She's got a nice rack

It's another cancerous game. When there stopped being threads on /vg/ I thought it would die out but then it comes out on Steam...
Needless to say ITS SHIT.

Damn, I want to bully Saionji so much. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.



Do not mock Akane, she is a pure and perfect being

It has been a long time since I finish this because I played the moonrune version on Vita, did they still keep that dialogue where she implies that her dad/stepdad fondles her tits?


Now it's her mom's boyfriends

Anytime I'm playing or watching something Japanese the second someone is in any way obsessed with food I have to turn it off. It's the cringiest and most boring wankery for a character conceivable. Fucking insufferable.

Though I would slap her titties around for sure

>mom's boyfriends
t. brazil

It's what the game says
She was a maid without underwear too IIRC
And her mom's boyfriends would give her full body massages
And she starts going on about guys and their front tails

She kinda looks like a brown Komaeda. It's not just me, is it?

She is more like a brown Goku to me, fight and eat.

The artist dosen't have very much range.

Who is this poopyface and why does he think he can bully me?

Why are the Dangan Ronpa girls so ridiculously fappable?

Isn't she a massive slut? Or is that someone else in the series? Never played.

Tits and thighs for days, user. Tits and thighs for fucking days.

She's actually so pure that she isn't even aware of "lewd" as a concept, which sometimes leads to mildly inappropriate situations. Think the indoctrinated children from Shimoneta.

She is not a slut, she is that naive country girl that just shrugs if you see her tits, like "dude, its just my breasts, its no big deal."

She is more childlish about her tits than whoreish


Didn't she have kids from 2 different guys?


shes the WEEDMAN of DR2

That's Ibuki.

No, you're thinking about this chick: And it's only in the bad ending.

>only in the bad ending.
I think you mean joke ending.

I think you both mean, it was literally all just in Naegi's imagination, based off his paranoia from WEEDMANS prediction

I hate all the characters in this game
especially Saionji
they dont do shit when she constantly abuses Tsumiki

Is Dagananronpa 2 any better than Danganronpa 1? I like 1 a lot, I'm currently at the investigation stage of chapter 5, but I feel like it's started to drag, mostly because all the characters I actually liked are dead.

Bullied nerd, who deserved his bullying in school detected

Yes, now get out of the tread or get spoiled

Characters are better indeed in DR2. Get out before spoilers now

Yes, but it has the same problem as DR1 where everything after chapter 5 is dumb shit.

Junko is the mastermind again.

She was gonna be the original rival, so that makes sense.

So what is this game, Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Chuuni?


Ace Attorney: Battle Royale - Tits Edition

She even predicts stupid shit that turns out to be right.

That isn't Dual Destinies for sure, user.

is right there

Does she?

Shes more of the "human being that acts like an animal"

She only cares about food, implied sex and fighting. She also has crazy instincts but is dumb as fuck.

I'm referring to MUH GUT FEELING.

Every single time she was right.

I forgot. What did she gut feel?

it's good, but 2 has Nagito who is by far the most annoying character in the franchise, and the final case is too outlandish

Naegito is an amazing character. He's an awful and hatable fuckbag, but he's a well-written character.

Several things, like the fact a ninja escaped the bathhouse through the window, the fact the pillar was the weapon(technically) in the funhouse, and that the future foundation was both an enemy and a friend.

Fuck you Nagito is the best character EVER written. In all forms of fiction.
How is he hateable?


Because he's constantly fucking with you and his motives are hazy for most of the game.

I thought only the MC's were allowed ahoges in this series. Why does she have one?

>investigating DR2-5
This is the best case in the series
Absolute madman coming here

He helps the murderers several times, and misleads you all the time to cause confusion

I'll probably never get a better opportunity to use this picture.

>motives are hazy for most of the game
>spells out exactly what he wants to accomplish during Case 1's trial
Did you pay attention at all?By several times do you mean only once? Teruteru was the only one he directly helped.

Why did he get Chiaki killed for again?
She wasn't really very hostile.

It's a bit of both.
The high cases in 2 trump the high cases in 1. But the average cases are better in 1.

The overall plot is also better in 1 and its more fresh.

I feel 2 also has some of the best characters in the series, but at the cost of half the cast being pretty boring, compared to one having an all around likable and interesting cast, I guess kinda like I said the cases where in that sense.

Everything he did, he did for hope.

I bet you're a Junkofag.

Danganronpa 1 cases

Danganronpa 2 cases

Overall 2 has slightly better cases

Chiaki gave herself up

>3 in first place
>3 in first place twice
shit nigger what are you doing

I've got a sausage for her *unzips dick*

they were the best cases in both games, especially in 2

Your taste is absolutely fucked, my man.

>Danfanronpa 1 cases
>case 1 anything other the lowest possible
Nigga wat

>copout motive
>predictable killer and twist
>good characters get killed
>killer is a shitty character
Am I talking about 1-3 or 2-3? I don't really know either because they're both awful.

Eh, I only liked half the cast of 1 but nearly everyone in 2, and the few I didn't like died fairly early

Overall ranking

>DR2 1 that low
I bet you put BONE THE MEAT ON

How would you unzip a dick?

I loved case 1, maybe because I didn't expect Sayaka to die so early

>2-6 and 1-6 so high
Junkofag pls go

My memories fuzzy on the middle cases but I agree with this.

Case 1-1 pissed me off and almost made me drop the game because how the characters almost missing "LEON" written in giant blood letters I mean god dam.

the killer of 2-3 was not predictable at all

>2-3 that high

It was very predictable. Process of elimination made it obvious it was her way before the characters start suspecting her.

The LEON thing was a lot less obvious for Japanese players. Though it does beg the question of why a Japanese girl would write her killer's name in English.

>Hajime, the reason this room is so hot is so the killer could mask the time of death.
>Thanks Mikan. (She's the only one who could have known this.)
Come on now.

2-3 was like the only one I couldn't figure out until way into the trial, must be just me

Well, if she wrote Leon's name in Japanese, he would have wiped it off for sure.

Well they are Japanese
Junko is love
2-3 was tons of fun
It wasn't predictable for me
Seeing the curtain in the hospital room made me think someone was trying to frame Mikan and then the killer would slip up and get called out
It's common knowledge
Why do you think they freeze dead bodies?

I find his ideals retarded. His smug yet self deprecating self obnoxious, and every interaction with him awful.
Literally the only good thing to come out of him was his death

Fuck that logic

I knew because of the fan service, why would she get that if she wasn't going to get killed off soon lol?

Mikan is objectively the best girl in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair and there is nothing literally nothing to change my mind. She is LITERALLY perfect, her hair, her face, her expressions, and she has ZERO (0) imperfections. I want to become ill so Mikan-san may take care of me and nurse me back to health. I want Mikan to teach me how to help others and she did to me when I /had/ depression.

Back in around 2014, I had bought a PS Vita after purchasing a 3DS. I've always been a big detective fan (I really love Umineko) so I purchased Danganronpa 1, I breezed through the game and I throughly enjoyed it, I really did. Danganronpa 2 was just released, the moment I saw promotional art of Tsumiki Mikan, I just knew, I knew, that she would be the best girl. Her purple hime haircut contrasting with her petite white skin and her gorgeous purple eyes, I knew she was going to best girl. I purchased Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair for the PS Vita. I maxed out my relationship with her then chapter 3 came around the corner...

I like to believe fan canon trumps canon in all cases, Mikan wouldn't have done that she is best girl. When I read her execution, I cried, it's called "itainoitaino(other Japanese)". Itai translates to "it hurts" in Japanese, imagine Mikan, the most innocent girl and the sweetest girl I've ever met (I was bullied in school by girls) saying "it hurts", I couldn't bear it. I never got past chapter 4, I didn't want to play anymore. I'm glad she is alive and hopefully she will (always) be best girl in danganronpa 3

Fanservice was kind of her thing, though.

But there was fanservice before that chapter

Funny, because she gets a fanservice scene after she commits murder.

Mikan is gonna come back in the future part of DR3 as half-junko with blue eyes

Which was the most difficult and well thought out case?

I want to marry Chihiro.

Imagine cumming inside Akane and she is still clueless and nonchalant about it

But there was a gap and it was directly related to the case, I figure this one would be to.

Not only that, but their was events set up putting the three characters together with ibuki's guitar jam thing or whatever.

Finally, with her ass trying to get laid with hajime I had a hard time seeing him leaving, since I could see that making things in the story weird and I didn't think it would want to go in a romantic interest for the main character I was wrong on that part in the end I guess though.

Call my reasoning silly, but what the hell it worked and I guessed right.


Can you guy pls kill yourself instead copy pasting same post every thread? Next time you will get banned for spam

How are Hopeman's ideals retarded if they're 100% correct? Also, people don't mention it often but I think the scene he has with Hajime after he watched Monokuma's shitty movie showed that he really could be a human being if he tried.

Nagitofags out


2-5 is probably the best case.

The only reason it didn't work is because they trusted nagito crazy luck in the end.