>Neptunia VII failed
>Star Ocean 5 failed
>Atelier Sophie failed
Why aren't there any good JRPGs left anymore?
>Neptunia VII failed
>Star Ocean 5 failed
>Atelier Sophie failed
Why aren't there any good JRPGs left anymore?
I liked all those games
P5 and Berseria will be good
because the genre peaked with the PS2.
Neptunia did not fail in any context
How did any of those games fail though
SMT Final is coming senpai
Sales and ratings
Nep was fun
t. not weeb or sonygger
I am waiting for those stats
Sophie is the best selling Atelier so far in Japan.
bad sales and ratings doesn't make it "not good" for me
P5 maybe, but Berseria failed hard before release, have you seen it in action ? it will be even worst then zetiria or whatever was that crap called
>game isn't out
>yet worst than the best game in the series
I hope Atelier Firis is good. Firis is too cute to be in a bad game. They say they're bringing time management back, so if we're lucky they'll do a good job there and things will be great.
It looked good in the trailer
I don't know about the other two, but atelier sophie is clearly one of if not the best selling atelier series yet, and it's ratings and reception in japan are really great, as for the west it have a pretty good metascore ratings, i think it's one of the better ones
Sophie did well in Asia which all that matters, the West is just extra money to them
Because the genre grew stagnant 10 years ago.
The quality of JRPGs are dependent on the quality of Final Fantasy. The reason JRPGs are dead is because we're still technically in the FF13 era.
Final Fantasy XV will save JRPGs.
God I hope so. Atelier's been pretty shit since Ayesha.
>best anything
I don't know how much it sold but I argue that there's some problems on the marketing side, which actually don't exist. I could't even find some basic informations on atelier sophie like the voice and language implemented. If your accustomed to those japanese games you know it will probably be Japanese voice/english sub but for the few newcomer it's often a salty surprise. Those games rating often lose some points because of this sort of things.
I sure fucking hope so so we can get more boy band JRPGs. Too many ditzy cunts in them.
>JRPG set in the Beatles universe
Because the quality has gone to shit. JRPGS are mainly about uugggg do I look cute and waifus.
Sophie is dual audio though. And it's incredibly easy to find that out with google.
>Final Fantasy XV will save JRPGs.
>boy bands
>not ditzy cunts
I can only speak for Nep and Sophie, but Nep was just fine. Sophie didn't make the transition well because GUST insisted on a PS3/Vita/PS4 multiplat (and have actually done that twice now)
I literally have no idea what this chart is telling me.
jesus christ why do japs release all these MOE rpgs that will inevitably fail yet they refuse to release dragon quest despite its inoffensive aesthetic and the west loving the dragon ball artstyle?
Preorder points
is the x-axis "number of days until release"?
welp, RIP
Dragon Quest games sell like shit in the west fanboy
Atelier and Neptunia are niche and low budget enough they make profits that everyone is happy with
Because Square-Enix can just re-release Final Fantasy 7 over and over and make more money.
I didn't know weeb games were expected to sell millions.
this unfortunately. fuck star ocean 5 had no chance of catching on in the west when they give all the females those submissive, braindead, hentai expressions
Yes, and the y-axis is points accumulated
what the fuck does the budget of the games have to do with anything? The translation cost for a script is independent of that
Heavensward is essentially a JRPG in multiplayer form
Then in that case, FFXV doesn't look too dead.
I'm more interested in what caused FFXIII to spike in popularity around the day 99 mark.
pretty sure star ocean 5 had its own e3 presentation last year. when that happens you know the company has expectations in the west. not sure why though considering it looks moe as fuck
Don't blame Gust or IFI for not translating Dragon Quest you dumbass
but with somehow worse gameplay
They officially announce the release date for FFXIII
who said i did you dumb fuck? star ocean 5 is square enix. what are you so mad about faggot?
Better than any other mainline final fantasy game for sure, it's basically the active ATB system in 3D realtime
Your original post is literally asking why Gust or IF don't make Dragon Quest or bring Dragon Quest west
So why did Dragon Quest never manage to take off in the West, anyway?
>Star Ocean
The reason they all failed begins in the titles. They are all below average rpgs that panders to the most hardcore of otakus aside from SO which is a series without a single good game. Just wait for FFXV and P5 if you want jrpgs on the ps4
>no mention of #FE
I wonder who's behind this thread
>not pandering to hardcore otakus
It's okay when Atlus does it.
It's a shitty game series like Yokai Watch. But Japan loves it because they can relate to the generic characters and they pander to the little kids.
DQ7 was the best ps1 rpg and DQ8 the best ps2 rpg
Looking forward to the 3ds western release of both of them senpai
It's shit
do they still have party chat?
I have no idea
they'll be my first dragon quest games
unless i bother to play the ds games before they come out
Who failed you dumb shit all of those games are great now fuck off and commit suicide you ignorant cuck.
Tales is also anime as fuck yet it's probably the third or fourth best selling jRPG series in the US. It certainly outsells mainline SMT and I'm pretty sure even Zesty outsold Purse.
Fuck off FFXV-kun, go back to shit post to FF XV threads we don't want you here.
Neptunia is shit, as always.
Sophie still a bad Atelier game, making it the third shitty game for the series in a fucking row.
SO5 is legitimately just trash.
I think the ignorant cuck in this thread is someone else, user.
Boring, same missions with different characters, DLC out the ass, platform dungeons, the first two portions were less than an hour. It failed miserably.
I played Neptunia and Atelier and they are both great you statement is fucking invalid now go play your ugly western game and suck ugly Geralt cock until you die faggot.
Literally the Sup Forums version of "Works on my machine"
Failed what? Neptunia was always garbage
No it wasn't it is one of the best moe games out there. Just because you have shit taste doesn't mean the game sucks.
Both Sophie and V2 were well recieved in both Japan and the West.
Obviously they didn't sell 100,000,000,000,000 copies and have hundreds of paid 10/10 reviews everywhere or a multi million dollar ad campaign like most western AAA trash but for niche JRPGs with cute girls they did well.
>best moe games
Just wait three more weeks for I Am Setsuna.
Hope it'll be good, getting real tired of that shitty 3d though
Xenoblade is the only good JRPG with future potential. Only people in denial are still butthurt linear fags and soniggers
Everything else has either stagnated or long overstayed it's welcome.
because a majority of of JRPGs on the market these days are just weeb pandering trash
P5 will be good, SMT:A and TMS were all good
Man Atlus is carrying the genre alone
>muh open world jrpg!
We call them mmo junior also XCX turned mediocre half way through
Japan stopped making good games after 1994. Now mass-produced weebtrash like this is released every other week.
XCX was pretty much a singleplayer mmo
Action bar and all
Takahashi just needs to keep the narrative simple. He was going somewhere with the survival stuff in XCX but he completely dropped the ball there when the online was implemented
I want to get into this series but time management just spooks me away from games. I always end up feeling like I am running for my life while the darkness of failure/no true end/game over, etc is biting at my heels.
>FF15 will fail
>Persona 5 will fail
Don't worry about that. No matter how much you improve, you will suffer at the hands of the optional dungeons.
Someone has to resist the pachinko meme
Atelier and Neps are niche as fuck, did you really expect them to suddenly become super popular after so many installments?
You must have a heart attack when playing persona then
But that's the fun part of it, and even Arland time management is nothing in comparison to some JP only games.
JRPGs were never good
>It has action bar
>it's and MMO
Can you faggots tell me what MMO has an equivalent of overdrive and soul voice? What is this meme, so every action game is just DMC, every turn based JRPG is just FF 7
Atelier Sophie has no time management, at least not in the sense that your game automatically ends after a certain time.
I actually got through P3 and 4 with no problem whatsoever. It seems like Atelier is stricter with the time but it could just be me overthinking it.
>liking Star Ocean 5
Ignoring the fact that you actually claimed to "enjoy" a neptunia title, that is still some massive shit taste.
Atelier is vastly stricter, yeah. You have to juggle way more things than Persona, which basically just comes down to grinding to a high enough level before the time limit runs out. And social links and stats, but those are also super simple. Atelier has way more going on.
They're generally still pretty easy though. Maybe you won't get every ending on your first try, but do you really need to? I bet you didn't get every social link in P3/4 to max, and I'm sure you weren't too worried about that. Apply the same principle here.