I want to be a video game developer, i know >implying, but i want to ask you about something

I want to be a video game developer, i know >implying, but i want to ask you about something.

I will list few things that can be associated with game, and i want you, yes you, to tell me how do you feel about it being in game. Do you don't want anything like that, you don't care, you like something like that. Any sort of suggestion would be appreciated.

>side view
>top down
>procedurally generated
>post apocalyptic
>story focused
>pixel art
>multiplayer only
>singleplayer only

please respond

>top down
>procedurally generated
>pixel art

Just give me something where I can explore big, interesting world.
Something like Dwarf fort adventure mode, but playable.

what about crafting/managing your village, settlement anything?

Eh, never really fan of those.
Besides, there are plenty of management games.

so you want only to explore, maybe fight a boss or two?


Fucking dropped, you could at least start the list with something that doesn't suck next time

i didn't say i want to incorporate all those things in my video game. I asked about how you feel about them being in game.

Only exploration and fighting. Party managment would be nice too.

Shit like crafting or base building is overused, and it's mostly done badly.

Why do you keep asking tho? You don't have any ideas? You should make game you like, otherwise it will be chore.

>Why do you keep asking tho?
think about this as a survey.

You're doing it wrong man.
You need to create real poll or google survey, and spam it on multiple sites.
Nobody here will spoonfeed you with game ideas.

Why do you hate zombies?

It's more about gauging what people would want/feel about some game element.

I want to force written replies, because it's harder then strawpoll - i can assume people want to answer instead of just fill whatever.

>side view
that's fine
that's fun
that's fine, but 3D is better
>top down
that's fine
that's fine
>procedurally generated
that's fine, but make it interesting
>post apocalyptic
not something I like
>story focused
that's fine
>pixel art
that's fine
that's fine
>multiplayer only
only if you're an AAA developer who can sustain multiplayer only. Otherwise you best add a single player and/or AI bots
>singleplayer only
that's fine

you have very simple mind

yes/no for simplicity

>side view
>top down
>procedurally generated
>post apocalyptic
>story focused
>pixel art
>multiplayer only
>singleplayer only

elaborate on crafting

None of those things stand out.
Sounds like another me-too game in the sea.


No sempai, you start moding an existing 3D game, and start from there, learning about render, cubemaps, mipmaps and shit, then the scritps, and then you get your hand in the engine.

2d??? use the same shit as tumblrtale.

>side view
depends, if you first game, probably not so much
>top down
great if it's worthwhile
>procedurally generated
when well done, it's great. It's never well done
>post apocalyptic
>story focused
are you a good writer?
>pixel art
>multiplayer only
You're an indie, don't bother
>singleplayer only

I don't think that 3D is good choice for beginner and single-dev.
There's nothing wrong with 2D

I will score to 10
>side view
>top down
>procedurally generated
>post apocalyptic
>story focused
>pixel art
>multiplayer only
>singleplayer only
Both of those really depends on the game

I did it, and its the best you can do, more if you are alone.

If not, you will end up like that pool of 2d hispter retro bullshit platformers wich flood steam with crap games.

To have a "decent" game, you need physics, 2d or 3d, you will have to deal with physics anyway, so why you dont stop being a hipster, and realize its not the 80´s and if you want to make money, you need to beat candy crush, wich can be done in exel...

I know its easier, but look how many ended up in there, and got stuck in there, because 2d, unles you are some kind of wizzard and know the exact game for the exact time, it will be a personal project and it will die like that.

Yea yes... you better do that, go 2d... like ITS NOT A PHASE MOM... I SWEAR.
People are doing VR development and you stick with 2d? i just dont get it.

Enjoy being a hipster failure nu-male cuck user...

I disagree with you in all points, user.

You're awfully hostile, and using a lot of buzzwords.
Did a 2D pixel game indie dev hurt you feelings on Twitter?

Anyway, 3D is easy to make look like shit if you're not used to working with it. 2D is too, but its also easier to fix since you're just drawing pixels, compared to 3D where you have to draw the textures AND put together the model.

The question if simple.
What do you want to do with "this"
Earn money?
Learn something?
Fill empty time?
That answer will decide everything.

fuck off with your focus group testing bullshit and



This is true. If you are doing this to learn, then it should be 3D so you can learn how to make good 3D games.

just for zombies sake no
>side view
as a mechanic not filler
only if you do somethign interesting with it
>top down
only if it tactically important
only works with crafted worlds
>procedurally generated
generated trash. what you want is script systems
>post apocalyptic
only as a setting never as a genre
>story focused
go write a book
>pixel art
have actual pixel skills
only if world design is a top priority
>multiplayer only
>singleplayer only
single to learn the game multi to git gud

People don't want this, I spent 6 months working on a game like that and the responses on Sup Forums was dead more or less.

blow me steamchat

6 whole months of shit

Fine in a game with a decent budget and great team, providing it's either survival focused treating them as a legitimate threat or an action game where they're fodder for your weapon variety.
>>side view
Really poor in a lot of games, feels incredibly dated almost always.
Boring. On-the-fly crafting can work very well, but generally it's used for weapon/armour/base progression and that's been done too much , and not very well.
Fine. A nice art style is important for any dimension.
>>top down
See above.
For something more than equipment that will be useless in a few more minutes, while also be worth acquiring, sure.
>>procedurally generated
Instant nope.
>>post apocalyptic
Depends on the outcome. Barren wasteland? If the fall was recent, maybe. Otherwise, I'd prefer overgrowth.
>>story focused
Fine if the gameplay is interactive enough to feel like more than just clicking.
>>pixel art
Instant nope. Very few pixel art games look good, and when they do it's often unoriginal. Good designs will look better in a different style.
>>multiplayer only
Needs enough variety without being unbalanced.
>>singleplayer only
Needs enough content without feeling like a grind.

there is your problem.
You need to learn the basic aspects of a game wich later can be molded or refined to suit any needs, like quake engine, that shit ended up in like 75% of videogames because of how easy was to work with.

>as a mechanic not filler

Depends on how you see it, I learned something from it.

I made everything as modular as possible so anything could be hocked up into anything and work with it. I planned from the very start to make it as mod friendly as possible as I knew that's where the longevity would come from. My goal was to make it as friendly as the Warcraft 3 editor, new unit? Just click this button and change a few stats and you're done.

what you craft changes your approach to interact with the game. players craft things thing give then abilities or set of abilities.
so a player can choose ie
>double jump / wall jump / low grav jump
>hi grav jump / stomp / dig
>crawl / roll / slide
>climb / rope / rocket boost
may ways to do the same thing. some more successful at various similar situations vs another. let the player craft a play style. not let a player craft things for the sake of crafting things. crafting a +1 more stat has never put a smile on anyone's face

I think a two player post-apcalyptic zombie game with a little bit of crafting would be cool