>uncensored patch out day 1
>better than every persona game
>EXTREMELY better than every fire emblem game
Sup Forums BTFO again
>uncensored patch out day 1
>better than every persona game
>EXTREMELY better than every fire emblem game
Sup Forums BTFO again
DAN is better
What is this
#FE, destroyer of Sup Forums
No shit I can see the image
it's #FE
>Extremely better than every Fire Emblem game
Let's not say things we can't take back.
Go back to Twitter
But is it better than Persona Q?
A game that was supposed to be a mix of SMT and Fire Emblem and turned out to be persona except x100 more weebier.
>RPG where you have to make strategic use of buffs, player turns, abilities, etc. vs dude RNG lmao
FE games are shit, this blows them out of the water
censored game
worse than persona and SMT
worse than any fire emblem
op btfo again
It's sharp like a music- Fuck it.
>Gangrel continues to attack
Getting triggered m8
Fight still wasn't that hard as long as you keep buffs and debuffs up though.
Persona Q is easily breakable and has the retarded mechanic where you have to step on the floor for it to count toward map completion, damaging tiles included.
The rest of the game is okay, dungeon design is nice.
literally backwards SMT.
Your shitty crossover was scrapped for being a garbage idea
Yeah, I hate how 100% map completion for treasure is done and magic is hopelessly underpowered aside from instant kills for non-bosses. But damn, it's the most fun I've ever had playing a Persona game. May as well be the second worst EO game I played though.
Kowashitai shill pls go and stay go
>have to use loadiine to use the patch
man fuck that I'm too lazy I'll just pass on this game and wait for P5
>Did you pick Naoto?
>Congratulations on winning the game!
Still had lots of fun playing though.
doesn't the uncensored patch crashes a few chapters in, though?
>calling people shills when they're telling you to pirate the uncensored version
I can tell you which Persona game it won't be better than.
>it's suddenly good because it's uncensored
If only NoA didn't censor it in the first place.
So much shitposting could've been avoided.
It better be good, this shit was in the making since the Wii U was announced. And that's before Wii U was even released. Over 3 years.
Although Naoto is broken in random stuff, at least she's somewhat balanced out by not doing very well against most FOE or bosses.
>that one faggot that is shit at FE and blames it all entirely on the RNG
Every FE thread
wait you can hack the wiiu now? Do you use isos or it's some anti piracy thing where u need to use the real game?
>uncensored patch
nto sure if I believe you.
also how is the game and did they royally fucked the translation like they did with the last FE?
and the music is all japanese, no? would defeat the point if they did bad dubs
>""""""""Strategy""""""""" rpg
>half of it is rng
If you're a good strategist, you wouldn't back your units into corners where their life hangs in the balance of RNG.
Sounds to me like you're not good.
Gold encounters: go to the specified places and cast slowma, riberama and riberaon.
Sixth element: Shibuya idolsphere, third part south on a blue bridge. Weak to bow.
Bretorius: Daiba Studio idolsphere: west-most side of the first area (blue). Need the treasure corps. or whatever sign to spawn on the upper left. No weakness but is vulnerable to magic electric, ice and force skills. Also really easy to farm (you can literally walk back and forth in the little room) and drops tomes and claptracks (maybe skill books too).
the patch is out but not complete
also 90% of /v won't bother installing it since it requires being able to follow instructions, a skillset unattainable for most of people on here
No. That was fixed. The proper uncensor patch is fine now.