Oh god

Why is this supposed to be bad?


GOTY/ I'm hyped.

You have to really be trying in order to find flaws with this game. Those trees are like half a mile away. But I don't expect Sup Forums to be good at distance gauging.


>Tilts camera up to not show textures pop-in


Jesus Christ

OP is reacting to this post


Nintendo really liked oblivion I see.

holy shit please dont ever say anything ever again

The pop in

>that entire cliff popping in

Vegetation is one thing but holy shit.

I really, really hope they at least somewhat remedy this by release, or with the NX version, cause this is pretty fucking bad.

Pretty impressive for Xbox 360 hardware.

Might as well wait for NX because the pop-in looks horrible

>entire grass and boulder meshes
>sudden extra vegetation on trees
>entire pieces of the landscape

What is left to pop in at this point?

I'm expecting the NX version to not necessarily look much better graphically, but hopefully it'll have less pop-in

Does this really affect your opinion of the game? Like, it's worse pop-in than I've seen in a long time, and I'm not saying the game will definitely be good overall, but would this actually lower your enjoyment of the game?

Are the grass textures not loading in or are they really just flat shade of green?

The wii u is actually worse than the 360 on some counts.

i saw the rocks but never noticed the cliff pop in until now

Pop-in annoys the fuck out of me.

It would definitely impact the game's atmosphere.

The bullet.

In my brain.

I wonder how close enemies pop in.


It would considering that a lot of the game is striving to do is more immersion. The ability to interact with everything, have everything react, and including gameplay mechanics that put more core needs that will hope to drag the player more. Pop-in really hurts that immersion.

For example, with New Vegas, I've modded it to be as immersive as possible. I've removed the HUD and replaced the ammo counter with an animation that has you actually check your ammo. I've grabbed mods that make it so there's more long lasting effects of fights, such as needing medical braces and the like to heal crippled wounds or find bandages to stop bleeding. Rebalances for health and food. Changes for how DT is affected by armor and critical locations to shoot.

It's a lot of fun and makes the game have deeper mechanics that draw the player in, but it's like tripping on the curb in the middle of your stride when suddenly you notice that the shadows in this area aren't rendering outside of a certain radius or the animation isn't working properly for a certain weapon and suddenly it's on the other side of the screen. It just takes you out of the moment and makes you wish that you could make it better.

With Breath of the Wild trying to achieve a level of immersion, from how you need to keep warm to survive, how the enemies react to your method of attack, and so on and so forth, it's a real shit thing that you literally won't be able to walk a couple meters without entire pieces of the landscape rendering in out of nowhere.


Are we really shitposting graphics in a Nintendo game?

We might as well just shitpost about Obsidian's writing, Revolution 60's quality, or Overwatch's skill ceiling while we're at it.

Shut up and complain about how empty the world is, just like everyone did for Xenoblade X.

>buying the Wii U version


I legit didn't notice the pop-in at first.
Then again I've been playing Subnautica all day so I'm kind of numb to it.

Oh, I can understand that then. I'm rarely able to get immersed in games anyway so it doesn't bother me but I can see how that wouldn't mesh with what the game is going for.

No one's talking about the graphics, it's the fucking pop in cliffs and trees. It looks bad for a system stronger than a PS3. Jesus, if GTAV could run on that 10 year old piece of shit, you know damn well Nintendo could have done a better job with this game. It better get fixed.

I heard the Wii U has a shittier CPU. Retarded Nintendo decision but it's interesting seeing these visuals on this hardware, even though it's obviously quite taxing.

Why are the colors so fucking drab?

yes. especially for a nintendo game, which usually run great.


No. Every open world game has some level of pop-in, its just an unavoidable side effect of the design. Given the Wii U's stone age hardware its even more expected, at least the framerate is mostly stable.

It's one thing to put a stamina meter in this open world game, but why would they limit your floating too? I understand they did that in Wind Waker and the likes, but that was because you only used your parachute thing for puzzles. You shouldn't be limited in this case. Having limited stamina AND flight will make travel without Epona monotonous and longer than it needs to be.

It's an NX game quickly downported to the WiiU.
The final version probably will look better, but will still get its ass raped by the NX one.

GTAV was pretty shit on PS3 and 360. It ran sure, but well?

>scale high point
>skip entire map by gliding

Wow, fun

Depends on what task actually.
The short as fuck pipeline of the WiiU CPUs make it much better at branch heavy operations than the 360 long pipeline, shit at branch prediction CPUs, but it gets trounced hard at anything "do a lot of floating point ops".
In examples, i would say the WiiU CPU wins at decompressing data, running emulation and a bit of AI, but the 360 CPU is better at physics, geometry transformation, movie playing..

With the way Reggie described it, what they showed at E3 was just a tiny part of the whole overworld. There's no way there's a mountain high enough for you to climb and then sail across the entire map. Even so, why limit that? What's the difference between wanting to sail across the map and wanting to ride Epona across the map?


How come objects that are farther away dont actually pop in but ones that are closer do? How does that make sense?


The ones with physics and/or too much polygons are heavier thus loaded last.

tfw same exact reaction here. subnautica really needs to step up that draw distance.

If you guys are so upset just play it on PC instead.

PC will not fix the draw distance.



It's stream quality

Search up live videos on YouTube. The Colours are much better

Part of the issue is the shoddy WiiU HDMI RGB thing that makes colors quite bland, but can be fixed by adjusting the tv.

That's precisely the kind of shit they're going to spend the rest of development doing. This whole thread is pointless. I hate to sound like one of those "But it's a beta!" faggots but when you're talking about minor graphical issues like pop-in then it REALLY can't be considered an issue unless it's still there on release.

Quick! Someone start bitching about 60fps! We need to be exactly like every other thread on Sup Forums!

ninteniggers will defend this. holy fuck, nintendo is dead for me.

Because graphical issues like pop-in have no chance of being fixed between now and release right?

The game looks fun, but these graphics look about on par with Shadow of the Colossus, which came out about a decade ago.


b-but the g-gameplay!!!!!! t-t-the most t-talked about game at e3!!!

>the moment they tilt the camera to try to not show all the pop in happening

Please tell me Nintendo is about to become like SEGA, and release their games on all the superior systems instead of making gimmicky consoles. Hopefully this last failed console will be their last.

WiiU have the "right" to run shit at 30 fps, as its a last gen console.
Now PS4 and Xbone have no excuse whatsoever.

I love how Nintendo is trying to be hip and cool by making an open world game with mechanics that have been in games for the past twenty years. It's like some horrible joke that some people are lapping up and I'm here dumbfounded as to what I'm supposed to find impressive about it.

This triggers the nintenyearold

s-s-s-stop it! t-t-that's a different area of the map!

>Thinking nintendo fans care about graphics
Gameplay, nigga. Gameplay.
Oh wait, you're a sonydrone. Graphics are all you care about.

>i-it's alpha!
>i-it's beta!
>i-it's a demo!
>i-it's early access!
>i-it'll get fixed guise! :'(
Just stop. Don't try to defend it, let the game die peacefully.

One's pre rendered and the other is terrible stream quality from a game that's a year away from being finished. Hahaha good one.

Not just textures, massive pieces of terrain modeling popping in.

Why do people keep bringing this up? It's an obvious downgrade but every game company does it.

If I didn't know any better I would think they do it to shitpost but that can't be it.



Stop using stuttering to point an actual point.
Game does feature thick grass, that you can set fire to, as seems on several other videos.

Seems pretty standard for console gaming.

Glide length is determined by your stamina Mr. Man.

>people actually fall for this

Why not just eat stamina raising food for greater distance if it bothers you so much?

On the off chance it does look better by release will you eat shit and seek speach therapy?

>It's only okay when Nintendo does it!
When will you chucklefucks stop defending Nintendo for every retarded and shitty thing they do?

>running off of 10 year old hardware
>waaaaaa they can't render everything for infinity with shadows and cell shading with 120x multi sampling waaaaaa

no shit idiot
if you care about things like this why do you even play on a console?

How can something have already failed it it hasn't been revealed?

s-s-st-st-o-p-p-p t-t-ta-ta-talk-k-in-g-g l-l-li-k-ke t-t-th-a-a-a-at-t-t

>it really is ok when Sony does it :^)

I didn't say it was okay for anyone. Just that if they all do it then why crucify one over the others.

Yes. And I will apologize as well, but not until then.


Xenoblade's world is not empty. The game has many many flaws, but they did a good job at creating an interesting world and compelling the player to explore all of it

"Everyone was looting the store, officer! Therefore it's not a big deal when I do it"

Are you really suggesting that Sup Forums doesn't bitch about downgrades at every possible opportunity? It's a shit thing for any company to do, this is just a dramatic example for a very hyped game.

>Gameplay, nigga. Gameplay.

Oh sure the same regurgitated open world gameplay we all have seen a million times already, yeah that gameplay

The downgrade is real but it isn't as bad as that image makes it seem, for reasons already pointed out previously.

I'm honestly completely fine with this. It's ok when Nintendo does it.

>3k x 2k

uhhh, what's the actual native resolution?

Say what you will about the rest of the game, but it has one of the best worlds in vidya. It's huge, yet around every corner there's a new landmark to discover, or a new tyrant to fight.
Shame that that's about all there is to it. I easily sunk in 91 hours over the past ~6 months, but now I think I'm burnt out.

I just hope the sequel takes a few more cues from the original.

Very bad example. If you want to shitpost then do so without being so obvious.

I know how Sup Forums works but all the bait threads are fucking annoying, not just from this game but others as well. Reminds me why I often stay away for months.

Actual working artist here.

Not only are the graphics bad, but the art direction is disgusting. The faded out, grey world is putrid, to say the least.

Which is no excuse because the Wii U has featured some colorful and warm games. The art director should be fired.

Post your work. The art direction in this game is just fine.