B-but the game is shit!

>B-but the game is shit!
>B-but people just play it because marketing and hype!
Neo/v/s actually use this as an argument when these games exist and prove them otherwise:

So, are you mature enough to just suck it up and admit you were wrong about something? Yet again.

Overwatch overtook League of Legends in Korea and it's here to stay.
The game definitely is really fucking fun and keeps players hooked

Sup Forums is never right

Sup Forums actually thought that the PS4 wouldn't exist and that Wii U would sell 100 million units

This place is such a fucking shithole

Sony was also supposed don't exist last year already due to bankruptcy.

>I-I enjoy it so everyone else does too!
>My opinion is the only one that exists and/or matters!
fuck off.

It's well documented on what neo-Sup Forums's thoughts are on Overwatch. But what are nu-Sup Forums's thoughs on it?

this. overwatch has the potential to be great but there is no Team Builder so you end up with retards. no scoreboard so you don't know who to avoid. menus are shit. and servers lag like fuck sometimes.

sage shill thread.

but all those games are shit and died off quickly
what's your point, i genuinely don't see it

>Sup Forums actually thought that the PS4 wouldn't exist and that Wii U would sell 100 million units
I'm still laughing about that to be honest. I enjoy my Wii U but I accepted long ago that it was dead. Nintendo did the same.

All games you listed AND overwatch are garbage. DOTA, CS:GO, COD, FIFA, Undertale and LoL aswell.

Why would a community of circle-jerking contrarians be right about anything?

he's retarded.

The game is fine but has a fuck ton of problems

>bad balance
>no content
>high price for virtually no reason
>le micro-transactions
>20 tickrate
>some faggoty design choices

Hopefully they iron out most of these problems over time

>I-I hate it so everyone else does too!
>My opinion is the only one that exists and/or matters!

Simple numbers and facts prove you wrong once again, you silly contrarian. Thanks for failing the test and admitting you're just a child throwing a shitfit over a new toy everyone likes but you can't play, though.

You forgot to add battlefront

>no Team Builder
>implying that EVER works
fucking laffing mate. invite-only lobbies.

People don't play Evolve.

all of those games are shit and no one talks about them anymore

That is the point, you moron.

>nuV can't even read

Well thats your opinion. Not the millions playing these games

Overwatch is the Mario Party knockoff of FPSs.

It's a good game when it comes to ease of play and it's mechanically sound. That said, it's also catered to as much people as possible (turning it fairly casual) and the gameplay is shallow.
Those aren't necessarily bad things, but it's not what I'm looking into a team based shooter all the same.

And you've got to admit, the marketing and hype for this game was a tad extreme.

>can't see team stats at the end of matches
>just get fucking gold and silver medals that mean fuck all

What fucking moron came up with this shit?

the game is fucking simple and takes no skill at all yet the players think they're fucking fps gods

the game is only good for the rule 34 porn

Never even said I hated it you fucking mong, I just think it's overrated and I'm sick of seeing these blatant bait threads shitting up the catalog.

Mario Party was very enjoyable back in the day tbqhfam

>bad balance
Thats actually wrong though

>implying i have friends
top fuking kek

>Overwatch finally kills MOBAs by merging MOBA like style into an FPS

Not sure how to feel about this on one side MOBAs will finally die and the other is that Casual shit like this thrives and "lootboxes"

>4 kills as Lucio
>Gold Medal

>balance is fine, two heroes got fixed just last week
>subjective criticism
>40$ isnt a lot unless youre dirt poor or retarded
>not required
>tickrate is a nonissue
>personal opinion

So whats the point of getting 5 or 10 commendations?
I thought you'd get a loot box, but it doesn't so whats the point

And nintendo was supposed to not exist this year due to bankruptcy.

So you faggots can't get autistic about who was better than who

>high price for virtually no reason

What do you even mean by this? If they can sell it for 40/60 euro and people buy it, of course they're going to sell it at that price.

i'll be honest: i was avoiding playing overwatch mostly because i didn't want to be just another person who played overwatch

a few days ago my friends convinced me to buy it, and it's difficult to explain the combination of disappointment, resignation, and defeat when i realized it's fun and good

it's very "safe" fun, though. the cost of never really getting the i-can't-do-anything lows from most mp shooters is that i never get the incredible highs i'm used to from my favorites -- even getting potg is more like "oh cool" than truly exciting

>except kills are eliminations which just mean you shot an enemy once before they died
>also your entire team could have the same amount of eliminations and everyone would think they did the best

This shit is absolutely fucked

If they don't have REAL post-game stats when ranked comes out I might drop the game

They need more stats if they in ranked play at least

It makes your e-penis bigger

>Destiny is dead
>Titanfall is dead
>TOR was doa
>ESO is dead
>Division was dead
>Evolve is dead

Overwatch is decent and it will probably stay that way but that doesnt make it any less retarded

You are the big neofag OP, i don't have anything against your baby Moba but jesus fuck your shill, sage to your shit

seriously though, why doesn't team builder work? it would work great in LoL if normie-mode didn't already exist.

in fact, i prefer to wait 10 minutes for a team builder game where i don't have a shit team comp than to get in a game that has to last at least 20 minutes before we can even surrender because we're getting stomped out so bad.

i really think you faggots just say shit just to sound like you know wtf you're talking about.

>high price

Overwatch is pretty much nothing like "MOBA" games though, unless you want to take the term literally in which case pretty much every single MP FPS is a MOBA.

>Mfw I go to a dead game thread and people post and agree on Overwatch
I don't know if people are actually joking or if they are just that delusional. I don't even play Overwatch

id say the whole list was DoA except for titanfall

>There are people who actually unironically want fun games to suck for no reason then they autistic
What the literal fuck

Millions of casuals whose opinions don't matter

I haven't played it and I'm not interested in playing it. If it breaks every record as the best game ever, great. I still think it sucks and I don't want to play it.

These games are all shit, and by shit I mean mediocre or heavily flawed, but TOR, ESO and Destiny are certainly not dead.

>Evolve is dead
Suck it Sairais

i got bored of it after a week
i didn't get bored of League after 3 years
they're both casual shit like me
what went wrong?

I have the same issue I returned it at first to make a better judgement but I might just buy it again and stick with it since I didnt really "Hate it" besides retarded balancing issues which are getting fixed

this. blizzard is intentionally doing it so "no bullies" but i really just want it so i avoid shitters and stop getting teamed up with newbs since ranking/matchmaking is apparently harder to program than splitting an atom.

sjw's ruining everything once again.


>retarded balancing issues
like what? You don't have to like the game, but it well balanced. Unless your on console

No competetive

>B-but people just play it because marketing and hype!
>these games exist and prove them otherwise

>Mercy still mandatory and with a broken ultimate that charges in 1 second
>D.Va still useless and poorly designed so she doesn't have a real role
>Very few gametypes and maps = lacking content especially when your entire game is fucking multiplayer. There is no arguing about this
>Like previously it's not about whether I can afford the game or not it's about the fact it's lacking a large amount of content for practically a full price game. The game could have been 500$ and I could afford it easily but it doesn't mean it's justified you fucking mongoloid
>having a low tickrate is objectively a bad idea

Kill yourself my man

>I know it's a good game, but I'm going to continue to be an edgy contrarian and shitpost about it on Sup Forums

There's already enough KDR sniperfagging without visible stats. If you display KDR, retarded teens will think you're supposed to farm kills and avoid deaths rather than push the objective.

zarya X zenyatta when?

There is more content in this $40 than most SP games. Seriously, most SP games will give you 12 hours, this can give you atleast 100
Mercy isn't broken, and D.Va is actually pretty good


I'm kind of confused with your list of games, OP. ESO and Destiny are still relatively thriving. I have no idea about TOR so I can't say anything there. The rest of those games were shit and didn't last.

the only one i want to think about having sex (or having sex with ;]) is widowmaker

get that fucking shit out of here

But league of legends is the biggest pile of shit in our century.

Popularity doesn't equal quality. Especially nowdays when the industry is kind of forced to make games for literal retards because that is the most profitable.

It's similar in a few ways. You have static classes with abilities on cooldowns.

Except those stats are an important part of improving at the game

If some faggot is playing Widowmaker or Genji (classes that aren't supposed to sit on the objective) and I see they aren't doing jackshit damage or getting any kills then it's important that they switch characters or change play styles

Stats are necessary for ranked play. Period

overwatch needs to get off Sup Forums

throughout thread I've shilled Team Builder. it would fix sniperfagging as well.

It's way too new to be dead, if Blizzard do literally nothing and bring no new content at all it will still last at least a year

battleborn on the other hand...

>Mercy isn't broken, and D.Va is actually pretty good

What's it like living up your own ass?

You can cut down the flowers, but Spring will still come.

>Mercy still mandatory and with a broken ultimate that charges in 1 second
Except Lucio owns KOTH.
>D.Va still useless and poorly designed so she doesn't have a real role
Thanks for confirming you don't know how to play a character you bitch about. D.VA is tanky harasser and tank killer. She needs a slight buff, but even know she's great if you know what you're doing. Shield is an ult denier.
>Very few gametypes and maps = lacking content especially when your entire game is fucking multiplayer. There is no arguing about this
True, but 21 character and 12 maps is decent number for $40 title on launch.
>Like previously it's not about whether I can afford the game or not it's about the fact it's lacking a large amount of content for practically a full price game.
Except it doesn't. Try to remember all modern AAA titles, you get less for $60+season pass. And spare me F2P crying, F2P is pure cancer.
>having a low tickrate is objectively a bad idea
Because 60 tick doesn't work for 20% of players for some reason. They know about it and try to figure out the issue. 60 is still accessible for custom games.

I have no issue with lootboxes, because it keeps obsessive autismos playing, and I have enough self control to not buy shit that has nothing to do with gameplay. I can't imagine anyone over the age of 20 asking for a progression system.

I kind of like Destiny. The lore drags that shit through the muck.
Except for the whole darkness thing, that shit is fucking retarded.

mercy is mandatory because there are only 2 other healers, one of which sucks. her ultimate is on par with le aimbot and wallhacks lady, its part of the game

Dva is fine and her role is distinct as a midrange bralwer, most shitters just dont know how to play her

each map is well designed, I have yet to get bored of any of the map rotations

>$40 for an AAA title from a tier 1 dev
>full price

And no, the tickrate is not an issue when the majority of hero's have weapons/abilities that do splash damage, exceptions being mcree/soldier/widow/hanzo etc, while all of the heroes have large hitboxes anyways so landing shots is not difficult.

it's like you haven't even played the game t b h senpai

>But league of legends is the biggest pile of shit in our century.
league is actually good in Team Builder. the entire problem with it is you get horrible team comps.

>not comprised of the people who love Overwatch
Way to go guy


You tell me. You seem to be one of those people who take "meta" charts made by nobodies for absolute truth.

TOR is deader than dead, my man.

You don't understand my point.
No one could take down League

It was up to Blizzard to make a more addictive team game and they completely shat over League in every aspect

Reminder: Sup Forums said overwatch would flop but it's the number 1 game in east Asia

Zenyatta isn't a healer, he's a glass cannon with the ability to heal teammates.

I'm not retarded enough to buy any but if thats the only way to get my loot i'd like a fair-er way to get it.

I wil have had my moneys worth by them anyway.

Does overwatch cater to both hardcore and casual players?

You're assuming the people you're playing with are rational actors and not underaged BRs.

Agreed, I was grouping him with mercy and lucio because thats how blizzard categorizes them, not to mention he is only one of 4 heroes who actually have the ability to heal others directly

agreed, it beat LoL,something dota 2 couldnt do! i jutst played ln, have exams, its perfect forbquick fun. i needed a break but didnt have the time to commit its the ultimate casual game

Mercy isn't that bad. Sure you get punished hard if she's allowed to ult, but she's insanely easy to kill.

D.Va fucking blows though

just casual

It's clear Overwatch would succeed

It was designed to be the most casual FPS ever. You can just lock in Genji every game and the game showers you in medals post game. Your team can't even bully you because they can't see you stats either because that would lead to #cyberbullying.

I'm actually surprised the game does have built in applause every time you press Q

Sup neofag. Everything new is le sucks amirite? xD TORTANIC WAS LE Sup Forums JOB XDDD

literally just casual. no ranked play and no time between games to make friends/parties.

it just throws you into a game instantly. immediately after that game you get thrown into another game. you might play with the same group 2-3 games then you're thrown into completely new game/group.

>"you want a game *I* like to get off this board because it's on virtually every page almost all the time?"

Mercy isn't absurdly broken but her ult needs to charge slower for sure or other changes

Having an instant un-uninterruptible team rez that charges as fast as it does it just too strong

W H E N ?


Who cares?

Now shut the fuck up and post more Mercy.