What am I in for?
What am I in for?
cheeki breeki
Kill Strelok.
Shit accuracy and overburden weight
a spooky good time
if you're a casual you can mod all the guns, weapons, and armor to do whatever you want and carry 50 tons of shit.
Slav autism.
It's basically a poormans Fallout 3.
I remember running through the Zone wearing an artifact that regenerates stamina faster than you spend it, and another that lowers your radiation poisoning. Good times.
Call of Pripyat was the only one I liked.
This, and Clear Sky is boring shit.
i just bought the 3 pack but i hear these games are boring as shit. should i refund?
Yeah, do it you gay
Being lost to the Zone.
a game so boring only people with autism can enjoy
>inb4 bait
Lots of epic Sup Forums memes.
I played this game when it was released and 9 years later I am still reeling from how much of a disappointment it was after all the wait. Sequels were even shittier.
Spooky? Atmospheric? Maybe for autists on this board. I legitimately have no idea why it has so much of a cult following among the westerners.
the bundle is $10 on steam, is it worth it? what does it do well?
>what does it do well?
>game has only slightly more complex shooting mechanics than most shooters
>attachment and ammo system not even as complex as many contemporary shooters
>but lmao autism, shit game
only neo-Sup Forums hates stalker.
It's a 50/50 shot of liking it or hating it.
It's my favorite shooter of all time, even though it can be a buggy piece of shit.
Shadow of chernobyl is good
Clear sky is unanimously voted as shit, though it's alright.
Call of Pripyat is the most polished and stable game. Really pretty maxed out.
Check out the stalker threads over at /vg/ if you got any Qs.
10 for all three? Yeah you might as well. What it does well is being an "atmospheric" exploration simulator, without there being too much to explore, few idiotic quests and subsystems as well as typical fps gameplay with survival elements.
Thinking something is better for being more "complex" is one of the actual definitions of autism.
but it's not complex, that's what I'm saying.
>le neo/v/ meme
i tried really hard to like it but in the end its just a shit game and nothing more to it
>What am I in for?
>le neo-vee
As I said above, the game was a huge disappointment on release. People waited - and the game was positioned as - a true survival horror, where shooting your way through problems was a difficult decision, risks of which often outweighed the benefits; as well as being at least remotely relatable to its source material.
What it was in the end is a mediocre shooter with a lot of samey, grey locales, tiny zones for "exploration" and gunwank. Anomalies and artefacts were fun for the first hour, after which they all became stale and samey - all anomalies are literally invisible traps with high damage and different damage type/animation. All artefacts are shitty equipment with bonus stats and some drawback.
Don't listen to the haters.
>Sup Forums says a game is shit
>it's actually good
Why does this always happen?
hello fellow v4c user
This. Also very immersive if you can get into the gameplay.
>Shadow of Chernobyl
Youre in for a hell of a spooky ride, hunting stashes, embracing the magical powers of the zone to become a slav ninja, lots of repeatable quests for a pseudo freeplay mode and with no doubt the most fun artifacts out of the three games.
>Clear Skies
A barely decent story worth playing only once, action oriented gameplay, buggy factions that I dont find worth replaying for and becoming the zones local strongman running with 100+kg of weapons and other shit
>Call of Pripyat
Good story and decent replay value, not much to do in freeplay mode once youre done as a lot of the world is empty by the time youre done, GREAT urban exploration with empty hospitals, factories and more, aswell as the best version of artifact hunting and the best weapon mods of the three.
>Modded anything
Anything goes, every mod you install will ALWAYS have something you dont like or have something you really like miasing.