>game rewards you for playing with friends
>you have none
Game rewards you for playing with friends
What games do you play?
I'll play with you user...
No wonder you don't have friends if you make shit threads like this
Fuck off loser
Friends with benefits?
>game has parts that were clearly meant and created around the concept of having friends for co-op
>tfw you have no friends
What a homo
Get out niggerfaggot
Recently I've been playing as Mercy in Overwatch and Fallout 2. I also own a bunch of co-op games I've never bothered to install because I have no one to play with.
>ds game has multiplayer missions
>you can do them yourself
>some of them are impossible without friends
>none of your friends or anyone you know bought the game
>game's co-op is local only
>it doesn't do download play
i hate these fucking gaiboi erp threads
>single player game with optional co-op
>the game is balanced around co-op
Dropped like it was hot
>never have anyone to couch game with
>girl comes over to my place
>checks out my games
>"you've got a second controller, right?"
>i don't
ay i'll play OW with you
>achievement for playing online with friends
>tfw forever 99% completion
>Only have 2 friends
>One is occupied with a far away college and stopped coming back during summers due to getting a really good summer job at college
>Other friend is moving to a different state with his family in a few months.
I'm happy for them but once my other friend leaves I will be alone with no friends to physically engage with. I have nothing now. Sorry for the blog post
I'll be your friend of you show us your dick
im self conscious about it, it's like 5 shades darker than the rest of my body
>every MMO ever
>Have lots of friends
>none of them play the games I do
>not being part of a community that isn't Sup Forums
>tfw no friends to play coop or multiplayer games with
Please? if you do I'll show you mine
I didn't know you could play as Mercy in Fallout 2
i have almost lost all off my friends after i dropped out of school
>losing friends after school
Shitty excuse for not talking to them afterward. kys
>game requires experience points earned solely through a once-a-day multiplayer feature to achieve certain evolutions
>it's a singeplayer game
what is 358/2 Days
seriously, fuck that miniboss gauntlet, takes like 30 minutes to kill that dragon alone but I still did it
I lost all my friends as I stayed in school.
You can't win.
user, please...
sorry im not into dicks, if you've got a cute butt maybe.
Skid row bro
>Dead by Daylight
>don't have any
>game has a hidden co-op function
Just make friends on Sup Forums, OP. I'll be your friend :3
Ryuko is cute! CUTE!
>Have shitty internet so I can never play any co-op or multiplayer games with my friends
>I'm good at a lot of the games I could play with them, so it'd be fun as fuck and I'd be contributing to the team
>But I'm stuck with my shit internet
The worst feeling ever. Never move to the middle of nowhere.
I'm great on my own but I drop the ball every time I play with a friend.
It's really embarrassing because he's almost always on top of the leaderboard and I can go a match with only one kill.
>Playing Granblue Fantasy
>Game encourages you to play co-op and work in coordinated guilds
>No friends
>being part of a community that isn't Sup Forums
Go to the generals and you can enjoy the cancerous community for your in game benefits.
Does the fact that you're playing with friends screw up your mindset for playing or something? I've known people that tend to fuck up a lot when someone is watching them play a game, "I only died because you were watching" type of stuff, so maybe something similar happens with you when you're playing with your buddies. Just some food for thought.
I checked the generals when I started playing, and it seems they're too MLG for low-level players.
Though the waifu wars and circlejerking are already a bit too offputting.
>achievement for doing something with a dozen people
>register for a boosting session
>realize you have to interact with strangers
>you never get the achievement
>Add some asshat from Sup Forums last week
>Don't play anything 'cause his computer is shit but have pretty cordial conversations
7/10 relatively positive experience. If you all are lonely why don't you actually post contact info? Worst case scenario you end up back where you started.
>play solo
>repeat level
>play co-op
>'die, can move to teammate
>teammate can pick you up
>if he is too late, you just stop moving and revive takes longer
coop is casual mode
>phone game co-op
How does this work
>Play WoW as solo player.
>Addictive skinnerbox game which you can spend hours on on your own.
>Forced to play with others for optimal gear progression.
>People always relate high item level to skill.
Disgusting, just let me use my own skill to get optimal gear.
Sage and report.
Mercy isn't in fallout 2, no wonder you don't have friends you fucking liar
There are raids like in MMOs where players chip down a shared enemy health bar.
I think the non-raid co-op quests may work differently, but I haven't tried them.
just pvp until 710 you dingus
and get your 3 crafted pieces
but don't do any of that because it would just be wasted when legion comes out in two months anyways
I'm at 710 now with a few PvP pieces and mostly Baleful gear. But it's shit compared to a full mythic set. Maybe Legion finally give solo players the chance to be at the same item level once you get some good Titanforged stuff.
>achievement: send a gift
it wont be long before you completely lose contact with them
>like playing support
>have to team up with randoms
>have friends
>they only want to play ASSFAGGOTS and overmeme
>game cannot be 100%d without multiplayer
>nobody else plays that game
fuck you boktai
>add a handful of people from Sup Forums
>beside the memers, erpers, and people who actually play video games they delete you randomly after like 6 days
I swear you fags want no commitment
How does it feel being a faggot?