>game has a health-bar hat represents either the protagonist or the overall theme of the game
ITT: The "Little Things" you appreciate in gaming
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You mean the visual design of the bar or the unit used to measure health?
>enemies sprites change based on how damaged they are
>mfw this has been done in virtually no games
>I can skip cutscenes.
user, classics like Final Fantasy Mystic Quest did this, what are you talking about?
>character portrait changes when you have low health
I always appreciate it when the UI is not garbage.
>enemy sprites change their idle animation based on the next attack they're going to use
only game off the top of my head that does this is Lunar 1+2
hey you're right. That game looks like shit, but the attention to detail is nice.
Pausing cutscenes
Im sure a couple Mario and Luigi enemies do this
Never said no games, just very little.
>game has unlockable sound test with all the tracks AND SFX
>Character's battle dialogue changes along with the plot
>quest update pops up
>it's in an unintrusive spot
Unlike some Human Revolutions we know. I mean, games we know.
>health-bar hat
>Cutscenes show you with your current equipment
There's a health bar in the top left as well like you'd expect, but the lights at the end of your character's antenna go from green to yellow to red as you lose HP.
no one will ever make a better ui
I was trying to be humorous by implying that piece of shit is a classic.
I failed.
>game has party members
>they talk to each other instead of only talking to you
Dante's idle animation during battle changes depending on which melee weapon you have equipped at the moment.
Good UI design in general. It's kind of a small detail but it's so easy to fuck up.
>mfw a piece of shit is one of the only games to ever do it
It hurts.
>Defeat a boss
>All its minions run away from you in fear
>If you can defeat the enemies in one round of normal attacks, the game doesn't even bother loading in the combat screen and just skips straight to your victory
>Shopkeep tells you which item are better than what you have equipped right now
>Offers you to equip what you buy right now and sell back your old stuff automatically
>There's an item that allows you to sell stuff from anywhere so you don't always need to backtrack to a town if your inventory gets filled in a dungeon
>Similarly, it's possible to order food so you don't have to backtrack to resupply if your inventory gets low in a dungeon
>If your party leader dies, some NPCs will have changed dialogues while speaking to the second member of your party
>Characters have food preferences that gives them greater/smaller health and magic regain buffs depending if they like what you give them or not
>Spying on an enemy doesn't only gives you info on its stats and weaknesses, but also allows you to steal whatever item it would have dropped upon defeat
>Enemies have different combat lines based on your class/character
>Enemies react when you use your special skill or talent
The Metroid Prime trilogy will always have my favorite UI in all of vidya
>Mfw seeing Samus' reflection for the first time after shooting a point blank charge shot
>If youuse the X-ray visor with different beams you can see Samus' hand makes different shapes for each beam
It was genius.
When the music changes if you use a finishing move
Spec Ops: The Line was great for this. Even the way the executions work changed the further you went. it was great
Why's mystic quest bad? It's the only FF I finished, but I haven't played it since I was like 10.
>dog character appears
>dog-relevant music starts playing
I really hate when they play unfitting music for the dog reveal
>her eyes blink and follow the reticle
>the little lights on her helmet functioned as a battery indicator
What a masterful series
>game company logo appears on start up
>you can instantly skip it and go to the main menu
What are some dogcore vidya tunes?
>magic missile
>character visible ages over the course of the game