Why do people still believe in kickstarter projects lies?

Why do people still believe in kickstarter projects lies?

Sauce op?

Sauce op?

Who /ss/ here?

Better source this shit OP.
But I think I seen this before on Sup Forums.
Because Kickstarter is easy mode money; How to scam: the site.

its a manga called Okusan.
Its about Tits McLoyalwife here and what she does while Darling is at work.
Use fucking google you shitters.

>not knowing Okusan



She is breastfeeding, so its all good.

What is this? Looks too unique to be hentai, yet looks like hentai. Is this ero-manga?

When will Sup Forums get some mods?

are you fucking retarded? someone just said what it was 4 post above yours

Is this from the manga or a doujin

that chapter was adorable

probably hentai artist trying to break into ecchi mangas. it's weird how that pays better then the usual hentai

Google what? The dialogue?

Where can I find a MILF gf?

grocery store

have you seen yooka-leelee?

>implying you actually care and didn't just want a milf thread

Nothing wrong with that

>too unique to be hentai
there are plenty of hidden hentai gems that looks really great

So did the studio receive endless death threats? How does a planned sequel that was supposedly complete and ready to ship, just get removed?


>that ending
keking my ass off over here

It's about time you get a job and stop shit posting Ruggarell, I mean it's >2016

Dumb Hillshill


>You will never see actual penetration

Fuck my life, famalam


Better question,who not /ss/ here?

Sauce is Okusan. Check the same autor for more thick and fertility,

the image you moron



Sauce? I can't find it myself

As a guy that's about to break into the table top miniatures market, I have done a bit of research on Kickstarter and I'm sure that the same principles apply to video games and anything else that is meant to be commercialized.

Bottom line, Kickstarter is absolutely shit.

In order to be successful, you have to offer the product at a decent discount. Most people won't back a simple Kickstarter without stretch goals.

If you are shipping a physical product, the shipping price must be greatly reduced or absolutely free.

Projects that are EU friendly are more likely to succeed, but in order to do that you either have to eat the VAT, giving Europeans a 28% discount out of your pocket or have it subsidized by backers living elsewhere.

If you sell a lot of units, the best way to deliver is via a fulfillment service, which can get pricey.

The customer has ridiculous expectations on top of all of this.

There's been a visible race to the bottom on Kickstarter and it has become obvious to me that the only guys that can now afford to use the site are businesses that have been established before the advent of the system that are using it as a pre-order scam.

Everything here contributes to draining the he'll out of the necessary operating budgets of Kickstarter campaigns to an absolutely razor thin margin. If anything changes, the price per unit for factory production, for example, and you can no longer fill your obligations.

Sometimes, the Kickstarter owner underestimated the amount of money that they would actually need to fulfill the obligations.

If they can afford to fill orders after everything is said and done, there's very little left for themselves, if anything. Some people actually end up in debt as a result of Kickstarter campaigns and it can feed a vicious cycle of having to start new campaigns on a regular basis just to pay debts.

I know a number of people from all of those categories that have met varying degrees of "success" and it's bad.


>As a guy that's about to break into the table top miniatures market

So, your plan is to become an absolute failure?

>Start a kickstarter for figures
>Offer very cheap prices on them, shipping included, with plenty of stretch goals
>Get funded easily
>Just take the money and never give a thing in return
It's not illegal, since kikestarter is classified as "donations"

what the fuck are you doing here this is an Ara~ Ara~ thread.
Your post is well put together but stop double spacing like you're straight out of reddit and find a thread that cares

>As a guy that's about to break into the table top miniatures market,

Hello, I am Tom Kirby and I say you are a faget.

Fuck I know I saved that one, wait a sec let me find it.
/ss/ here

>Looks too unique to be hentai
More people probably know her from the NTR doujin than the actual manga.

nevermind, didn't saved it because too big

I have decided to fund my own project out of pocket. I'm fortunately comfortably employed and capable of doing this. Many aren't and they are not willing to give up the dream. Power to them, but thanks to Kickstarter they now don't bother looking into other ways of getting the project to the market.

There's also a lot of people that just aren't very smart.

There's a lot of cents too.

I often find Kickstarters for miniatures on Kickstarter where the company is showing off fully sculpted miniatures, sometimes they're already cast in pewter or resin.

What does that mean? The product is already finished and doesn't require any additional funding. These people are sharks trying to get in on fat stacks of Kickstarter bux.

They hurt the guys that legitimately need Kickstarter money so that they can hire the talent to get to the stage that the sharks are already at...

The sharks create a situation where you can't easily fund a successful Kickstarter project unless you are more or less ready to take it to the market anyway.

This fundamentally destroys the very essence of Kickstarter.

In order to get to the same position as the sharks, people are taking out loans from the bank, which is what people did before Kickstarter... Eliminating the point. This is how people end up still being in debt after a successful Kickstarter.

>This is how people end up still being in debt after a successful Kickstarter

Good. Fuck 'em.

>tfw making a simple porn game about a girl with debt who does jobs that all have lewd options
>was gonna put it up for free and see if people would back me on Patreon for stuff liek Q&A, early access versions etc,.

None of this applies to me because mine's software, r-right?

t. MN9cuck.
There's nothing wrong with Kickstarter as long as you're backing trustworthy people who know what they are doing.

Because I have never regretted backing a project.
what you should be asking is
>why are people so bad at discerning a promising product from a shitty one?

I prefer older men over little boys.


Okusan you mongoloids.

The plan is to have nice minis and sell the left overs.


>None of this applies to me because mine's software, r-right?
I'd still recommend doing a Kickstarter and running

>Because I have never regretted backing a project.
>what you should be asking is
>>why are people so bad at discerning a promising product from a shitty one?
This. I've never regretted a project, vidya or not.

I bet you don't even /gfd/

It'll still be a failure.


35-36. That's the age of perfection. No less, no more.

reference material?

I don't know, bro.

>not 37

That's Motchie I'm pretty sure.
Very distinct art style.

what's /gfd/?

I have been coming here since the Habbo raid and I have only been to Reddit once and haven't gone back because the layout is shit.

I also heard it's full of faggots.

Totally. I'm not quitting my day job, but the figures are dank.

>the layout is shit.

Absolutely. I tried going there for the porn but I can't decipher how it even works.

Holy shit she knows.
>tfw no qt Kyouko gf

Wake me up

Thats Motchie allright. the scat was in the next panel

Congratulations on your life in which you plan to fail and always succeed.

exhentai gave me nothing mate.