How come the "Witcher 3 is GOTY!" meme didn't save it?

>Current Skyrim players:

>Current Witcher 3 players:

>People would still rather be playing Skyrim than Witcher 3

According to Sup Forums, a bad game like Skyrim should have lost its appeal a long time ago. How come that isn't actually the case, and can someone explain this phenomenon? But more importantly, how come Witcher 3 doesn't have as good mod tools as Skyrim?

Witcher 3 fans even said the new DLC would save it


Both games are dumbed down console action games pretending to be RPGs, the only difference is that Skyrim actually allows you to completely ignore the terrible base game and do shit like play with those porn mods, while in Witcher you have no options.

It's because Skyrim is a normie game.

>It is a Witcher shill pretending to be retarded thread.

> a game that has full moding support

> a game that has no mod support but is lengthy and well polished


Are you... telling me, that if more people play some game, it means it is better than other one with less players?


>but is lengthy and well polished

Length != quality

Otherwise people would highly rate Assy Creed games still

skyrim is more casual friendly. witcher requires people to really want to work for it, to pass through the mystery to uncover the real story. skyrim kind of just says "hey there is kind of a ok story to follow but do what ever mate, go have fun"

because skyrim was like 4 years on sales and witcher not?

Are you saying skyrim is quality? Son sit on my lap and let me explain something.

I never said it was quality.

Not sure if you are baiting or what. But Witcher 3 is also casual friendly.

>Follow the red markers to uncover the real story

what website is this

Ass Creed isn't lengthy, Ass Creed is filled with bullshit. The Witcher has actual quests with their own mini plots and they aren't repetitive.

ever heard of GOG retard? :D

So DOTA 2 is the best game in the world? 20x better than Skyrim which is in turn 3x better than The Witcher 3?


had enough of your bullshit baits, filtered

>they aren't repetitive

Uh oh, he's back.
Does anyone have that picture where it was a search of this same post and there was like 20 posts completely identical to this one?

Everytime it was posted OP got butt blasted to hell.

Oops, it was already posted.


>Both games are dumbed down console
I feel sorry for anyone who plays the console version of the witcher 3. The PS4 struggles to even keep a constant 30fps.

>Save it
What does it matter if it's 'saved' or not? Play the game or don't.

Also it's fucking 7 in the morning what did you expect? A billion people to be awake and playing a single player RPG? Why?
Just why?

>still making this shit thread
What is this, like your 20th time in the past week?