yours.

As long as she hasn't had 3 or more partners before she's 30 then her having sex doesn't matter, but if she gets around on the cock carousel you better be willing to work part-time and invest in Viagra to keep up with her nympho-needs. Better get an ice pack, too, because your dick is gonna be raw.

There's a game coming out, a live action movie, and like three ova movies for SnK

Madoka has two movies, a third in the works, a bunch of audio dramas, and a few games too

>3 or more dicks before 30 is a lot
You virgins really have a warped idea of reality.

Let's say a girl starts dating at 16. She dates 1 guy for 2 years and then breaks up. A few months later she starts dating another guy, this time for 3 years and then breaks up. Then she dates another guy for two years and breaks up. At this point she's 24 and she's already taken 3 dicks. And those relationship estimated are pretty generous for teen/early 20s relationships.

Is Haruhi still a thing?
It feels like 10 years ago

Was there any Haruhi games? There was that one fanmade fighting game that was decent enough for a fan game. I feel like there was probably some visual novel or shitty virtual board game that Japan likes to make anime games of that I just never heard of.

Why are dudes always so insecure about their dicks?

"Is my dick big enough? Have you ever had any bigger dicks?"

Your dick is such a small part of the performance it's not even funny. Sure, a right size dick feels really good. When the length and the girth and the curvature is all right, it's nice.

But honestly, it's a dick. They're all pretty interchangeable. Stop worry so much. It's kinda pathetic.

Even if you have a shit dick, you can always substitute it with toys and other things too.

What if I told you you're stuck in an endless recursion of time?

I would fuck you because you are clearly Nagato.