Reminder that if you don't self-insert in literally every game that you play, you are wrong

Reminder that if you don't self-insert in literally every game that you play, you are wrong.

How much do you want to bet that they just added that line to pad out the page and not have so much whitespace?

I would like to self-insert into that pokewoman

Whatever helps you sleep at night, fag.

Someone sure is homophobic. Are you afraid that if you play a game as a girl you'll enjoy it too much?

Dawn is the best trainer

Stop projecting, sissy. l'm a guy so l play as if l'm in the game.

>inserting yourself into women
>somehow gay
I don't get you retards

Best outfit to take muh dick in.

I self insert in most games. Probably why I have a problem playing games with female mc's. It feels too hard to relate, and it's not as enjoyable. That or I'm a flaming gaymofaggot

The only way to self insert as a faggot is to play a guy, so that makes sense.

You can't self insert in the Zero Escape games. You are an observer.

You cant tell me what to do you're not my real mum

I never self insert in anything. I can't stand faceless or silent protagonists because of it.

I find it more fun not self inserting, I have basic characters arch with names and such but nothing locking down as me.
You can do so much more without needing to feel personally connected to a character.
Its ok to make yourself in a videogame but when it comes to stuff like D&D its unforgivable. no one wants to play with the guy who calls his brown haired human warrior Kevin Jonstone

I just pick the one with the cuter outfits. X/Y I picked the boy because the tracksuit was cute and still made him look girly anyways.

In RPGS I always do for the first run but then if I ever replay them I make a proper character if the game gives me enough breathing room to.

>playing as a girl

>"I pick the girl because I don't like staring at a guy's ass :^))))))"

That's what I did in Destiny and ff explorers

So, you DO like staring at a guy's ass?

>hating whitespace masterrace
How problematic Sup Forums is...huh?

fucking underrated post

Depends on how good the ass is

no, but if that's you're reasoning for picking a girl, you're probably a closet fag because

>Plays men so he can stare at them
>"N-no you're a fag!"

No need to be in denial, user.

It wouldn't be a Pokémon game if it wasn't telling you what to do at every step.

>the cameraman gets so uncomfortable that he needs to pan to the right

this made me laugh very hard for some reason


I wanna _be_ her

>you can't self insert as a girl when you are a guy

>I have never played a Pokemon game

If the game let's you pick a gender/create a character, I generally play a male. I don't know if it's so much a self insert as just playing a character I think is fitting for the adventure which is usually male.

I prefer when games have set main characters though, male or female. I find it more compelling. I can still kind of put myself in the character's shoes but it's good when they have real personality.

>However, it is recommended
You cannot be "wrong" on the basis that you didn't follow recommendation. A recommendation is not a rule.

If someone recommended you try spaghetti from a restaurant and you hated spaghetti, you would not be "wrong" for ordering something else.

Me too!

I self insert into girls all the time.

But there's no reason to recommend it. Unless it actually matters in Pokemon, I don't know, but I can't imagine having your real life gender match your RPG character's would actually make any sort of important difference.

i self-insert because i look like an anime boy anyway

>Can't stop staring at a male character's ass


they did so because there are some nuances in pokemon that seem kind of strange to the opposite sex if you are playing as the wrong type. Like going out on a date you get the boy or girl in black/white based on your gender.

I'll self insert into ur mum

If you're gonna self insert as the girl, gotta go all the way

Reason number 179 why D/P are the worst games in the core series.