HALO 3: Who remembers this epic game? one of the best games I've ever played and I miss it...

HALO 3: Who remembers this epic game? one of the best games I've ever played and I miss it. ITT: We discuss our memories and what we loved about this game

I remember getting this game on Christmas Day 2007. The only other Xbox 360 game I had played was Gears of War and my 11 year old brain somehow made me think that every game would look exactly like GoW (Third Person Shooter), so when I started playing fps' I got addicted to those too. I loved Modern warfare 1, Halo 3, Vegas 2 etc. But Halo 3 was my all-time favourite. I miss being in lobby's with complete strangers from all around the world in custome games and just having fun for hours. So much nostalgia. I miss this game

Custom Games Infection was the shit


3 best game modes ever

The last campaign in Halo I actually remember enjoying. Hopefully they bring out a remaster next year for its anniversary and 343i won't fuck this one up like they do everything else.

This lobby. It makes me sad.

4. Halo Reach
3. Halo 1
2. Halo 3
1. Halo 2

My order of favourites

I loved this and Reach, too bad none of my classmates at the time bought the latter and barely played 3 anyway, my xbox is dead and I don't have any intention of buying an Xbone, or another 360 and xbox live gold, Halo online also seems kind of dead, lately I've been having a strong nostalgia for these games and I regret not having played them even more

I miss the Halo 3, COD 4, GoW era of the 360 when everything was so young.

I feel the same man. I loved halo 3 and played it a lot, but halo has gone to shit now. Not much good console games, I'd say only a couple a year. That's why I'm kinda glad I got a gaming PC last year. But if they ever remaster halo 3 I'll be buying it the day it comes out.

I loved the 2008-2011 era. Farcry 2, Rainbow Six vegas 2, MW2 etc.

100% agree

Correction, Halo 2 was the best halo ever

I loved the campaign for this game. Never had the money for Xbox Live, feel like I missed out.

You really did. I mean the campaign was awesome, but the multiplayer is out of this fucking world.

Played it first with MCC but couldn't access online because 343i are fucking shit

>People reminisce about Halo 3
>PC gamers still haven't played it

>freshman year of highschool
>halo 3 comes out
>already loved Halo CE and Halo 2 but this was when I started getting into online
>this was when everyone started getting into online
>all the different cliques from school, the band geeks, jocks, chads, stoners, goths, even some stacies would play together
>we almost never talked in person, but when we did it was about who was playing and at what time that night, then talk about it the next day
>huge games full of kids from my class, it actually brought everyone closer together and nobody had problems with each other
>eventually we grew up and moved on, but I still remember those nights as being some of the best parts of my childhood
I want to go back

I feel you user. So much nostalgia from this game I wish we could just go back to those days when we could just talk to strangers we have nothing in common with for hours and hours.

Everyone should play this franchise (

The memories of when people used to wait for the timer to get to 1 then someone would always press 'X'

Microsoft disagrees, apparently.

Anyone remember playing this on a LAN server?

I heard they will be releasing Halo Wars 2 and Halo 6 on Windows, but that's kind of a loss. Although the first Halo Wars was amazing, but pretty incomparable to anything in the Bungie realm.

Ever wonder why we're here?

Still doesn't work for me

I don't know man but it keeps me up at night

>its friday night
>everyone plans to hop online and play halo 3 customs all night
>pizza break and drinking mountain dew game fuel, halo 3 edition
>michael jackson on neverland ranch
>halo on halo
>fat kid
>endless infection configurations
>endless foundry map reconfigurations
>mongoose race maps
>big team battle in matchmaking

now im a PhD student with more worries in the world about where my life is going, what food i need to buy, what i need to work on, etc. I havent been excited about a video game like halo for a few years now. my dad passed away while i was an undergraduate, and I'll never get a the carefree self i had back. I'll never go to sleep again with my face hurting because I was laughing so hard, and halo is never coming back. fuck you Bungie, for abandoning the game that made you great. fuck you 343 for turning the series into CoD. fuck you gaben for never bringing halo 3 to steam where there may be at least the hope of reviving that special community.

Is this an RvB reference

Hey man, sorry about your dad. And it's great you're doing good in life.

I agree with everything you said about the franchise. I miss the foundry maps on custom games. I loved Predator, Tunneling anf Fat Kid on ice Cream Lane. I also really enjoy one that I can't remember the name of in Foundry where the zombies spawn in the middle of this 3 story square of the big military containers. I really hope they remaster next year and bring it out on Steam.

I abused fuck out of the banshee lol

I miss journey. I miss fat kid.

I wanna play again but don't have time to go through the hassle of setting up the 360 and remembering my xlive password

minus ODST halo started turning to shit after 2

This. You have no idea how much I miss it.

Thanks for that man. did you hear any news of that heppening? because all ive gotten are false promises whenever I hear it may be coming back. I think its mostly due to microsoft not releasing the rights.

I used to play Neverland Ranch too it was the shit haha

No worries bro, all I've heard is they may bring out Halo 3 Anniversary in August 2017 but I'm not sure if it will be an Xbox exclusive or if they will release it for windows. Even if so it may on be Windows 10.

"It looks like a puma"

halo reach was better imo

Both are equally awesome

I think it just depends on which one you have the most memories with. My big brother loves the original Halo over any other. it's just the nostalgia. A lot of people out the think mario is better than any game out today. Mario...a 2bit game over 30 years old. It's just childhood memories.