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>the Guardian

Fuck off


Chloe Moretz as the square block

>what is implicit storytelling

Will it be a movie about that dude secretly writing game on a soviet PDP clone while wokring for KGB?

i sincerely hope its this and not a movie about fucking tetris blocks

Gonna be a blockbuster


What fucking story

I mean there's a Angry Bird movie so it's not surprising.

>pic related

If it is a story like King of Kong or the history of Tetris it won't be a success but it will be decent.

If it is like Battle ship or pixels it still won't be a success but it will also be shit


Why would they clone pewdiepie?

Meanwhile incredibly good scripts are forgotten just because the jewery is insatiable and keeps putting out shit movies left and right.

Gonna need at least three movies to put the goyim back to sleep after the last normie adaptation went off the rails.

>the guardian

Angry birds can at least be written into a story.

Tetris literally "Falling blocks in Russia". It's like how battleship was about aliens and shit

How is this any different from SJW film analysis?

Sup Forums aproves this

>tfw there are iron stars from WoW in that movie

I would believe Hollywood is this retarded.

Underrated post

>The Guardian
Commit suicide.

I'm still hoping that SoTC goes through

Even SJWs genuinely think the film is right-wing propaganda.
>"What the heck is this? Some sort of meninist political statement attempting to vindicate male anger? In a kids movie? Maybe men shouldn't make movies"


Oh is Metzen doing another movie?!

>Not knowing that tetris is an allegory for living under an oppressive capitalist society

it tells the complex story of an angled individual trying to fit in to a linear society

did battleship have a story

thats a big story

For you

Stole that from the other thread faggot

The Coexist bumper sticker on the pig's ship pretty much blows your shitty SJW rhetoric right back into your ass, fuck off.

>not a tetralogy

>the cuckdian

The only worthwhile news outlet in the UK is either the Times or the FT.

>Tetris gets trilogy as story "too big" to fit into single film
>Tetris trilogy
>Story too big to fit into a single film
>Tetris story too big
>Tetris story