Is PC the main gaming system for everyone on Sup Forums?
Is PC the main gaming system for everyone on Sup Forums?
Where is mobile phone?
Where's the Mac option?
xbox one
Next time, make sure you include an "other" option when you make one of these, k?
Got me good.
the result of this poll makes me wonder why everyone's always so ready to scream "SHOVELWARE!!!" at steam's library.
You're insulting your own platform I don't get it.
90% of all games are bad... that's just statistics
Where is a Vita and 3DS?
I don't play the other ones.
I mostly play on 3DS. PC is second.
therefore that's not even worth saying? The same percentage of games would be good on any platform. With a higher number of games being better on steam than on consoles, because there's more games.
So there are 1281 good games on sale on steam.
Seems great to me.
This sounds like strong bullshit
No handhelds?
fucking flatposters
Poorfag here. I play on PS3 mostly.
A bit biased since you're posting on Sup Forums Sup Forums on PC. Trying posting it on the PS4's Sup Forums and see the response.
Just because you're on PC doesn't mean everyone is a Steam fanboy or can't be critical towards Steam's policies.
Jesus are peoole lying or shoukd i gwt rid of my PC last thing i need is to give someone else an excuse to talk to me
PC gamers are usually extremely introverted.
Yes this is why i mainly play on PC so people dont try to be all buddy buddy with me
its the majority, hence why this place goes nuts every time something gets ported to the PC like 6 years after it was released and they claim another victory lol
>This sounds like strong bullshit
Check "All new releases" on steam, not just popular new releases and see for yourself.
>someone using a script on PC
Don't pretend that you understand how scripts work
right back atcha, kid
Well it's Sup Forums, a website on an internet where you need a web browser to access.
Just to be fair to consolefag, maybe if poll is done on console-only internet-based complaining forum (maybe called PS4chan if they have one) they might do better
We both know that you don't know shit about scripts or scripting at all so you can stop this farce
No it's consoles and always will be consoles.
>no gamecube
You are missing doom
I don't pay $60 for new games anymore I try to hunt for a cheaper price online. I do love single player focused FPS games and want to support them so I will be buying it brand new but not at $60.
Honestly cant say i blame you o pre ordered doom but thats because i have always been a pretty big fan of doom in general
OP is clearly a grandpa.
Of course, Sup Forums is full of Russians and Latin Americans, PC is literally the only viable option for them. North Americans also play on PC a lot though.
Why the fuck are you even asking this newfag? Since 2008 this has been a pc centered board. We created the master race which Yahtzee popularized. Console friends/tards are welcomed but they need to keep their aspie in check.
>it's a console war episode
It's the most accessible, so most casuals have a PC, yeah.
>no Vita
fuck you faggot
>no handhelds as an option
Your list can fuck off then. "High-end" gaming is trash this gen, handhelds are only a bit worse than their golden age last gen.
This supports Nintendogaf.
Someone get me my shitposting Monocle
I have a good PC but it never gets any games so I play my ps4 a lot more often, if I'm in PC in probably playing a 20 year old game or emulating, PC only gets indie titles now which I have no interest in unless they slash the prices of them by over 80%
Well, according to the poll results:
I honestly don't know why you would ever want to play on a PC
Almost every game is optimized to be on console, and when a console game gets ported to PC, it's such a shitshow of a game. People only build or buy prebuilt personal computers just to play World of Warcraft, League of Legends, or CS:GO. It's really sad how they call themselves the "master race," when all they play are those games every day.
I honestly don't know why you would ever want to play on a PS4
Almost every game is optimized to be on PC, and when a PC game gets ported to console, it's such a shitshow of a game. People only buy consoles just to play Call Of Duty, Madden and FIFA. It's really sad how they call themselves the "master race," when all they play are those games every day.
what we've learned here is that everything is shit and we should just talk about video games
Fuck off retard.
>playstation exclusives
>uncharted series
>last of us
>persona 5
>god of war
>pc exclusives
>who pooped in my soup
>goat simulator
>i am toast
Truly the "master race".
I play ps4 mostly you fucktard. PC still has great exclusives plus emulation.
Stop getting upset over what platform people play on and talk about games.
Sup Forums's been pretty PC-centric for awhile now.
This is nothing new, but consolefags (Sonyfags) still haven't figured it out.
> emulation
My PCs break less often compared to my consoles, so yeah.
It's just better-built hardware.