Brb, vaping

>brb, vaping

Other urls found in this thread:

>Brb, wife aggro.


>Getting your dick stuck in a zipper

Do people actually do this? Not only do I have underwear on so my dick always has something between it and a zipper, but man my dick isn't some tiny pecker and even if I zipped up with my dick out, the zipper would meet my dick near my balls.


>brb food

why even start a raid without an ample supply of snacks?

Maybe it's just me, but I can't stand snack food. I can eat it forever and never get full. Infact, I'll start to feel sick long before I start feeling full.

I stopped eating shitty food like that a long time ago and never looked back.

that shit happened to me once

i zip up my pants really fast while not looking and caught a huge chunk of my dick. fucking hurt for hours, but i went to sleep to try to sleep off the pain.

but when i woke up, the area where the zipper hit, emerged a big, red and white swollen pimple the size of my pinky finger's nail.

when i popped that shit it was like a scene from the movie The Thing. nothing but endless gushing of white gunk and blood. the mark didn't go away for like 2 weeks and the pimple kept reemerging.

tl;dr don't get you dick caught in the zipper or else you get pimple dick

>shit, I'm getting kinda hungry, maybe I should grab something to eat before w-
>alright, we're all ready to go, you ready user?

It never happened to me.

>i gtg in 5 minutes lets finish quick

Since when did they start using anime-looking characters?

>send more pinchy things to the affected region

I'm way too aware of my dick to let anything like that happen it's like instinct. What did your dick ever do to you man?

Works on my machine ;)

Maybe you shouldn't pirate your pants

Since ages ago. A huge portion of the pictures are literally just traced, often from an anime source.

>brb heard gunshots

>how to discipline an autistic child
>how to defend yourself from a school shooter
>how to notice signs of trauma in autistic people
wikihow has some of the wackiest shit, i swear

>Tfw I unironically ,if allowed pause the game ,then type "hold on/brb Dodgers" the turn on the TV or alt tab and put the Dodgers game on background
Who /fuckyou/ here?


>i'm drunk as fuck lmao

>who /r9k/ here?

ftfy frogfucker

/r9k/ does not pay attention to anything other than women and chads these days