JoJo Eyes of Heaven releases in a FEW HOURS

>JoJo Eyes of Heaven releases in a FEW HOURS
>Not ONE JoJo thread
C'mon Sup Forums, get hyped with me what are:

>favorite stands
>most anticipated part in the series to play
>best jojo

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The best part of Eyes of Heaven is that even if the game is shit it let's us talk about JoJo on Sup Forums for a few days

The game is shit. Just watch Diamond is Unbreakable, or read the manga again.

But EoH is even worse than All Star Battle

there's no jojo thread until now b/c eyes of heaven is shit in many regards

>playing shitty jojo games instead of just reading or watching the source material

pick one and only one.

I wish there had just been a more polished sequel to ASB

>gyro trying to stop him but he's too late

>bronies of anime

Kill yourself

Is that shit really going to cost 60bucks?

Why can't I do both?

and if you want to play a jojo game, just emulate the arcade game FOR FREE

I love this meme

Is it coming out on PC or something?

Me too, but you have to realize ASB didn't really invent anything good. All the good parts were copied from the Capcom game and anything they tried to do differently was worse

>there will never be a jojo game as good as hftf ever again
who invented this shitty arena fighter subgenre

I'm sure CC2 did.
The Naruto games are way better than this though. Even One Piece Burning Blood is better than this game. Such a shame.

this faggot can't be serious

Who else caught up with Jojolion now? All these revelations and we're only at around 12 volumes of manga. SBR has around 24 volumes total. Not sure how much more story Araki can squeeze into arc 8

The thing is i don't think they wanted to go so much for a polished fighting game as much as they wanted to just make a game for JoJo fans. Anyone whos not a JoJo fan would be like oh this isn't fun but if you're an avid fan of the series you still enjoy paring up your favorite characters and having them beat the shit out of each other with their stands. Its a shame both couldn't be combined efficiently though.

Why not? Jojo and Berserk fags always insist everything is a reference to either or.

I actually liked how Hamon characters got EX moves to compensate for their lack of stands, and the stand rush mechanic was interesting even if it was broken as fuck.

there'd be more benefit to actually making a jojo game thats actually good though. it'd please fans of jojo because it's jojo and anyone who's not into it would still like it because it's a good game on its own.

to be honest i feel this engine would be way better for a pseudo beat em up, kinda like the campaign for Anarchy Reigns, hell also use the lock on and combo mechanic from that game too, way better arena fighter than anything by CC2

you can also play it online on fightcade

We're not that bad.

>removed from PSN
God, I hope my PSN account never explodes

I'd love to see games based on individual arcs, like that Vento Aureo game for PS2

All they had to do was reskin Clash of Ninja with Jojo characters. Why didn't they do that?

They're two of the oldest running series, it's really not surprising that a lot of shit references it

>jonathan doesn't get to defeat DIO at the end
>more jotaro wanking
It's a shit game don't buy it

Can we stop pretending Eyes of Heaven isn't garbage?

>tfw they could've just made ASB faster-paced and 60FPS with more characters and rebalancing
>they opt to just make a J-Stars clone that's worse than vanilla ASB

I just finished Phanton Blood and have book 1 of battle tendency. Phanton blood was okay, the art style I have grown to like but the story and diolague are very antiquated. Read the first few chapters of Battle tendency but so far I'm not seeing where the hype comes from. When does it get good for most people?

I would but I'm retarded and don't know where/how to, nigga

Part 3 has some cool moments, then part 4 is great, from there on it's pretty smooth. for anime or for manga

Battle Tendency gets pretty entertaining a couple chapters in.

I know nothing about torrenting

once the pillar men action starts, it's a blast

>story is just a copy-paste of stardust crusaders
it's a fucking crossover man it should done even crazier shit than what we're used to in jojo

I feel retarded because I can't figure out how to actually start reading the manga on

I see, I'm reading berserk atm and it's my favorite thing ever now. I'll keep jojo near when I'm waiting for more volumes to ship. I hope part 2 can grip me so I can make it to 3 and 4.

The introduction and re-introduction of Stroheim make up some of the series high points and the overall tone and pacing of it works surprisingly well overall. Joseph is one of the better JoJos.

Shame about Caesar, though. He should've been the one to fight ACDC, at least.

Berserk is great, glad you're enjoying that at least, hope Jojo picks up for you.

I haven't met the pillar men yet, right now I'm reading joseph fighting straizo.

you need to make an account, it's free

>download two different Diamond Is Unbreakable subs
>Shining Diamond
>Tonio Trendy
What the fuck? I haven't followed anime in a while, but does everyone just rip their shit from Crunchyroll or what?

The Battle Tendies anime had a great OST, too.


You read it online on

Kinda worried about berserk though, I'm 10 volumes in and it's incredible. But from people who are caught up now keep bitching about some boat filler.


That's it? Well I guess I'll go make one.

Crunchy could get copyright striked if they used the real names of musicians and song names. So they use changed ones in the subs.

It's not THAT bad, it's just a small kind of meh section, the problem is it released over the course of several years because the author hasn't been feeling it, that finally ended last year and now we're supposedly going to get monthly releases.


Yeah, but are all the rips just using Crunchyroll's subs, or what? Is the animu subbing scene dead? I honestly haven't watched a lot of anime over the last 5 years

>tfw "Oh! That's a Baseball!!" will never be a real game

Can people with the Japanese version play with NA of so I might have a reason to play again

Crunchy has a monopoly on most anime subs right now. There's another group called SomeStuffs that takes the Crunchy JoJo episodes and reverts the name changes at least.

I actually just reached the boat section today. It isn't nearly as bad as people say it is. Probably because I wasn't around while it was being released

The stuff that happens with the other characters on the mainland more than makes up for the boat

SomeStuffs is usually several days late, which sucks a bit, but they actually have their own translator and dub it in a way that feels a lot more accurate, in addition to not doing any of the stupid name censoring.

Okay. Not going to stop reading though. I'm on the berserk train till it ends. maybe its cuz I'm reading that is the reason i'm not feeling jojo's/

The most important question to ask here is.

Who is best Jojo?

>boat filler
It's not really filler, it's more the fact that it took a while for the arc to end, and also the fact that while the party is out at sea the world is breaking apart from reality.

I'm using kissanime but I'm a pleb so I have no idea how shitty it is.

Josuke, Johnny and Gappy.

Josuke. He's so fucking handsome.

I wasn't trying to get you to stop reading. The rape train has no breaks

I only started a month ago, but Berserk has quickly become one of my favorite mangas of all time.

The name changes are hilarious.



>worse company
>pole jam

>gyro dancing in the corner
every time

>Jonathan doesn't destroy Dio
>Not called Holy Diver instead of TWOH


>Jotaro solves everything again

the game fucking sucks and doesn't even deserve threads

but i want to play as my favorite jojo and supporting character,though. Im sick of Stardust

>Rohan next friday

You should just watch the anime for part 2. It's a really great adaptation and has tons of style and good music

When you watch it with a friend who has never read JoJo before, it's annoying.

I wish I could play as Keicho Nijimura. I always thought his stand was really cool.

>"I don't care about all the names, user! Just let me watch the show"

Can't wait.

>Is the animu subbing scene dead?

There's no point in subbing groups when companies like Crunchyroll and Funimation have simulcast sub rights for most of the anime coming out and can release subs before any other sub groups.

>you live in a world in which Steel Ball Run may one day be animated

I hope Rikiya Koyama reprises his role as Kira since we're bound to see him next-next Friday.

see you in 20 years

This picture is perfect.

>Im happy that you want to give my series a try
>I hate that you dont care about the name changes

I wish this game didn't suck shit. They should make a game that plays well before worrying about adding in more fanservice.

Wait, what is this game ?
Does the JoJo fighting game has an adventure mode ?

Try seven or eight if the current pace holds.

use moetube senpai

it is a 2v2 arena fighter

there is a story mode, but it's pretty cringey and is just a bunch of separate battles like you'd expect

>tfw Crunchyroll isnt leaving in duwang translations as a joke.

I dont know why I expected to see this line come up.

>tfw maining King Crimson
>mfw my opponents don't know what the FUCK is going on