Spoiler Alerts: You can't
Explain exactly why Overwatch is a casual game
Well are you at least going to try? No of course not because Sup Forums can never actually rationally explain anything.
>slow as fuck
>aim assist even on PC
>0 penalty for dying. Its even encouraged
>absolutely 0 skill required to play anything
>there's no aim assist
>the game is faster than CoD and runs 60fps
>if you use ultimates like shit, you lose
>if you die a lot, you lose
>if you have no skill, you lose
please try again
>T W E N T Y T I C K
Hitboxes honestly aren't that bad. The Tank characters are naturally big as hell, characters like widow are slimmer and harder to hit.
the 20 tick thing is really one of the only legitimate concerns, I hope they make it more responsive with a patch. The heroes aren't perfectly balanced but they're clearly trying to modify it to be more balanced as they monitor statistics from the metagame. new maps will be coming too.
pretty much those are the only 3 legit criticisms of Overwatch I can think of.
>D.VA's mech head hitbox covers 1/3 of the robot
>you can fire a projectile based weapon at a wall corner and headshot a player you can't see, killing them outright depending on the character
>aren't that bad
yeah there's two types of projectiles.
genji and pharah have delayed projectiles, you have to throw the shuriken/shoot missiles where the enemy is GOING to be. this makes them fundamentally different from say, 76 who always hits as soon as the reticule is over the enemy player. this might not necessarily happen with genji or pharah unless the enemy stays in the place.
you're supposed to play both types of characters differently, moron. 76 can't hide and shoot like genji/pharah. and if you see genji/pharah peeking out of the corner, you're supposed to be wary of their projectiles and shoot them when they pop out.
yes the head hitbox is big because Dva is a tank with a defensive shield and very fast escape propulsion, she's mean to bait enemies into shooting her as opposed to teammates. also when the mech is broken dva turns into a glass cannon, very high fire rate if you just hold the pistol down. you can get easily kills shooting while running backwards into your teammates after the mech breaks, or multikills escaping with the ulty.
you don't seem to understand the concept of different characters having a different role in the team.
>someone saved my Pharah pic
Stop posting this fucking bait-inducing picture you faggot
aimbots and wallhacks built into the game
you can win by just playing as one character youtube.com
You think this game is not for casuals?
>one of the most easiest FPS to play ever
>ultimates that kill characters for you, in case you find it too hard
Also, it has to be the first FPS in existence to have built-in aimbots and wallhacks for some characters
It's fun and it's functional, but if you are going to tell me this has potential for the competitive scene you are either baiting or an idiot
Giant hitboxes where you can get headshots when you can't even see your enemy
pharah a qt
120 damage body shots.
What do you think would happen if you put Overwatch 'pro' in a Q3 environment?
Source: your ass
not an argument, stop parroting whatever Sup Forums shits out
>we have the deeeps
what's it from my man
Oh boy, is it 2005 again?
>pre 2007
I wish, sadly its 2016 on this board
>20 tick
>god awful hitboxes
>characters aren't nuanced, and have low skill ceilings as a result
>shallow as a fucking kiddie pool since it avoids complex MOBA and FPS mechanics
>infinite ammo (why is this ever a thing holy shit)
>unironically comparing it to cod
>"ultimates take skill"
>20 tickrate
>blizzdrones bragging about it
my fucking sides
>rational discussion
>video games
The only rational discussions had on this entire shit hole of a website are about porn.
That's it. Everything else is shit posting.
thanks, sdly it isn't porn
ignorant casual detected
20 tick
Fucked up hitboxes
Balanced around consoles instead of PC(if it was balanced around PC zenyatta wouldn't get 1 shot body shot by snipers because they would know snipers could easily hit that)
Lack of defined classes and misclassified characters
Supports(Zenyatta) able to deal more burst damage than offense characters
Offense (76) healing better than support(Symmetra)
Using abilities is more important than being able to aim
Infinite ammo so characters like Junkrat and Pharah can endlessly spam AoE attacks and lock down points
Ults recharge at the same rate so something amazing like Mercy's recharges at the same rate as something mediocre like D. Va's or Rienhardt's
Aim assist
Extremely slow paced movement
Too many auto aim attacks (winston turrets symmetra 76)
Can we instead discuss how perfect she is?
GIT gud
Does anyone have a picture with Pharah in her Raindancer alt on the main menu
>Ults recharge at the same rate
except they dont. Mercys ult will charge faster as shes healing or when a damage boosted friendly is doing damage.
Other than that it all depends on how much damage you output
might as well since OP is already BTFO and nowhere to be seen.
theres a hand on her breast.
post more.
the skill ceiling is a floor
>hitboxes aren't that bad
just go watch this plzzz
>I can compete with someone to smash our heads into a wall untill one of us falls dead
its a competitive game, yes, you can compete in everything.
Now about being casual.
>hitboxes and colision boxes from 1995, or even worse
>not everyone being the same character with the same amount of HP and the same weapons (unbalanced balance because people neeeds to be self inserted, if not they wont give a fuck and lose interest fast)
>that childish marketing campaign
>nu-male checklist of offensive stuff removed: done
>herros and all that bullshit to compensate the lack of skill to do those manouvers by yourself
>blizzard netcode
>There is a Matchmaking because skilled players must be caped and put with the worst players so they die and die and lose eventually.
>p10 bump
>no single player and when your overlords cut the cord, no more game.
The game is casual because it appeals to everyone.
>Chubby and fat people
>Black people
Plus the game is less about mechanical skill due to the fact it revolves around teamwork. It is still a good game but don't delude yourself.
>McCree ults
>Go behind a wall
>Still get killed
>Kill cam shows me like 2 minutes away from the wall
what the FUCK
Everyone on the enemy team has a red otline of consistent width so you POOR WEE BABIES cant possibly ever miss someone on their screen.
the ult system allows people who can't aim or keep up normally to keep up easily because you don't lose it on death, and can get it without actually playing well
Next you're gonna tell me LoL isn't a casual game
>Implying you need to aim with primary weapons
>Implying you even need to SEE your opponents, their projectiles or anyone else for that matter to get top damage
press q win game
Has to keep people playing with a flashy reward system rather than being able to stand on gameplay alone.
>>absolutely 0 skill required to play anything
Then why are some people good (not you) and some people are bad (you)?
Easy to learn does not equal "no skill", nothing equals "no skill" even breathing requires skill (there's some people that can't breathe, they need machines to do it for them because they're CASUALS)
>smooth 5 fps
Even a cartoonish looking game have drops?
where are the details who eat those resources, or its just the game who cant handle physics??
I didn't see you win.
Is 60 FPS not good enough for you cynical assholes anymore?
Fuck off. If you're bad, you're bad. Tick rate has nothing to do with it
> overpriced, only multiplayer tf2 clone
just did, OP.
> Explain exactly why Overwatch is a casual game
because you can jump in and play for a few minutes or an hour for some easy gratification
aside from learning a few things about each hero, you can do pretty well in it your first day playing even
it really is quite casual friendly and that's OKAY. Learn to love yourself
fuck off shill
It's buggy right now, a lot of players get dips from 100+fps down to 20.
Do you have any idea how PC hardware or video rendering works?
Put both in some random UT99 match with a skilled player, and you will see how retarded they are.
They wont even beat an AI on average.
Now put again this 3 people in overwatch, you wont see the difference, somehow those retards will "find a way" to at least score some kills.
Separate player hitboxes for projectile and hitscan weapons, with the projectile ones being xbox huge so that shitters can hit them by spamming in the enemy's general direction.
What do I win?
0 commitment required to play the game or even get good at it because you can always just press your insta-kill button
>Also, it has to be the first FPS in existence to have built-in aimbots and wallhacks for some characters
Are you fucking new to video games or something? Perfect Dark had wallhacks, I want to say the Laptop gun had auto-aim but maybe not, but the Smartgun from AvP had autoaim and both games are old as shit
>No resource management, everything is cooldowns
>Infinite ammo
>Aim assist
>Massive hitboxes on characters, going way past their actual character models
>Game is counter-based instead of strategy-based, aka counters factor into wins more than skill does
>All abilities require line of sight, even AOE abilities
That doesn't explain at all why the game is casual
Ults need the same amount of energy from kills/healing/support/blocking to charge up
Yes, i record shit myself with dxtory and the x26 whatever codec, i have compresion issues like you do, but not those fps drops.
>render 3 entire planets and its moons
>the game is shit and known for being poorly optimized
>recording is stable
Toaster or shit game? you decide.
blizzdrones will defend this
>no singleplayer
That alone tells me all I need to know. TF2 didn't have one, and look where it's ended up. Several hundred million trade_minecraft servers.
see A ton of people with high end pc's are dropping from 120fps on max to sub 30 for a few seconds at a time.
It's just poorly optimized.
I run it at 144 hz, and its really annoying that it shows frames and takes them back due to the tickrate
the game literally has a "press X to awesome" mechanic
not to mention this game is in no way catered to players. it's for streamers, and for mouth breathers who watch people stream games. that's the game plan for video games nowadays. you need to tailor to the subhuman twitch kid crowd or you won't go anywhere, and that's exactly what Blizzard has bet their entire company on for the past few years
>tfw sfm brought a new age of porn
It doesn't have an infinite number of weapon stats to keep track of and micromanage.
News flash: a game has been casualized when there are memes about it. There were memes for Overwatch before it even got out of beta.
Soulsbourne is a good example too
>from 120 to 30 is poorly
Its a fucking disaster, not even space engineers is this bad.
>hurr durr im a retard
Ult doesn't reset on death.
Because its Team Fortress 3
>20 hz
>awful hitbox
And all those fags are trying to turn it into an e-sport. Most my friends have already dropped it, and I'm probably going to end up doing the same. Still a fun casual game to play occasionally.
Casual is not something a game is.
It's demeanor a person displays.
You can play Overwatch in a casual manner. But you're probably going to lose.
Extremely poorly designed maps
Lots of unnecessary visual clutter
Very low skill ceiling
Dying isn't punished
No strategy around ults, players don't lose them when they die, theres no way to know when players have them, and short spawn timers gives you no room for error
20 tick and bad hitboxes
Inconsistent artstyle and poor writing
Not enough voice commands
Overtime is too forgiving
Half the heroes are very situational and half are all rounders, guess which get used in comp
Game just isn't very fun in general, extremely difficult to get killstreaks or carry
This probably annoys me the most. Just watch any pro play solo. You would imagine that guy being a pro and all to just pub stomp, while in reality they play average af. Even Seagull who does end up pubstomps in all his videos only does it because he has a pocket medic ressing him every death, and a full squad.
Losing all motivation to play the game cause even if I get gud, I'm still going to do worse than most of the matches I've played in beta.
>game hides player stats during the match because it might hurt players feelings
>not casual
you're pretty funny op
you don't seem to be able to understand being able to headshot as hanzo on an enemy you can't even see
"Casual" is a meaningless buzzword used by retarded manchildren for whom playing "hardcore" games is their only achievement.
>It's a "Support runs out in the open with like a lost child and dies and then blames the team for their death" episode.
Healsluts are the worst.
I'd rather deal with healsluts than overcompensating manlet tanks trying to run everything.
>team of 76
2 rein, 1 mercy, 3 bastion
>People bitching about wallhacks and auto aim when this exists
How old are you faggots?
Skill is not the balancing factor but hero picks and ability cooldowns.
This gates the skill ceiling heavilly so everyone can feel special for a moment. It's obviously casualised.
Like By definition, I think this game is casualised.
This, the game is designed to make it harder for good players to carry and easier for bad players to get kills.
>thinks he can stop 6 76s with some shields
That would be a fun match
>Fuck off. If you're bad, you're bad. Tick rate has nothing to do with it
life... life... life...